Mueller Investigation

Can someone explain to me how is this thing still going on after year and a half? There was more than enough time to find everything needed. If they didn't manage to find it by now, either there is nothing to find or they're incompetent. Either way, it needs to stop. How can this still have any legitimacy?

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Uh...more like 2.5 years. They were surveilling his campaign with their bullshit FISA warrant way back then. Mueller will try to keep it open all the way till Nov 2020. It's a political hit job, nothing more.

Mueller had been in charge of the shadow government since 2001. Continuety of Government (Rex 84) enacted 9/11/2001. The US has been a lie for almost two decades and Mueller has been "President" the entire time.

It's pretty much over.

The whole thing was just a big scam to try to remove Trump from office and make an excuse for why Hillary lost.

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>It's a political hit job, nothing more.


it took bob's last team 10 years and billions of dollars to lose in vietnam

give him time

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He and his friends/masters will have him just keep hanging around, just keep digging until he can charge Trump or someone in his family with some bullshit process crime. Then the Democrats will push for impeachment.

trump is done. panicked and lied about perfectly legal meeting with putin. was target of mueller probe. code name dragon. this is why he could not declassify (see nunes crumbs sun fox interview, see whitaker interview...sweating ass off because now knows the truth). will be impeached shortly and mcconnell will convict. pence will be president before year over. trumps will be ruined. maga over

You're overestimating how fast investigations actually happen. The Watergate investigation took 2 years to complete, and that was just one single incident involving a small handful of people. This one seems to be bigger in scope.

Besides, they already have indicted a bunch of people.

oooh, I see now
this is pasta

the indictments are unrelated to the investigation, they're just things the investigation found while looking for other stuff

True, but virtually all of the indictments are related to those people covering stuff up and lying to investigators. If you assume everyone involved is innocent of collusion, all the perjury is weird.

Mueller is on our side magapedes.
Always remember to trust the plan.
Even when Trump loses in 2020 just be patient
Everything's going according to plan


Not so, the fbi has a track record of slapping lying charges (not perjury, that's different) on people they try to make flip that don't.
It's because you have to follow through on threats.
Not to mention 2 of those people, Cohen and Manafort, are just prolific liars. They lie about everything.

>Can someone explain to me how is this thing still going on after year and a half
You need a special ed teacher to help you.
The investigation has nabbed 6 Trump advisers, 26 Russian, 3 Russian companies and 2 other US traitors.
It is a vast criminal network and they indict a new person every few weeks.
Sorry Mueller doesn't work on your incel time-table.

Otherwise innocent people often commit perjury thinking the probe will end faster with their lie - remember Stone and others are hemorrhaging money. Of course in this case the lie just helped Mueller prolong the cases but the human mind sometimes thinks one little lie wont hurt. None of the lies has been big enough to prove any grand collusion or even close.

If Trump is some putin puppet he wouldn’t need wikileaks as middle man - which itself has not been shown to be a russian operation despite how often its repeatedly called one

>The investigation has nabbed 6 Trump advisers, 26 Russian, 3 Russian companies and 2 other US traitors.
No it hasn't
only like 5 of 6 people have been nabbed
All those russians haven't been nabbed, and the one russian company that showed up in court looks to be going free.

>a vast criminal network
wtf are you smoking. Mueller has been making it very clear that all of these people aren't connected. His job isn't to find ONE group that committed ONE crime. His job is to find any foreign entity that did anything possibly illegal in regards to our election, and any americans who may have contributed in any way to those foreign efforts.

Also, some of the "russians" you're talking about aren't russian, and no one that's been charged is a traitor. That's a misreading of the charges.

>all of these Trump advisers aren't connected
imagine being this stupid

Wikileaks is a russian sympathizer, which is the other aspect that makes the "russian collusion" narrative fuzzy

I'm pretty sure what ACTUALLY happened is that people in the Trump orbit were told Seth Rich gave the emails to wikileaks, and were hoping they'd publish them cause it would be bad.
Wikileaks likely works with the russian hackers who got access to podesta and hillary's emails too.

Mueller probably wants enough evidence to make Assange look like a russian plant rather than just a sympathizer, but that's pretty hard to do.

>Cohen and Manafort, are just prolific liars. They lie about everything.
Yeah, they're both scum, I'm glad they got locked away.

