DoJ Whittaker looks like he saw a ghost when asked about the Mueller report today.
looks like nothin out of the ordinary actually desu
Imagine learning that the entire DOJ and FBI is garbage
yup, this thread is gay, no one else bump it
He calls him Director Morter at the end, he's a rambling mess. WHAT DOES HE KNOW!?
>Whitaker addressed his critics during the Monday news conference, saying he has now been "fully briefed" on the investigation and is looking forward to Mueller's report.
cnbc com/2019/01/28/robert-muellers-investigation-is-close-to-being-completed-acting-ag-matthew-whitaker-says.html
Let's not forget how they covered his eyes while he's still talking about what he was briefed on.
your gay asshole in your little gay transtesticle discord saw a ghost.
Mueller report will be a gift from god. It will show blatant collusion, and it will have 20 indictments for Don Jr. and put him in jail for several life sentences.
>Mueller report will be a gift from god. It will show blatant collusion, and it will have 20 indictments for Don Jr. and put him in jail for several life sentences.
ok transtesticle discord