Are there any companies that don't hate Whites or men?

We need a list of Jow Forums approved companies. I don't want to give my money to Communist assholes.

Attached: Gillette.jpg (480x360, 41K)

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So help me god if one of you finds out Cremo is antiwhite

New balance

Japanese ones.

Attached: TheJewsFearTheSamurai.png (600x329, 180K)

I heard New Balance is a good company. If I ever get another pair of tennis shoes, that's what I will buy.

Levi's is a terrible company. Is there a good company that makes jeans? I bought some Lee jeans and they fit great, but I don't know anything about the company.

Gives your money to the jews

Their ads are a bit too niggerish for my taste.


Levis supports left wing organizations

Well, MAYBE my army war veteran brother bought them for me from a thrift store, and I wear them instead of just throwing them away. If you’re trying to boycott something, you clearly don’t understand how bad it is.

Attached: D75FECD9-FDE5-43CA-A519-0862DF51B31F.jpg (1278x720, 43K)

Buy a straight razor

Levis promotes race mixing on their website.

Carl's Jr. Looks pretty okay.

Can someone explain why people dislike the Gilette commercial so much?
I hate the manipulation by youtube of deleting dislikes/comments but what's actually wrong with the ad itself?

>aussie flag
Here's your (you)

Chick-fillet and Hobby Lobby

I don't like it. If you do, then maybe you're a faggot.

Those are good ones. Any more clothing brands?

So far all we have is New Balance.

So do you know why you hate it or did someone else tell you to

Does Jow Forums approve of Papa Johns? After the whole 'remove John for being racist' shtick

Go be a faggot somewhere else.

I don't think so. They basically came out as a Commie company when they did that.

cmon bud do some thinking, real deep in that 'brain' of yours.

This movie was a redpill for me

Quit trying to derail the thread, faggot. Now fuck off.

Question is pretty on topic. Why isn't Gilette a Jow Forums approved company?

i didn't object to the message i objected to the all white people being dicks and all nigs being saints thing

The nigger cock blocking a White guy was pretty bad.

Smith &Wesson, Colt, Bushmaster...

Gilette is good, I use Astra blue every morning. Ten euro for 100.

I just bought a pair and I love them, 100% made in USA

yeah that was dumb

No. The topic is what are Jow Forums approved companies. Gillette is a faggot company as is their parent, Proctor and Gamble.

I"m switching to Schick. I need to find a new deodorant and toothpaste.

its telling men not to rape

I fucking love raping

It is assuming that men rape. I don't.

i think you'll be hard up to find a company that doesn't want more immigrants to sell more shit to so their company can grow, please shareholders, pension funds, and the ceo faggot can get his 10m a year for being a shiny faggot in a suit

That was my issue but then I realised that if the ad is attempting to be a model to encourage people to be better, since nigs are the most often and violent offenders, shouldn't they be given the most roles as 'good' in the commercial to show black people that they too can be good as they'd need the most encouragement?

That's true. Hence the thread about it.

New Balance has opposed immigration, so they make the list of Jow Forums approved companies.

Can you find more?

If you don't then why do you have a problem with the ad telling men not to rape, as it's not directed at you?

Better make a company blacklist rather than pol approved. Else you get corporate shills here.

Gilette and Nike did virtue signalling ads lately. So they are a no go for life for me.

The nigger cock blocking the White guy was unforgivable.


It assumes that I do. If Gillette is a product for rapists, then it isn't a product for me.

Because I don't want that behavior encouraged in society. If a nigger tries to cock block me he will fucking regret it.

Did you get enough (you)s yet, faggot? Go back to your tranny discord.

No the ad assumes that there are some men who do, and that most men are good natured so they should step up and stop the few who do.
You don't want respectful behaviour encouraged in public? You don't like the message that women shouldn't have to be harassed because they're walking down a street?

Yeah, I will never use either brand ever again.

I was thinking the Schick would be a good Gillette alternative, but now they have a non-binary campaign splashed on the front of their webpage, so they can fuck off too.

Fuck off, already you Communist tranny faggot.

it portrays masculinity as toxic. Even so I dont care for convincing you if it was wrong or not, I know my ideals and Im not buying their shit for life. I actually liked their corporate image before and have never even bought a razor that doesnt say gilette before. A company that submits to propaganda shouldnt be a company for men.

Why, this discussion being too productive for your echo-chamber?
It doesn't portray all masculinity as toxic, it portrays the toxic parts of masculinity being toxic.

TruSpec is great for conceal carry clothing. It's better than 511 in my opinion.

BiC appears to lack any SJW programming.

The purpose of this discussion is to find products I want to buy, not to entertain your mental masturbation, you intolerable faggot.

>It doesn't portray all masculinity as toxic, it portrays the toxic parts of masculinity being toxic.

Got any specifics?

Ollygan france. You'll have to pay the price but they're excellent quality

That get's bookmarked.

