TFW the right simply outbreeds the left. Reminder that if you haven't made at least 5 pure white babies then you are failing at life. Don't let jew propaganda discourage you. There is NOTHING more rewarding than a big family.
TFW the right simply outbreeds the left...
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This is why they insist on important shitskins.
>"The average Amish family has 7 kids and are the fastest growing population in the world"
They will always vote Republican too
100 years from now they will have major influence here.
My genes are too shit or I'd help. Good luck friends.
>important shitskin
Mexican intellectuals?
Rural and suburban white families have healthy replacement birth rates. Only urbanites are below the replacement rate.
Get rid of the illegals in the US, stop bringing in African immigrants, and there would be no demographic group growing except for conservative white America.
PA Population:
Population Ranked 5th
• Total 12,807,060 (2018)
Wow it's fucking nothing.
>The jew is telling you to have less white children
>math is hard
The graph shows massive increase you absolute faggot