Is Nick Cave /ourmusician/?

>Made good music that was alpha as fuck despite his appearance
>went from junkie to finding god
>has shakeup of faith
>still believes in god but no allegiance to religion
>always has been thoroughly unapologetic
>understands the world is a violent place and writes about it well
>Old Testament personified
I can think of worse people to like.

Attached: nickcave210812w_sam_jones.jpg (604x388, 49K)

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I dunno man. Depends if he's a pedo or not. I think that's the line between the club and everyone else.

he's a race mixer. was married to a Brazilian.

Attached: 2c05d871e1c509f05c47b408616109d8--nick-cave-seeds.jpg (448x477, 41K)

>was married
Operative words there. Long time ago, perhaps he learned from the error of his ways.

My father works with him to some degree. He’s an affable humble family man.

Based confirmed.

He's shit, fuck you faggot.

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Is he the Aus user on here always bitching about his Brazilian ex wife?

I've always loved nick cave. I got hooked when I listened to Murder Ballads, and have been a fan ever since. That was probably 1999. So a long time.

He is an open supporter of Israel

is he jewish himself? jet black hair is uncommon in white australians.

My jewdar doesn't react at all. He doesn't have a single jewish characteristic.

he doesnt really come across as semitic but
black hair, big nose, believes in god but is not a christian all could indicate chosen status.

I have no idea who tf this is but he's a weird looking guy

hes one of the only australian celebrities that wasnt born in nz.

His mother's maiden name was Treadwell, which is Spehardic Jewish.

Sorry guys, he's from the tribe.

have you looked over that list? tons of those names are english surnames.

Treadwell Name Meaning

English (chiefly West Midlands): metonymic occupational name for a fuller, from Middle English tred(en) ‘to tread’ + well ‘well’. Fulling was the process by which newly woven cloth was cleaned and shrunk by the use of heat, water, and pressure (from treading) before finally being stretched and laid out to dry on tenter hooks.

he seems pretty sympathetic towards palestine even though hes defending doing shows in israel..

that list has heaps of common british names which arent specifically jewish.

Well, I got bad news for you then. You may think those are normal names (lots of people with Jewish names in Germany say that too), but they aren't.

for example abbot, adams, banks, baxter, blackwell, blair, blanc, bradley, bradshaw, bryant, clark, cunningham, day, denis, eagle, farrel, fitzgerald, fitzsimmons, frank, etc are not specifically jewish names. some jews may have those as surnames but so do a lot of other brits.

Trump Cave>Nick Cave

also on that list: Macaulay MacCoby MacDonnell Macintosh MacIntyre MacKiernan MacKimmie MacKinney. pretty sure those arent jewish.

Brazilians are honorary whites. The ones that don't eat monkeys at least.

he's a true blue aussie legend

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