
Do you actually hate America? Do you wake up every morning hating the country of your birth and your own nationality? Do you believe in American exceptionalism or at least that there's something special about America?

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Every day I wake up with a burning hatred of the jewish puppets of the world laughing meanwhile they condemn their people to torture and death

I love America

Now blow me

Love America Hate Jews

Greatest place on the planet to live. 5,000,000 times better in a red state.

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im a mutt and my entire existence consists of pol memes so yeah


God, family and country user. Be grateful he put you in this great country with a family that loves you (hopefully). It could be worse, count your blessings.

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thanks. There's a lot of venom being spewed at America every day and it's reassuring to hear these things

This country is not mine and never will be. Yes, I hate this shithole. Die. Fuck America and Israel. You both are thorns in my side. The only thing special about this shithole is its ability to continue pissing me off.

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I hear ya, ignore those anti-American Americans. We know where they stand, they can see themselves out.

Where dat?

>do I hate this rat infested dog country
Yes? There was certainly something special before the Union sold its soul to the banks.

God Bless America

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t. Strange Israeli spy

Hating America for the actions of sociopathic government and corporations and a retarded populace is like hating your dog because he has heartworms ;_;

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I hate what American is becoming. I do not hate the country or the american people. I have the subversive fucks ruining everything.

I believe in the practicality of building prosperity and maintaining security within one's own nation of residence. For that sake, I do want a strong and prosperous America.

I don't particularly believe in American exceptionalism.

Based and true.

It's time to expel the Jew.

No, its like hating dogs for being trained willful slaves, ignorant of their own servitude. Pitbulls are the worst of the lot, half the time the rats can't even keep them in line with commands; probably why the pound is full of them. But really kikey mouse says 'antisemitism' and the mutt jumps like a good goy, I hate that.

Love it, but to many niggers and mutts. Don't want to be Israels sabbos goy.

Too many Amerimutts, yes.

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Our foreign policy has gone blown "old testament."

I was born in 95, and remember when most of my childhood interactions were with whites. People held the doors for others, talked to each other in grocery stores, stopped at the side of the road to help someone change a tire, walk old ladies across the street. But I've watched over the past 24 years, the gradual decline our society has gone through. Our own people hate us, the people meant to replace us hate us, our politicians hate us. I don't hate America, I hate what has happened to us.

>inherit the most beautiful land on Earth, filled with immense resources, natural harbours, wide open spaces, variable terrain ideal for all kinds of farming/industry
>ancestors guarantee unthinkable freedom, perfecting European customs
>protected by a vast ocean from European conflict
>in a prime position to exploit both Asian and European markets
>200 years later
>a morbidly obese, culturally nihilistic, soulless continental shopping mall filled with all manner of mud people, functioning as little more than tax cattle for a tiny Jewish state in some desert shithole

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And this is why America needs to die.

I honestly and unironically hate this nation and everyone in it.

It doesn't matter... The rednecks, spics, gooks, niggers, kikes or other assorted pieces of human garbage... They'll all die screaming in the end.

America is a collection of institutions and businesses. All of those institutions and major corporations hate me, so why shouldn't I hate it back?

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No, but I have come to accept that it is gone forever and cannot be saved. I don't know what will take its place. Too soon to tell. But one thing's for sure: America as we have known it died decades ago. It's just a zombie corpse stumbling around.

Thanks Lincoln!
Thank you so much for making us a shitty fucking nation rather than a union.
Fuck the republic, fuck the nation, and fuck the empire. I want none of it.

no, that is why she needs to be rescued. more important than any other american principle is never leaving a man behind.

What is there to love about America? The tech companies that spy on you and censor you? The corporations that spread anti-White and anti-male propaganda? The universities that actively work to undermine the financial and emotional well being of Whites, men, and Christians? Or is it the celebrities that are a de facto aristocracy looking down on you and lecturing you because you dare to even exist?

Fuck America.

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I love America but I hate jews. You can see my dilemma.

I love this country. I wouldn’t trade being American for anything.

good in concept. went to shit eventually

Fuck no this country is amazing despite all of its flaws.

My opinion of America is that it had a lucky start and now a loud minority is trying to keep its good values from being taken away.


Fuck the USA, Fuck Jews, Hail China, Hail Russia, Hail Novutera

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Do you have Discord?

I don't like those entities either. We need to build a new nation right here.

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fuck jannies, fuck trannies, fuck niggers, fuck israel and most imporantly FUCK USA


How can we network to fix the American problem?

I love my country dearly and I love for what it stands for. But I don't like those in positions of power that are corrupting it from within. America is supposed to be the land of the free, yet we're having our rights stripped almost monthly. I want to go back to a time when America was truly free. When we were able to send men to space and where we had the ability to say no to pointless conflict. Where you could have faith in the police and the government. But after coming here I realize this isn't going to come easy. We're going to have to fight for it. As Thomas Jefferson once said "the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

What would happen if America devoted all of its resources to itself? No more of our tax dollars funding fun fundamental regimes. How soon will this house of cards we call the Global Community collapse without America to prop it up?

>a morbidly obese, culturally nihilistic, soulless continental shopping mall filled with all manner of mud people, functioning as little more than tax cattle for a tiny Jewish state in some desert shithole
You can see the state of our Jewish corruption.
The Jews are a nightmare.
Democracy of any kind is a sham.

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Go back to Tumblr tranny.

you are antisemitic

When the final working man is killed off from society that deems him evil America will fall but there will be a few that survived the strong will conquer the faggets and weak will beg for forgiveness but will they be forgiven?

America rox. I get decent food here clean lodgings, various weather patterns coast to coast nice to be able to choose my climate. I can buy guns. I dont HAVE to serve in the military if I dont want to. Best of all there are a bunch of whining leftist faggots to beat up and laugh at here.

Ambivalent. My US visit was safer than my UK visit.

America is super fucked up but for everything wrong with it, we're still really well off in terms of our freedoms and luxuries.

I can sit here and drink wine while shitposting on a Nazi-dominated board on my laptop, watch movies on my big screen HDTV, and eat cookies. I'm not even middle class and I live like a king.

wonderful country

an illegal can come and will be treated better than actual citizens