Like, most of these people probably have lawyers on retainer, just don't lie. I've had to give statements to police before and I managed to do it without making false statements (you're right, not perjury, perjury has to be under oath).

>Otherwise innocent people often commit perjury thinking the probe will end faster with their lie
These are professionals, not street punks. They're lawyers, political consultants, campaign managers, all kinds of jobs that require a lot of knowledge about law. These guys know exactly what they shouldn't say. I bet they're driving their lawyers crazy.

What evidence do you have that George Papadopolis had any connection to Cohen?

I didn't say NONE of them were connected
I said ALL of them weren't connected.

To be fair, micheal flynn didn't lie, and they still charged him with lying

Trump is so smart he accidentally hired a gang of criminals. Whoopsies. 9000D chess.

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I mean, he plead guilty to making false statements about his interactions with the Russian ambassador. That sounds a lot like lying to me.

It's such a weird thing to lie about too.

The FBI didn't think he lied until months later
and the court didn't seem to think he lied either
hell, he doesn't seem to think he lied, based on his various statements.

In this case, pleading guilty is more like a "no contest"
He just wants the case to end. They've ruined him financially

This thread will be swarmed by shills and literal retards, but the answer is that the special counsel is an unconstitutional shitshow that can go on forever. As long as it's running it is effectively its own branch of government, on steroids. Mueller is a criminal puppet and is protecting himself and his family by being the puppet he's always been. Trump was named in the originating documents as the target of the investigation, that's why neither Trump nor anyone else is ever allowed to see the scope memo (funny how this is the only document in Washington that no one ever leaks hmmm I wonder why) and why they had to convince Trump not to declassify it. They have dug a hole so deep they are worried that if people find out how badly they fucked up it could destabilize the n country. As a result many have concluded that the only solution is to actually remove the President by whatever means possible, because the alternative is a body politic that goes berzerk when the people wake up to just how corrupt their farcical government is. Yes that is where we are right now. Additionally the real head of the investigation isn't Mueller, as I said he's a puppet, the real head is Andrew Weismann, the biggest kike sack of shit ever to have arms and legs sewn on. Truly a grotesque golem of fetid jewry who should be publicly disemboweled as painfully as humanly possible.

Saying that trump does unethical things and hires unethical people is not the same as saying everyone's guilty of a massive conspiracy which literally no one seems to have any evidence of except possibly the FBI.

Being guilty of SOMETHING doesn't mean you're guilty of EVERYTHING

simple answer is the investigation isn't what most people think it is

How’s it going in your Discord today? Epic trolling with a bit of trannie talk? Irrespective of Trump being guilty or not, address the shit that’s on record from your two false idols Shillary and Barry and their direct connections to Russia. I’ll wait...

>nobody has evidence of
Hello. We are the internet. We never forget. We never forgot that time Ft. DETRICK Maryland mailed WEAPONIZED ANTHRAX spores to US Senators.

flynn dangled a half truth so he could be charged, plead guilty, and then provide details of criminal activity he witnessed that without a plea deal that dictates so, could not have been released without violating non disclosure agreements that were put in place during the obongo admin.

Wasn't he planning to kidnap someone and give them to Turkey? I remember hearing a story about that from ages ago.

Anyway, his sentencing keeps getting deferred, so it seems like he's got a sweet plea deal going on. Apparently the judge in his sentencing was suggesting treason might be warranted based on evidence which is still under seal.

Non disclosure agreements can't prevent anyone from telling anything to law enforcement or the FBI, wtf are you smoking?
If you mean classified material, that's different, but all the investigators would need to do is go get that clearance
The idea that flynn WANTED to be charged so he could tell them stuff is absurd.

>Anyway, his sentencing keeps getting deferred, so it seems like he's got a sweet plea deal going on
that's not how it works.
and flynn definitely doesn't have a plea deal going on, those have to be publically stated during trial
He was cooperating, but that's not the same as a plea deal

Just about everything everyone has been indicted on has been for process crimes spawned by the Mueller investigation - the only crimes that Mueller has arrested people for, that were committed before his appointment as Special Counsel, have been tax evasion charges and failing to declare work with Ukrainian representatives years before they were ever part of the Trump campaign.

He's got nothing and he knows it, which is why he sends over a dozen heavily armed and armored federal agents to take his 'suspects' into custody. It's an intimidation tactic and a way to keep the media's narrative fed.

