Israel Caught Bribing Congressmen
Israel Caught Bribing Congressmen
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Fake news guys, I watched the video and it's a big nothing burger. Why don't we all go to sleep, I'm getting pretty sleepy here...
The shills wont be bumping this one
them crazy jews what will they think of next
ha ha
>From Maryland
Of fucking course. Jesus, this state is a cesspool of slimy scummy faggots.
Ever meet a normal human from maryland? Didn't think so.
There's plenty, away from DC, the cities, and where rich liberal fucks live in suburbs.
Fightback is a Trotskyist group in Ontario, they seem to be based out of U of T.
Their pamphlets are usually pretty badly misspelled, and they have this weird poly smurfette syndrome going on, where the one or two girls who shows up to events seems to get openly cuddled on by 8-12 hairy Marxists.
I hung out with some of these kids a couple times, they're pretty fun desu. But they actually take their shit seriously.
They have an entryist wing in the Ontario Young New Democrats, they occasionally manage to successfully pass "policy" at conventions (such as a statement congratulating Jeremy Corbyn on winning Labour leadership) and generally pushing the Overton Window of the Young NDP towards the Trotskyite direction.
One time I was listening to a Yuri Bezmenov lecture (he taught, for a brief time, at another Ontario university, Carleton) and he mentioned visiting U of T and finding Trotskyist student pamphlets and thinking how ridiculous and absurd it was.
I'm pretty sure he was talking about Fightback.
Like most Marxist youth groups, a bunch of the typical socialist greasers in their 30s and 40s, many of them working for public sector unions, are the ones who actually "call the shots."
Remember, kids, make sure that Trotskyism is a phase. There's very little intellectual depth to it, it's a compromise ideology between revolutionary Leninism and bourgeois social democracy (although they'll hate you if you ever mention this).