This explicitly anti-white, pro-Jewish, cultural Marxist professor is loved by the new generation of right wingers.
Why is this?
This explicitly anti-white, pro-Jewish, cultural Marxist professor is loved by the new generation of right wingers.
Why is this?
His popularity is artifically inflated and unorganic and without Israeli shills he would be a nobody.
>Cultural Marxist
Because he set out to market himself to young right wing men and teenage boys, and a certain segment feel for the scam.
He's pretty unapologetically cultural marxist.
>deehhhhh I’m going to call him something he’s not
>duurrrr I win
Have you actually read/watched his content. How the fuck did you come to this conclusion?
The guy is about as centrist as it gets nowadays.
*squeaky faggot voice* "wash your butt"
fuck off shill
Are you telling me he isn't anti white?
Then why does he exclusively discourage whites from advocating for their own group interests?
Are you telling me he isn't pro Jewish?
Then why did he make a speech at the Balfour convention?
He helped draft a UN paper on the redistribution of western wealth to the rest of the world while he worked there, you disgusting mental midget.
He's like a condom on the impulse of getting rid of the Commie education system and Jew premise of reality as psychology.
We at Jow Forums like to accelerate the the absurdities of the SJW Left but he corrects them.
Never correct your enemy when they are making mistakes. Makes you wonder who his enemies are.
Here we have the perfect specimen of a crypto-kike
Link me this paper.
It was proven long ago that he is a CIA nigger. Why is this an issue? I call slide thread. This belong in redpill threads now.
What's with all the newfags and shills on this board.
he's calm well spoken and articulate with an impressive vocabulary.
he is pitted in a very intentional and public fashion against women who have been given high paying powerful positions with no education or ability to support their own arguments and no ability to defend their own positions.
he is purposely shown BTFO'ing irrational women with no sense of accountability who make more than you as HYPE. its all to make him look appealing and heroic to the people being oppressed mostly by their boss, which mostly look like the women he makes look foolish.
he is the product of very carefully chosen strategized image marketecture. designed to appeal to them by looking smarter than, and humiliating people that look and sound like those promoted over them for diversity quotas.
i call him Mr. Pro stinkbait. he knows how to hook the pseudo intellectuals and has backing from powerful (((people)))
Because he’s an accomplished academic, with the credentials to give good self-help advice. Now shut the fuck up, close your porn tabs, and clean your room, bucko,.
Also, wash your dick. Anyone within a 2 mile radius of you can smell that shit.
petersonbots btfo
Judas Patreonson is a globalist tool
I will never get that back. Thanks for wasting my fucking time...
What the fuck are you babbling about, you malfunctioning robot?
he got on primetime television at the very beginning of his campus stunt
>Because he’s an accomplished academic, with the credentials to give good self-help advice
Jordan peterson is, as he admits himself, mentally unwell. He needs to take two psychiatric medications just to function day-to-day. Mentally unstable people are in no position to give life advice, especially to young impressionable men.
-working for the un agenda 21 to help sus out to "ideological clap-trap". otherwise known as softening the language so people have a hard time understanding it's real implications
-helping to hide a pedo-ring in cornwall, ontario
-bringing a crazy suicidal friend into his the home he shared with his wife and children. things got so bad his wife left with the kids and the friend ended up killing himself anyway, despite the "help" of his professional psychologist friend.
-lie about being awake for 30 days straight after drinking, wait for it, apple cider! 30 days straight when the world record is 11 days.
-writing a book he's claimed to have re-written every sentence for at least 30 times. an obvious lie
in this book he going into how his cousin is the hottest piece of ass he's ever seen, how in a dream he ate her with his demon buddies, and how in another dream his grandma offered a handful of her public hair to him.
Truly a stable mind people should look to for life advice
Controlled opposition
>Jordan Peterson, UN shill who discourages White unity
>Ben Shapiro, dual citizen Jew who hates Americans and inserts Judaism into every discussion on the success of thr West
>Milo Yiannopoulos, degenerate race mixing homosexual
>Stefan Molyneux, unconfirmed Jew
>Mike Cernovich, race mixing Islam supporting Jew
What's funny is that Milo has the best political opinions out of all them, and isn't afraid to make racist jokes.The alt-right was hijacked to lead into the wrong direction. We should be pushing for an ethnostate but instead are focusing on the wrong things. I think all of them are completely genuine ans truly believe what they're saying but they were put into their positions by ((someone)).
And then you have Alex Jones, confirmed tranny lover (not that there's anything wrong with that), he acts as controlled opposition to make the alt-right and non-establishment look insane.
The only truely good one is Paul Joseph Watson. He hasn't quite gotten to IQ and ethnostate yet, but he's not afraid to shit on non-Western cultures. And as far as we know he's 100% British White, not Jew.
Because he tells us to wash our penises
PJW is a retard who claimed Trump was controlled opposition to ensure Hillary's victory, and that depression doesn't actually exist.
w/e.. cry some more you useless neet, while you whine here he's laughing his way to the bank to cash out his $8.6M/yr.
u mad? go use your tears as lube
Doesnt he want us all on kike pharmaceuticals (antidepressants) so that among other things our should wont connect with our brains right and we all live life in a fog of suffering?