Civil War General /CWG/ Kurt Schlicter Edition

>You need to die because of your smile.
>That’s the position of our enemies, and we know it because they told us – openly, proudly, in the garbage public forum that is Twitter and elsewhere. Oh, they backtracked a little when the extent of their killing fantasies got exposed, scampering like their insect analogy, the roach, when someone flips on the kitchen light. But that kid in DC with the Frigidaireborne reefer ranger banging that drum in his baffled mug? They wanted that kid to die for having a Wrong Smile.
>Cue the excuse chorus: “That’s nonsense! We just wanted to pummel that kid and then destroy him, his family and and all his classmates! Don’t look behind the curtain at the woodchipper comments and bomb threats, you cisnormative monsters!”

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They want to take away our guns so they can unleash their army of machete-wielding illegals upon us.

>Accept that that kid was you, and me. If they’ll ice a kid for not having the right grin, they’ll waste you or me in a heartbeat. Murder is, after all, how leftists roll. The USSR, Red China, Cambodia, North Korea, Cuba – that cadaver-strewn litany teaches what’s lurking at the bottom of the slope we’re sliding down. The Dems are spooning with socialism, and the goal of socialism is written in blood on the pages of history. The unapproved must be liquidated, and they are making no secret that you are unapproved.


I am a trans woman (yea yea) and honestly the democrats scare the shit out of me. I know where this shit is going, and I want know part of it. I am a loyal American, I even fought in Iraq. I left the service after 5 years and began my transition.

But now my identity is a "political statement".i.e, a political statement for all the idiocy of the democratic party. Because apparently as a trans woman I am also for the suppression of free speech, unrestricted immigration into our country, an embrace of intersectional ideology and the defamation of nationalism.

So tiresome. I personally want to hang these idiots myself, but I will be happy not to get the noose myself when the inevitable backlash occurs. Its so intensely frustrating to have all my beliefs pre determined because of who I am.

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Agree. The key is to kill them first, and kill enough of them that it snaps them out of their fantasy. I'm talking at least 20K of them need to go in mass graves

Sorry to blackpill, but...

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Fuck off.

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y did you transition? can you still produce white children?

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Don't forget that the same people who brag about how you need to be protected in the name of universal empathy and tolerance will vilify a man for simply not having intercourse the same way your (and "their") enemies do you for requesting to be called Miss on account of injecting horse urine and possibly ask for men to stick their dick in another mangled up dick.

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The MSM refuses to report on the white genocide in South Africa they are going to make us go through a media blackout when the white suburbs are getting raided by the nigs and spics

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Thank you for your service. I support you.

also relevant

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One kid. She even has red hair. I decided to transition because I just could not keep my own mental health together without it. Would not wish dysphoria on anyone tbqh. Another thing that pisses me off about the modern political dynamics.

That greentext does a really good job at explaining the hypocrisy of the left but trust me user they don't give a shit. They have an end goal in mind
>white genoicde
So they invent a bunch of terms to justify this amongst the normies and to disguise their true intentions. First they demonize whites by saying they're privileged and then disenfranchise them from society. It starts out as a slow boil but the rampant rhetoric in the past few years is quickly accelerating to weimar levels. We're already at weimar levels since netflix is throwing around kiddie porn in the form of a drag show but the normies haven't caught on yet. The left also weaponizes sex as a means to control. A girl can file a false rape charge on a man and even if its proven false she will face minimal consequences. Women can divorce men in droves stealing their shit and the federal government will reward them for it. Women can openly talk about the things they fuck with zero shame but if a guy makes a sex joke then he's a pervert. It's all an elaborate scheme to enslave men and to bring about
>worldwide globohomo communism
>white genoicde

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>white suburbs are getting raided by the nigs and spics
I guess white people really don't want assimilation.

Its funny...actually no its not. I actually just came back today from a trip to the doctor managing things, and the nurse was visibly terrified with how to address me. I am still early in the process so clearly "a man". She asked me how I wanted to be addressed and I told her "whatever feels best for you".

Wrong answer apparently. I should have just issued a command so she would not have to walk on egg shells. I don't think I really appreciated just how much power a sociopath could have over others until that moment.

Youre going to hang either way, faggot

Why are these minorities on the left side? And where is the Russian flag?


article is exactly right. i live in a big city. this is finally showing up on the doorstep of the rest of America. there's a war. one side has refused to admit there's a war and has thus surrendered for decades. not anymore.

Surprise surprise

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