Why do white women age like milk?
Why do white women age like milk?
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the hottest milfs are white
JIDF detected. Sage/
those aren't the same women dummy
i wonder who's behind this post
imagine not caking your face with shit
because they actually work and keep the house, instead of sitting on the couch eating cheetos until the next government check shows up in the mailbox.
high-resolution close-up in sun
low-resolution body-shot in shade
Not comparable. Try again.
Too much of the three Ds: drugs, dicks, and drinking. ages you fast.
The one of the left pissed away her youth with drugs and the bottle. The one of the right did not.
Because people like you are infecting them with third world diseases.
Halle berry
Oops wrong pic
When you quit drinking, your looks can return to normal. It's the cocaine that is the real killer. Coke is just terrible for your skin.
Do you know how crazy left is, also she fucks white men.
most of those hollyweird ppl are secret trannys
Her face is shopped to hell in that pic.
>all white women are this woman
nothing really, it's just that white skin seems to age faster to the damage it takes from the sun.
>all white women are jewish
Jane Seymour would like to have a word with you.
Tara Reid cant afford weekly baby foreskin facials like Halle berry
roastie getting toastie up in here
Start her a gofund me she looks like shes losing it
Because they cake their faces with skin-poisoning chemicals for years.
Different genetics.
But I forgot that we're all the same and there are no genetic differences between races.
they don't
why do shitskins spend all their time trying to get us to hate white women?
Why do women age like milk?
>because walls work.
Don't forget to sage
This is why white men should get themselves a black/African queen
Why, as anigger, have you not commit Sudoku?
These comparisons are always so stupid. Tara Reid got her tits destroyed. A Damn shame really. She was an all American cutie back in the Jew Fucks A Pie days.
The 50 chick is hot
white people don't take as good care of Thier skin because it's less obvious when it's dry or degrading and genes
shitty fucking plastic surgery.
Look at Melania Trump...surely a fucking fire cracker if she had not gotten shit tier plastic surgery in a Eastern Euro garage sale.
Trump has seen her without makeup...every morning, no wonder he sought out a cheap porn start. His poor wife is live chopped liver at this point without a pound of make up
a fucking crying shame.....Melania must have been gorgeous before a jew fucked up her tits, eyes, nose and chin!
I love how you niggers always try to make this argument. ALL Black people are ugly their entire lives... SOME white people get ugly with age...
Why are niggers born as shit? sage
*porn star
Skin damage from the sun. Melanin does have its uses. We're adapted to cold weather low light environments.
Melania is the definition of trashy her face reminds of WWE for some reason
Everyone looks like shit by the time they hit 120.
Dunno. I’m a white man, 21, smoke cigs and I still get ID’d as soon as I walk into a bar and a coworker said I look 15 lol
That a zit on her boob?
Way to post Tara Reid, she got hacked up by (((plastic surgeons))).
This. White women have high SMV and are fully aware. This means they're always fucking around and going to parties. That shit will age you.
This is true but I think women's skin doesn't bounce back like a man's can. It's less elastic than ours. Drugs like coke will absolutely fuck you tho.
she was probably fucking nice until her (((agent))) convinced her to get bargain basement tits and a face,
that shoddy shit work will look like shit in a couple of years and she will go the way of Ivana.
Can't believe he let Ivanka fuck up her face as well...
That is why I respect Tiff...she is proud to be a pig.
like Melania
what terrible work :(
Why can fat women only get black boyfriends?
Tiff is an undercover cutie
Sun, many sexual partners, shit diets, bunch of pharmaceuticals and lifetime of makeup.
it honestly looks like an improvement between 40 and 50...
Cause black men know that fat women need loving as well.
Asked a negro friend why they fuck white pigs...it seems that they know they might never fuck again as they are undesirable, so they will do whatever the fuck you want in bed.
got a blowjob from a fat chick once...can't say it was not fucking amazing.
if by undercover, you mean brown bag blowjob, then I agree.
That's not a compliment, user. You just have a baby face from all you fat. When you 40 you'll still be ugly
Halle Berry is hot as fuck, though to be fair I believe she's a halfbreed
Their pussy is so buried in fat wells that only the longest and desperate of cocks can mine it.
I’m 6 foot and about 175 pounds. The fuck? Lol
Why do blacks always call half breeds black???? It’s just as accurate to say Halle berry is white as it is to say she’s black.
Katheryn Winnick 41
tanning. white women were brainwashed into browning themselves. that alone damages skins and ages anyone rapidly. look at an old spic who's face looks like a puzzle.
obviously drinking and rampant promiscuity age women rapidly as well.
in short, trying to look like a shitskin and degeneracy destroy you looks. white woman have to pushed towards degeneracy for almost the past 60 years. the program worked and you're seeing the results of it.
50 years old
simple. when you mix diarrhea with water you still have diarrhea .
the jew fears the white woman
sage lol
Not true. They also get military kek
Nobody fears modern day whores user
Nigger was ugly back then and still ugly now.
21 years rubbing kike semen into his face + plastic surgeries
has two faggot children and a whore wifu that fucks him in the ass on camera to apease his kike masters
21 years spent behind bars + no surgeries + many white children + obedient wifu and a house on a prarie where he lives like a boss without bosses to serve
feel the difference
Why do liberals call mixed black and white biracial folks black instead of white?
51. LOL.
Misogynistic racist shill btfo. Go reddit somewhere else. Also Melania is hot af. Get mad hater.
>it's one of THESE threads
hahaha it's so funny because it's sooooo true. maybe they think fat chicks have low self esteem and won't cheat. they do give great head, but they're thots too.
Those are men
Why do Mexican women look like weatherbeaten potatoes by the time they're 25?
Why do niggers look like shit....well....from the moment they're born?
Why is OP a retarded faggot?
Some questions may never be answered.
>Why do white women age like milk?
because they haven't hit rock bottom yet
unlike all blacks
Nigger lol!
That's his point retard
If what you said were true, then white women would look best. Sitting on the couch eating shit food is the quickest way to ruin your body.
white women start to look like trannys mid 40s
Kill yourself blacked.com kike
White women are obsolete!
>tfw no top shelf nigress
You mustn't be around that many then - or you live in a rough part of town.
Go fuck yourself: Leibniz discovered calculus
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