>it's okay to be gay >we are different in every way >doesn't matter if you're a boy, girl or somewhere in-between >all are part of one big family >gay and happy >QUEER KIDS STUFF >you are enough here at queer kids stuff And this shit is allowed
i dont know what is this trash user but the first thought that came to my mind after seeing this is "these people need to be shot in the back of their heads and buried in shallow grave" have a good night
Of course you can. What, did you think those degenerate leftists let you invade, rape and sit on welfare for nothing? Present your ass, muslim, you trained all your life for it, after all.
Kevin Thomas
This show is obvious hater-clickbait. You guys are foolish to fall for it.
Its a blatant staged hit job on Islam, to create confusion. With stuff like this, together with ISIS and open boarders policies, they are getting exactly the Hegelian reaction (disgust against Islam) they are seeking.
Gabriel Gray
Heil Hitler
captcha says select all images with chimneys.
Cameron Sanchez
How come I am not muslim, severely look down on Islam, and yet feel like I want to jihad against such blasphemy I mean I feel a viceral rage against her dishonesty >hijab is not a piece of clothing it's a behavior >hijab is a conversation you have with God and you wear the scarf when you feel like it >Islam is about being a good person >Islam is totally ok with blacks and gays These disgusting klkes are even trying to subvert and destroy Islam AT THE SAME TIME as they are pushing their little society destroying Marxist Frankfurt mix
Also that girl isn't an Arab she is one of the ugliest mutts I have ever seen, by the general shape of the eyes and eyebrows, the constant expression of pure malice on her face I d wager she is 3/4 Jew and 1/4th black can someone confirm this?