Most of the details of related trials are under seal because of ongoing investigations. It's clear there was a plea deal because Flynn did plead guilty, but obviously we won't get the information regarding that until the other investigations he's cooperating with are done.

The fact that he plead guilty in December, yet his sentencing is still delayed means he's definitely still cooperating. The judge publicly stated that.

Civil War. Deep State vs. Trump and everyone who supports Trump.
Look what they did to Kavenaugh

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the judge in his case completely went full retard when he figured out that flynn had played the system so he could enter SAP level info that incriminated Clintons et al in the Obama admin. He delayed sentencing to prevent flynn from fulfilling the terms of plea agreement i.e. providing evidence of all other crimes he is aware of to Mueller (who is actually /ourguy/)

It was her turn

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yep. deep state vs Trump.
as long as there is an investigation Trump cant fire anyone. It would be obstruction of justice if he did

FBI and CNN collude on Stone arrest.
CNN= propaganda arm of deep/police state

It just seems weird that President Trump nominated William Barr for AG who is reported as a close personal friend of Robert Mueller. But I guess ole Drumpf is just haphazardly skiping around all these political landmines unscathed as usual.

But delaying sentencing doesn't prevent Flynn from cooperating. The judge delayed sentencing specifically so that Flynn could continue to cooperate before being sent to prison.

Also, state secrets are state secrets even in the event of an active investigation. Investigators need to obtain clearance to get access to it no matter who they're charging or who has been sentenced. A deal between a prosecutor and a government employee can't over-ride the special access program.

Because the "investigation" it's nothing more than a DNC hit job intended to delegitimize and sabotage Trump's administration. Mueller packed his team with hardcore anti-Trump Demoncraps and he himself might be one despite being "Republican", much like Comey.

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I like how people ask questions like this without first consulting the standards for investigations of this type and scale. Maybe spend 30 seconds googling and reading before you come autist over here.

When you keep finding and convicting traitors, they let you keep investigating. Weird.

> being this deluded

>by giving another verdict


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Trump supporters are beyond delusional.


LOL nobody has even been charged with treason. It's amazing how retarded you morons are.

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Judges aren't the ones who suggest charges, prosecutors are the ones who suggest charges. A judge has no power or authority to charge someone with a crime, they provide judgements, sentences, and legal rationale.

Everyone in Washington is a criminal. He never would have been allowed to bring outsiders into his campaign and still call himself a Republican.

Imagine being so retarded you think Mueller is just waiting for the perfect time to release his "bombshell" for 2 years.

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Democracy is a total failure.
>The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
>t. Thomas Jefferson

No shit. Maybe I'm misunderstanding your previous post?
>Apparently the judge in his sentencing was suggesting treason might be warranted
Which sounds like you're implying that he's going to tack on a treason charge as part of the sentencing. Which is not how that works lol
Again, maybe I misunderstood your post, in which case, my b.

Have you dilated your hole today?

President Donald Trump nominated Rod Rosenstein to serve as Deputy Attorney General.
Trump loudly decried AG Jeff Sessions multiple times (to make sure everyone knew of his bad decision hiring Sessions, Classic Trump right?). Rosenstein was then placed in charge of the special counsel.
Fun fact: President Trump nominated Rosenstein to serve as Deputy Attorney General for the United States Department of Justice on February 1, 2017. He was one of the 46 United States Attorneys ordered on March 10, 2017, to resign by Attorney General Jeff Sessions; Trump declined his resignation. Rosenstein was confirmed by the Senate on April 25, 2017, by a vote of 94–6.
Fun Fact 2: Rosenstein is married to Lisa Barsoomian, an Armenian American lawyer who worked for the National Institutes of Health until 2011. During her 24 years of law practice, as a government attorney Barsoomian has defended cases for Bill Clinton and Colin Powell, various Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) cases, and the FBI's "Carnivore" surveillance system, which monitors and captures e-mail.

Yeah, naw. I just read in an article not long ago that the judge during sentencing was tearing into Flynn for selling out the country. He was apparently referencing evidence which is still under seal, and was saying that the evidence might suggest a treason charge was warranted, although obviously as a judge he has no authority to make charges.

I really wish I knew what the evidence actually was. It seems like we won't actually get the full story about what's actually happening for years.

I wouldn't be surprised if Flynn did sell out the country. We know he loves sucking Turkey's dick.