Not very surprising
LEVI, Levi, one of the most common jew surname

sure but it was done too starkly
Give this some LIKES

The Lee jeans I got are actually a lot better than the Levis I had. Plus they remind me of General Lee, which is a bonus.

not really, i preferred it when companies stayed out of politics

What movie is it?

The audio was good, but most of their "men" are actually niggers.

Objectification of women, Men being seen as having to be physical and violent.
The whole section of "boys will be boys..." references how at a young age, when males conduct harmful behaviour to other people (including other males), it get's brushed off as part of being a man rather than addressed as something that is harmful.
But basically the ad just wants men to hold men accountable because women don't have enough power in the world to hold men accountable properly

I shave with Bic razors. Are they cool or are they cucked?

Staying out of politics is fine for Jow Forums approved. I'm not trying to advance an agenda with my purchases, so much as trying to avoid the financing of an agenda that hates me.


They seem fine. I'm switching to BiC myself.

Use a non aluminum deoderant. Aluminum over time passes the blood brain barrier due to being transported by white T cells, which causes mental problems. If you use one with baking soda, it can irritate if you use it every day, so I just alternate days between the one with baking soda to one without. Keep in mind that the aluminum in most deoderants clogs your pores, preventing you from sweating, which is how they work. Non aluminum deodorants essentially have to kill the bacteria which create the odor, and add fragrance to mask it. It's pretty easy if you don't work a job where you sweat profusely.

Use a non fluoride toothpaste as well. Even though most U.S. cities add fluoride to the water, most fluoride that gets into yours system is from fluoridated toothpaste and mouthwash. Fluoride is an endocrine disrupter (xenoestrogen), reduces your IQ and mental capacity, and increases your body's absorption of aluminum.

Some links:
deoderant (with baking soda):
deoderant (without baking soda):
toothpaste (non fluoridated):
mouthwash (non fluoridated):
floss (non plastic):

They have some cool styles. I prefer to try something on before I buy it though. It's hard to buy something you've never worn before online, IMO.

The real enemy is the Jew. Niggers are easy.

It's time to go back

Attached: s-l1000(8).jpg (1000x1000, 60K)

That all comes along with what makes men men.
You just want everyone to have a pussy or act like they do.

Well that's something worth looking into. Thanks.

I don't want to cut my fucking nose off if there's an earthquake.

You guys can just get around giving them money by buying their jeans at goodwill, etc. It’s not like Levi’s makes better jeans than everyone else anyways though.

Just grow a beard or not care for the msg n call it gay.
Or use straight razors.

Kek tje soi virgin brand

Remington, Winchester, Savage, Leupold, Nikon, Glock, Colt, Buck, Schrade, TOPs, Realtree, Barnett, Barret, Magpul, McMillan, are some that come to mind.

Why most white knight are well white....its opposite day but in reality masculine cultures dont care for white knighting.
They even had the black gangs act gay

Just get a safety razor handle and buy some blades from whatever company. I buy mine from Feather, a Japanese razor blade manufacturer.

Also if you buy an antique safety razor you won’t be giving any razor companies money. One of my safety razor handles is a Gillette, but I bought it at an antique shop so Gillette didn’t get any of my money. Just go on Art of Manliness and learn about more classic shaving methods.

Because instead of trying to sell razors, it paints men as sex offenders and bullies who need to be stopped. Incidentally, the "bad" men in the commercial are white, and the "good" ones are black.

How will he regret it....if this how u act think the nigga saved the white woman from being jaded by a white incel and turning mudshark.
Only chads may pass

Barbasol is pretty based. Their mission statement caps off with "We believe that we are merely temporary stewards and that the resources of the Company belong to God. As such, our main vision is to support charitable organizations and specifically, those focused upon children." They're like the Chick-Fil-A of shaving.

I got impulsive and bought a Barbasol Ultra 6 Plus this week, it works nice and it's made in America.

suck my dick. how is it not beautiful.
we have tons of weird biblical entities already ruining the shitshow. reap what you sow.

Yeah, the thing is I want one brand of jeans that I know fit that I can order online without any hassle. I like that with my products. I select them once then just reorder.

After I visited Levis website and saw the race mixing propaganda I immediately bought three different types of jeans and found that I liked the Lee jeans best. If Lee tries to promote some similar type of bullshit then I will switch brands again, I suppose.

I hope things don't get so bad that I am forced to shop at Goodwill to avoid giving money to Communists.

I think BiC is going to be my new brand of razor.

But now that Schick is a faggot company I have to find a different type of shaving cream.

I've thought about it.

Use diazapam then faggot.

I will embarrass the living fuck out of him.

Barbasol my dude. Or try some shaving soaps.

Nice one, user. I'll check them out.

don't use it with alcohol or you'll end up like this guy (according to the MSM).

Attached: stephen-c-paddock.jpg (615x409, 40K)

Barbasol will be my new brand.

Isn't it owned by a kike

Then buy a straight razor where you use disposable safety razor blades you snap in half and insert. The actual cutting edge will be like 1/16 of an inch or something and you won’t fuck your self up that bad if you fuck up.

What about Wrangler for jeans?