Book thread

I got some amazon gift cards and I’m gonna get some new reading material. Fiction or nonfiction. What should I get Jow Forums?

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The book of five rings

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The bible

Good fiction classics.
Education is important and all, but most neglect art and culture, thus falling prey to the neoliberal monotony they claim to fight.

Tucker Carlsons Ship of Fools was actually really good. It's great to lend to boomers and normies in your life to give them a quick rundown on wtf is going on without going so far they shut down and reject it.

What is The Bible by Rob Bell
Love Wins by Rob Bell
The Manual by W Anton

The Bible, The Pilgrims Progress, Dune, Mein Kampf, Common Sense, A Brave New World, The Italian, As I Lay Dying, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Jane Eyre, and, not sure it is still in print, but “Why is OP always such a faggot?” Is also highly recommend.

Bible, ESV so you know what the fuck is happening without it being cucked

reading is for pussies

KEK fucking christcucks


Yeah, listen to this guy.
Buy some jew produced garbage.

Get some of the Lovecraft classics, Fantastic books.

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The Prince, the Two Treatises of Government, Mein Kampf, Bitter Harvest/The Great Betrayal, Leviathan, The Forgotten Soldier, and the Bible.

Those are some of my personal choices.

David Icke: The Biggest Secret
Joseph P. Farell: The Cosmic War, Reich of the Black Sun
Ted Kascynski: Industrial Society and its Future
Marcus Aurelius: Meditations
Alfred Lansing: Endurance
Ernst Junger: Storm of Steel
Colin Wilson: a History of the Occult

Knut Hamsun: Growth of the Soil
Stephan R. Donaldson: The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant
Robert Heinlein: Starship Troopers
Frank Herbert: Dune
HP Lovecraft: All of it (personal faves are 'the hound', 'the rats in the walls' and 'the colour out of space'

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Based. Could have had some political readings, though.

The Bonfire of the Vanities, by Tom Wolfe.
google it motherfucker

Lonesome Dove is probably the best thing I have ever read. Larry McMurtry.

The tabletop
The culture of critique
The bell curve
The selfish gene
The Turner diaries

When it comes to Bible recommendations OP, get one depending on your denomination.
>if protestant/non-christian, get the ESV
>if catholic, get the RSV2CE or Douay-Rheims
>if orthodox, get the Orthodox Study Bible
I wouldn't use the KJV as a standalone translation, especially if you have trouble understanding it. Like any translation, it has flaws.
Don't touch the NIV, NRSV, NLT, or most other modern translations either. They use gender-neutral language and change/omit some verses. God bless.

I find a lot of the political stuff to be dry almost to the point of being unpalatable. Someone mentioned Leviathan, for example, which I tried reading a while ago but ultimately just wound up settling for the coles notes. Same for Das Kapital, I got about half way through the first book before it started to get very repetitive and I gave up. My list is by no means Jow Forums approved although I would count David Icke: The Biggest Secret as political reading. The main focus of the book is on geopolitics. He shies away from le wacky reptilian material and it makes for excellent reading.

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