Tweeting #LearnToCode is now a bannable offense

What's not bannable?
>anti-white hate
>calling for a high schooler to be assaulted
>calling for high schoolers to be murdered in a woodchipper

Be careful out there #LearnToCode bros

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Other urls found in this thread:

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I was already banned for politely shitting on Islam, whist some muslim was trashing christianity. He was never banned.

That is teamwork you won't see from the left

>teacher said you can't say that
fucking pathetic

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I agree with the move but I also agree with you OP. Having the rug pulled out under you and then being mocked is pretty cruel. I know, they could arguably deserve it but it's indecent to do regardless.

How about #LearnToMineCoal ?

You can always use a fake account to do it.

How about #justmonetizegenderstudies

Yeah I was banned like a year ago for citing real race stats on crime, in reply to people who were saying whites commit most murder. I was banned, they weren't.

Learn to resolve complex computer problems.

The problem is you gotta supply a phone number every time you create a new Twitter account.

> Using Twitter in 2019
> Using Twitter as anyone OTHER than a Liberal
> Using Twitter as a White or European person
> Using Twitter as a White or European MALE
> Using Twitter


holy tip toppity kek it's the kangs meme made anew

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Jow Forums is the only site I can post on without getting banned in 10 minutes. In 2019 my thoughts are crimes.

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>Twitter is a hug box for Leftists.
Everyone knows my dude.

You gotta admit a lot of funny shit happens there.

siding with the journalists on this one. making it a point just to troll these people is ban worthy. hey guise lets rustle some jimmies of people who just got fired hurrr durrr

>Giggle telling coal miners to learn IT when they're being laid off
>Giving them a taste of their own medicine will get you banned

What a fucking surprise.

The journos you're siding with led an insane witch-hunt (doxing, calling for assault) against the Covington boys. They also have repeatedly mocked blue collar Americans who lost their jobs and told them to "learn to code."

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#learn to beg
has a nicer ring to it

>living as a journalist in this timeline
>shutting down opinion
>lose job
>not really lose job
>pretend tears
>shareblue contractred for 2020
>paid shills
>pol cant connect dots on 1k shills going dark
Wake up niggers

Why don't they just learn to code tho

any1 got the screenshot of the huffpost jurno tweets that had her whole diversity team sacked?

But that would require to be somewhat smart

Got to love the niggerposting.

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>opinion editor
LOL. Nobody really wants you, sweetie.

We are ready to pay for truth and valuable analyses, provided they are empirically based. Your opinion manipulation is crap. In the bin it goes.

I feel for you, user. This is one of the reasons I keep coming back.
Although I am not sympathetic with Nazism or other ideologies commonly found on Jow Forums, I strongly believe social media and the Amerifags society in general have gone too far with their bigotry, prudery, and snowflakism

UHOH Fat Greasy Kike looks like you done goofed

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Day of the rake for you, leaf

Why do these people always have their Tweeter account confirmed?

I have some fucking academic publications and even spoke on the radio. Nothing exceptional, but why ain't I entitled to verification?

>harmless banter from the right gets you banned
>death threats against the family of school kids is fine

If they're going to claim they're neutral they could at least try

Absolutely based

nothing wrong with coding at all but do these fucks seem like logical people to you?
imagine the absolute fucking state of their code?

Is threatening to kill a teenager still okay?

my sides

They want to kill you and see your children raped by niggers.

what happened with shareblue?
whats going on?

train wrecks are funny to, I also watch those, whats the problem?

>leaf posting, the post
kys nigger garbage

everyone knows "learning" is for white supremacists


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This, Twitter is becoming an obsolete platform just like any other platform that becomes one sided. People seek out conflict. They seek the rush of telling people off and getting high off their own importance, you can't do that when all your buddies are blue check marks and share the same dogma. Why do you think liberals come to Jow Forums to argue? This place is supposed to be the antithesis of everything the believe and yet they still come.


>#LearnToCode is now a bannable offense

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Because you probably wouldn’t advocate for little boys being taught that they can have periods too in sex education class and for that you must pay.

Learn to code = Look into Programming?


Fuck off leaf

>siding with the journalists on this one
you say that like you don't always do so

Well quite frankly if her Jewish grandparents were half as greasy as she is I can see why the Germans would force them to take showers

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Can you all be smarter with your trolling please. PRETEND TO BE THEM!

isn't this bannable for "dehumanising"? you used to get a temporary ban for just replying to someone with text containing "npc" even if it was in the context of gaming.

>literal PhD in romantic comedies
hahahah I'm sorry but what the fuck is that I can't even?

OK Mr. (((Levine))) sorry.

It's true its 200 pages and its available online

Opposed to shitposting at you like everyone else, I will be the guy to tell you: it’s not about the journalists, it’s about how something so benign, inoffensive, and ultimately good advice, is somehow a banable offense on that dickhole of a platform, while we just came off a situation where the entire user base was talking about burning down a school and doxing minors because some kid smiled at a teepee nigger.

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you can browse twitter just to keep up with happenings, but never post.

You would assume

>push people into a new job sector, maybe they will like it and be successful
>get b&

Well we still have our monopoly on IT and all relative infrastructure lads, let's go hack some shit

Because frog you’re either aren’t a shabos goy or a (((chosenite)))

More accurately they are a hug box for big gov internationalists and their useful idiots

huffpost had an opinion section? i thought their general publication was all opinion? what could be more opinionated than their "regular news"???

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Those faggots were saying the exact same shit to everyone else who lost their jobs, or simply couldn't get a job, due to the beaner hoard and outsourcing to China. I have no problem with feeding somebody their own medicine

>Learn to code
Fuck off, we're full


Fat greasy kike with a distended pudenda. Snap that one up while she's still single, boys.

they're not subtle with their blatant political censorship

she looks like she'd use her vaginal yeast to bake matzos

well done that man

The same reason crocodiles haven't being updated in millions of years

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What's a slugabed?

wrong thread

So is it a banable offense to tweet the letter “G”?

>A fucking leaf

I think "consider moving to a Job Center" is almost funnier as these jerkoffs live in Brooklyn, LA and D.C. and told all the laid off people in flyover country to rent a U-Haul and move

Two wrongs don’t make a nigger right

>Hey my fellow journos, don't despair, be like me, learn to code, and all will be swell.

They already know how to burn coal so they're half way there.


Has anyone been banned for it yet?

But doxing and calling for violence against children is ok.

learn to code

Everything is a bannable offense if it comes from the right, and thats the way to win.

...but white males are the fragile ones

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can we start mailing them old tech manuals? Put a little note in there that says "this helped me when I was in a bad spot" or something really innocuous. Then when they freak out they just look even dumber.

>joke is funny
>anyone who uses joke is an NPC
I think they're missing the point of that meme- her angry reaction posting of it is more descriptive of the meme than the one she tried to make. It's kind of sad.

Switch it up then.
SEX *clap emoji* WORK *clap emoji*
IS *clap emoji* REAL *clap emoji* WORK
kinda wish I had a twatter desu

I never realized this up until now. Feels bad man

>Learn to Code
No longer kosher

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Honest question.
Is she a trannie?

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(Kizuna) AI will take your Job

Learn to code Jornalists

(Kizuna) AI will take your Job

Attached: Smug Kizuna Ai.jpg (889x779, 127K)