>Whiter than you, muhamme-
>*gets stabbed in the face with a pint glass*
Whiter than you, muhamme-
I would just wear an eye-patch
also poor guy, britons are subhumans
No wonder they don't trust you with spoons.
t. rabbi goldstein shekelberg
What the fuck is his problem?
The yank said that Brits fought on the wrong side of ww2 and all those British soldiers that died were traitors.
Maybe he just insulted Ngubu
>britons are subhumans
were they 'britons' or pakis?
there's a difference!
If someone did this in the US would it be considered deadly force and could I shoot them?
I lived in Bogota, Colombia for almost a year and had no issues. This poor bastard goes to a first world country and gets his eye knocked out.
I bet the assailant is a paki
5 bucks his gf leaves him in 4 months.
Definitely a pakistani gentleman
That’s awful but a great example of why the going to bars/clubs for overpriced drinks in loud crowded places because it’s social and shit meme is retarded. Nothing good happens after 10:30 pm just stay at home and keep a regular fucking sleep schedule and you won’t have these problems
glassing is a white thing
saxons, savage fuckers, they served their purpose long ago, should be exterminated now
Have to be honest, that Wallace and gromit face is ripe for a glassing.
Birmingham is more black than paki, it is one the official white minority cities and is an urban hell. I'll wager it was a nigger who done this.
Not for you Rabbi
What race was the assailant
Nioce. If only you bongs could show the same backbone when dealing with muzzies but alas no then you just spread the cheeks
Briton Celt aka Anglo larper
How many brits have been shot in america though?
Hope he’s paying for his hospital treatment.
That's going to be one badass scar
See if our CC permits had international capabilities that wouldn't have been a problem
I'm just now seeing you fuckers are getting lynched for having any pride in your nation.
Happy day! ;^)
>there's a difference!
Not anymore really
>going to club in fucking Birmingham
>suprised that he got glassed
Its like going to detroit and not expected to be mugged
You aren’t allowed to be carrying in a bar (except for Virginia if I’m not mistaken) and while drunk
He looks 35 at least.
White people age like milk.
He isn't wrong
Bongs actually loved Hitler even up to 1933
Wasn't until your government said evil Germans then they all decided to hate him
If that isn't the definition of a traitor I don't know what is
>Not anymore really
>First world
Lol no
He looked like a pompous faggot, probably deserved it.
>white American
>racist attack
so wasn't a muslim/paki, so was a nigger?
I nearly got robbed in America by a 7 foot nigga in CT
>in a racist attack
American is a race now. Awesome.
Here in Europe we class McMutts as a race.
CT is lost, even the quiet corner is being invaded
Does anyone but the most NPC, blue-pilled dill-wads actually still go out to bars and clubs???
I think you can carry in a bar you just can't be drinking/drunk. I mean not that I'd go to a bar and not drink but regardless I think it can be done. Anyways at most assuming you didn't drunkenly unload and hit bystanders I'd rather get a fine than lose my eye
Literally don't exist anywhere except in Wales where something like 1/3 of the population has Saxon blood
Literally only 9% of anglos have any Saxon blood in them at all and less than 10% have a percentage higher than a decimal point
Anglo Saxon was a term started by one of their kids to give the Anglo scum some sort of culturral cohesion and identity that they did not posses
Literally propaganda
Not enough
Two centuries later and they're still mad.
100% shitskinned
Bongs will have to drink from a baby bottle by the end of the year.
This is why you say you’re Canadian so nobody thinks you’re trouble. Just have a faggy lisp while you tell them so you sound believable.
And yet you still won't classify kebab, niggers, or islanders as such
Let alone mention their race in news reports
Too dangerous
They can ingest liquid from plastic bags
Get fucked american piece of shit
Ahh, my state is a little more cucked than that but understandable.
It's Birmingham, 'nuff said
>That nose
Nothing of value was hurt.
Fuck you pussy faggot.
This, bunch of fucking savages.
Come here, sunshine. Just got my pint handling loicense yesterday.
>monitoring anti-semitism
>On a blue board
>office worker
>American in Birmingham
Was the attacker a white British male who was so enraged that the American got a job at the age of 20 in the British male's own home country?
What is even going on here?
>going to fucking Birmingham of all places
He almost deserved it
A few
That guy is 20? What is it with Americans, they look like fucking 30 year olds barely after puberty. It must be all the hormones in your food.
br*ts are the niggers of the earth
Holy fuck I’m making a joke about Canada and you attack me? You’re sensitive enough to be a nigger, but more likely a mutt. Sorry you’re mom was stupid enough to fuck a nigger and carry you’re worthless life to term. Black twitter is more your alley faggot. Gtfo off my board cuck.
wear an eyepatch man
it was a beady eyed anglo. fucking low life anglos.
To be fair, he also looks like a complete faggot. This pussyboy does not represent america.
You know the funny thing? It say's he got a 12 year jail prison sentence but he'll only do 6 and maybe even less with good behaviour.
They're everywhere, like fucking termites or rats.
God Bless the brave men of our past who BTFO the savage anglo faggots and secured this country for God and His people. Shame what the (((anglo))) bankers did afterwards, though.
>be american
>get glassed
>that will be $300,000 plus tip, goyim
Jow Forums is a blue board tho
>racist attack against American
good amerimutts btfo not so tough without your gun now huh fag?
Based bongs showing rebel mongrels their place.
An alarming amount of people do still. I’m married and married my wife before she was 21 so maybe that’s why I never got into it but even my friend got knocked out by a nigger at bar break the last month because the nigger wanted his cigarettes. You’re unironically asking for it by surrounding yourself with sketchy stupid people who hate you and think you owe them something.
clubs are places for degenerates to act on their base instincts and let off steam, if you go to them you will be attacked/raped/mugged at some point
not anymore.
Around blacks never relax
To be fair, Americans are imperialist nazis and need a glassing. There’s a reason why Canadians wear flags when traveling.
you ain't shit and you wouldn't do a goddamned thing in the face of conflict dude. pretty sure no one would need a gun to deal with you
oi oi
*glasses you*
change your flag you scheming fat kike
the lesson here is to be a neet. it's dangerous out there.
Eye patch + sue the shit out of the faggot who did it.
that shit though.
what are they going to do when they can't be trusted with glasses or alcohol or belts. they are living in sharia law. what a shit society.
Ban pint glasses!
same with you too
We demand extradition or there will be war
Basketball American
that is one big schnose
Another example of some mutt thinking anyone outside his country gives a shit about the US. Probably started singing “Oh say can you see”. Should’ve glassed the other eye. Retard.
drunken bongs are a menace
pub culture in general attracts the absolute lowest scum