Who's in charge? What are the levels of degeneracy? How many non-Whites plague the lands?
Summoning all Aussies to talk about 'Straya and its political outlook.
Who's in charge? What are the levels of degeneracy? How many non-Whites plague the lands?
Summoning all Aussies to talk about 'Straya and its political outlook.
Other urls found in this thread:
They are 70% white
we're screwed everyone's a faggot
PM has just "promised" 1 million jobs over 5 years which basically means 1 million more shitskins.
Tasmania is a white ethnostate
It's 8am you stupid pastanigger, also we took the term "wog" which had meant(Still means in the UK) a nigger and applied it to Italians because to us your skin was so dark you were niggers, how does it feel to be our niggers?
They will be bringing in a million doctors, lawyers, and astronauts that will enrich Australia’s economy
Our political class kowtow to the same international Jews as every one else and pursue international Jew policies that the Australian people wouldn't mandate them to apply in a million years of voting.
Secret society of Emu plot world domination and the final war against their eternal enemy the kiwis