Mods Are Faggot Cucks

You leave up the gay bbc interracial TRASH yet you delete the wholesome Femin Virus Warning Thread?

Fuck you Janny/Fuck you Mods

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Other urls found in this thread:

(((They))) cannot allow the truth to come out.
It's never been Black VS White.
It is male VS female.

I think I just stumbled into a rabbit hole.
In wanting to map the symbolism of leftist logos, speech, NLP; I started with the most obvious. (3 different colored silhouette faces overlaying one another).

Look at this rabbit hole I stumbled into.
also here's a copy of the movie I was able to obtain (just in case):

I Just watched the movie and it brings up some interesting thoughts so far regarding geometrical shapes and still reminds me of Ibrahim Karim's work in "BioGeometry" and the effects it has on plants, causing desalination in water, etc, effects on people to better\worsen mood. It makes me wonder... all these leftist cities have large skyscrapers or other things in common. Is there something in the way the cities are shaped that attracts (or repels) them?

>Cities as food supplies.

fourth wave feminism
The film takes place in Paradise City AZ (phoenix)\Maricopa County
>Scientist: Dr Hubbs
>Data Scientist: James
>Woman: Kendra

00:14:11 "There are certain equatorial ants that will attack anything, insects, mammals, anything at all... that threatens their food supply, the smell triggers their behaviour"

00:14:42 running fuel lines to kill off\burn ants in a ditch

00:21:06 They kick the hive into panic and communication mode by launching grenades into the dirt towers the ants built. The ants then start communicating wirelessly which is picked up by the audio equipment (similar to how A5 stated when a Hive is attacked there is a limited range on their communication (outside of SM\Internet))

00:50:50 Kendra is scared of the sound and upset at James, and immediately runs and hides just like the ants. The sound affects her just as bad as the ants.

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>Male vs Female
It's infected vs humanity

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The time codes will make more sense when the movie is watched (~80min)

I missed a lot of good knowledge/info but it's because I was caught up in watching the movie, I'll rewatch it a couple more times to analyze it further.

There are some stereotypical theater movements that they do like foreshadowing by touching the person they're talking about and saying a hypothetical that will impact that character.

James: "I just can't believe it, they know our plans, our strengths, our weaknesses, even the one machine that everything else depends on, how could they know? this is impossible"
Scientist: "They Knew" *grabs infected arm in pain and also for theatrical reasons*

Kendra is approached by an ant with a green rear that sits on her hand as she is laying down.
She opens her eyes and tells it "Go Away, Please Go Away".
How did they know, how did they know? YOU *points at kendra* *follows her into hall, where she moves and there is the same ant with the green rear sitting on the shelf*.

01:13:00 They Take the women first, and the woman sacrafices herself to them (((to help others)))

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Your gonna say that about all these well adjusted people.

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Demon Virus is the Femin Virus

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any thread that trash talks Russia will get pruned on Jow Forums. You can talk shit about any other country and it will stay up though. This has been documented

everyone with half a brain knows mods are all kikes. Jow Forums was invented by a kike

So well adjusted

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It's completely natural to want to turn yourself into a snake person, it's *current year+4*!

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>muh kikes
The Enemy right now is the mutation that can destroy civilization called the Femin Virus

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So is pumping your child full of hormones and encouraging him to dance in gay strip clubs, it's the progressive way to raise kids.

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Feminism is a viral bioweapon virus. A bio-terrorism outbreak. These "people" mutate and become Demons.

> How to spot the infection

Wanting to destroy the family and men, hatred of children, wanting(and doing) killing of babies along with abortion, sexual/gender confusion, increase rates of homosexuality, pedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia,transgender, various disturbing fetishes, cannibalism, wanting to destroy whites, social castes like social insects in large numbers, SIDS, miscarriages, fertility issues , stillborn's, wanting to attack and fuck the un-infected, obsession with things like snakes, sexual promiscuity(large numbers of partners), etc

> Categories relating to virus infection

Immune(People that cannot be infected by the virus)

Non-Infected(People that don't have the virus and can be infected)

Resistant(People that the virus has trouble infecting, but are not immune to being infected)

Hosts(People that have the virus)

Carriers(People that have the virus, but is dormant for long periods of time or even generations without showing any signs of infection. Some types of carriers can spread it)

Transmitters(People that are being used by the virus to spread it, but are not fully/completely infected)

Spreaders(People infected with the virus that spread the virus)

Infected(People infected by the virus)

HiveMind/Colony Castes(Similar to social insects. Queens, Drones, Workers, Soldiers, Majors, Super Majors, Kings, etc)

Mutation(physical changes to all body systems)

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The yellow/black background on this was great

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Feminism is a viral outbreak of a deadly bio-terrorism attack virus
It's in the blood,DNA, spreads like an STD and is in bodily fluids
A viral bioweapon virus with a hivemind, The virus spreads and encourages degeneracy.

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>bbc threads are on topic

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The last remaining human remnants of someone's subconscious would never chose that type of background on purpose.

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If you scroll through the thread you can see which upset them and they flagged as delete

And it was a faggy Janny because all I got was a 5 minute warning for Spamming?
In my own thread?
What a fag


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SCP Feminism object class KETER

get gassed kike

I got a spam ban aswell

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>If you only knew how bad things really are

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Every mod on Jow Forums knows how much Jow Forums hates them, so they hide in the shadows looking for bullshit reasons to ban people and topics.

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mods and jannies are on the payroll