The bear will leave its cave forever

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Attached: 1544477994228.gif (424x208, 987K)

If those pipelines were built Russia would starve but yea they did it for the lols guys.

Attached: 1529463700408.jpg (1364x928, 456K)

Attached: Two voices will cry out in a silence that all can hear.jpg (1200x675, 142K)

Attached: Idols will speak and move about.jpg (720x405, 43K)

The belly of the dragon (FISA) will drip (Leaks) water.

Attached: Belly-of-the-Dragon-Will-Drip-Water.jpg (1705x1703, 990K)

Attached: 3-Branches.jpg (1460x5465, 1.98M)

Attached: The-Rod-and-Ring-Will-Strike.jpg (2098x2910, 1.72M)

Attached: Rock-Will-Stand-on-Seven-Hills.jpg (1739x1303, 1.39M)