Does anyone else feel like they're slowly losing their mind

I've been red-pilled for a few years now. I'm surrounded by NPCs everywhere I go. Both my friends and family think I'm crazy. I've just stopped talking politics and pretend I'm not interested in it because it's easier that way.

How are people like Jared Taylor considered nutcases and subhuman maniacs, while every sociopathic pink-haired hairy armpit communist is seen as a paradigm of virtue.

My first ex gf was wholly and totally red-pilled thanks to me. Now she's slowly turning into a communist because all of her friends are far-left (they always hated me). Another ex is fucking an airport worker from Ghana. My parents think I have schizophrenia and I've lost all will to work, pay taxes or to contribute to society in any way.

How do I get out of this rut?

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Other urls found in this thread: near London, UK/@51.5141712,-0.1628882,13z/data=!3m1!4b1?hl=en

You will NEVER be able to escape your gullibility if you keep falling prey to confirmation bias.

>wholly and totally red-pilled
>turns into a communist

You obviously didn't do a good job redpilling her

>How do I get out of this rut?

Welcome to the silent majority fren.

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weird flex but ok

>red-pilled her
>turns into a communist

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You will never be able to stop being a White man, it's in your genes, and there is nothing wrong with that. It's the rest who are wrong.

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anyone left of Trump is a communist.

You reap what you sow, this place like all the others plants many seeds some unknown and some obvious. Be careful with your crops.

Honest answer: move. You're surrounded by terrible people. Move, then find new communities. If you can't, learn to be comfortable in solace. Read & write & improve yourself, maybe someone will be seek you rather than you having to seek out them.

>using the left / right spectrum

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Dude, just get a job, and hide your power level like the rest of us. Redpill ppl in small ways whenever you can. If you find somebody else redpilled, hold on to em.

Embrace the chaos and hide your power level, fren.

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Maybe instead of trying to force everyone into thinking your way, you do your own thing and not put so much expectations into having everything go exactly the way you'd like it to be. Would help preserve your sainty desu

I wake up and read a chapter of American Psycho every morning and do 1000 sit ups and laugh at Jews. Instead of turning on my T.V.. I just put a good vinyl track on my record player before I start my day. I am 30 years old and I am only attracted to / want to fuck older women 40+.

people sometimes say moving somewhere new is a form of escape, but it really does get your priorities in order. live a life you enjoy: get a manual labor job, grow and cook your own food, enjoy nature, vape weed if you want, and join community groups

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Dont suppress your rage and bitterness. Use it as fuel. Im not telling you to go out and do anything stupid, just saying that what you are feeling right now is based on reality and is totally valid. You can either use it for motivation or you can let it destroy you. That choice is yours and yours alone.

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>How are people like Jared Taylor considered nutcases and subhuman maniacs

Jared Taylor discusses issues way outside of most people's personal overton window. It doesn't matter how solid his arguments are.

You're not alone.
I consider quitting my job and selling my apartment
Not sure what to do that point though, it just all seems to meaningless.
And I figure if I think this way then a lot of us are, as I am normal.

>I've just stopped talking politics and pretend I'm not interested in it because it's easier that way.
Same, although this is mostly because people know I have a PoliSci degree and that's all they want to talk about

Why don't you just take that sweet, sweet NHS dole money and accept their Risperdal?

Being disabled is huge in leftist communities. You should become a Communist.

>I've been red-pilled for a few years now. I'm surrounded by NPCs everywhere I go. Both my friends and family think I'm crazy. I've just stopped talking politics and pretend I'm not interested in it because it's easier that way.

Same. My family (other than my dad) was growing more distant from me because they thought my views were extreme, weird, and not realistic. I never even mentioned an ethnostate or anything, just your typical civcuck nationalist who's pro family and believes that mass immigration from the third world isn't a good thing, and that multiculturalism has very real negatives. Family dinners consisted of everyone shitting on Trump and me being the lone defender. And I could hold my own, easily, because they presented the "orange man bad" types of arguments, but it didn't matter. One slip up, ANY slip up, on my part and they would jump on me, declared all my points that I made that proved them wrong null, and told me I need to "read more".

I swear it's like arguing with a bunch of jews. Now I've given up and don't talk politics. They shit on trump, and I just sit there and do whatever it is I was doing.

Yes, but I've gotten used to it. Tomorrow's another day.

Get fit
Read books
Go hiking

These should get your started. It gets better.

>being this much of a pussy
Sorry user, I cannot relate. I don’t let the views or opinions of others influence what I do.

Go to church

go to the gym sheesh

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Only way for them to respect you if you become millionaire, nobody listens to loser with nothing to show for

Why would they listen to someone who still lives with their parents?

Stormed out of work today totally going to use the weaponized HR at my disposal to crush the fucking daylights out of my asshole boss. Play by the rules they created. He “triggered” and “harassed” me and I need time off to “get in a better space” etc. fuck these fucking commie hypercapitalists. near London, UK/@51.5141712,-0.1628882,13z/data=!3m1!4b1?hl=en
Shoot as many as you can.


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You’re not losing your mind you’re just seeing things for what they are now.

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I like this advice. Does it work?

I've never personally been able to sway bots (like your family) that present nothing but jewish-"left" arguments. I honestly think that the only way to change someones mind from that position is humiliation, degradation, and saying "holy shit do u like really think that?!?!?" louder and more obnoxiously than they do. The only problem is that the media is best at doing this and will undo any dog-like training you performed on them. Only other option is to do what says and impress their fish like brain with shiny things with hope that they listen to your advice.

This is absolutely true and it’s partly why it’s easy to spot shill posts. Their biggest fear is being ostracized by their peers so they assume shaming will be an automatically effective tactic because it’s an effective tactic when used on them. They can’t even conceive of people who either don’t give a shit what they think or are willing to defend something they know to be right/true even if it’s them against everyone

First pill black pill


>weird flex but ok

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The only thing keeping me sane is a combination of escapism (vidya, anime) and hanging out on Jow Forums where people aren't brainwashed NPCs or disgusting neolib/far left kike cocksuckers.

If there's an uprising, I'll be there. If there isn't, I don't know what the fuck I'll be doing in 10 years, but I hope it's not suicide.

dont watch porn, dont watch tv at all, listen to trance or house music, work out daily, eat meat, play stupid to everyone around you, and spend your free time creating whether it be writing, drawing building ect. youll be okay user, we've all been blackpilled its a phase you'll get through it