Oy vey, 30% Americans don't believe our greatest ally!
Oy vey, 30% Americans don't believe our greatest ally!
Don't like 80% of you guys believe in angels or some shit?
I dont think anybody gives a shit what the average american thinks
True, but on the flip side of that coin, we don't think about the rest of the world at all. Except the places with oil.
imagine my shock
How curious
Does the down-pointing red arrow indicate a fall in value of the jew, stopping at 98.288 shekels per jew?
Or is the population down 98,288 jews? (Germans use "." instead of ",")
why is this the case uncle sam
No shit, because it was 600 billion that were killed by the nazis!
Sounds about right. Americans seem to pride themselves on being uninformed. I bet 30% of them couldn't find the US on a map.
(((good goy)))
Maybe if they built Holocaust churches in every city and made the goyim attend to get their driver's license we could end this ignorance
It was 12 million.
>one third
Is this the power of Common Core.
One in four Americans think the world is 6,000 years old. You can literally find 30% of people believing in magical unicorns raping their anuses every night if you wanted.
LOL Gavin is so fucking mad, what a cuck.
Hell we're slowly not caring about the oil places too after shale came through.
it should be 100%
That's probably the 30% non whites in the country. Not surprisingly white guilt tactics don't work on non whites.
Yeah pretty much, plus North Dakota oil discoveries, etc.
And here I was thinking Jow Forums was influential
Only 30 percent tho? The holocaust is a fucking meme in Finland, only the baby boomers take it legitimately seriously.
Nice numbers lads we are only at 1 in 20 and its probably all the pakis.
Dude an average American thinks Iceland is Britain.
Why should I give a fuck how many kikes died during WW2?
What about how many Russians, or Ukrainians, or Germans, or Indians?
Were they not effectively murdered by their elites as well?
That's a question the Jews genuinely cant answer other than antisemitism against Whites of Eastern European origin. The deflect desperately when you ask them that.
Satan and his fallen angels are very real user.
Repent zoomer
You are the red herring
The key to defeating the ZOG is to point out Jewish privilege when it comes to genocides.
Is the only genocide that we ought to care about the Holocaust? If so, why?
What is so much worse about the Holocaust compared to, say, the Rwandan genocide, the Holodomor, or the Armenian genocide?
The answer is nothing makes that so; it is purely emotional, and indicates that our 'history' is being written by those emotionally invested in the Holocaust narrative being considered the greatest tragedy EVER.
When frankly, even if the narrative is assumed to be true, it pales in comparison to the actions of Bolshevik Jews in the USSR.
I dont understand it but the gun sculpture is very convincing.
Thank you Jesus
It was exactly 6 million not a single one less, maybe a few more
>Pushes anti-semitic propaganda while pretending to troll
I see you, user.
No one asked you...Portugal? Paraguay?
>amerimutt education
You don't have 6 grozillon memorials