Reminder that Paradox Entertainment is cucked. Their most popular game, Europa Universalis IV, was a favorite for woke right-wingers.

On the official forums, the Swedish developers stickied a warning to players to not say "Remove Kebab" because it offends Muslims, under penalty of ban. (no Muslims play the game anyways). The warning has been stickied at the top of the forums for 2 years.

Sweden is literally being gang raped by Muslim invaders, and the developers only give a shit about not offending Muslims.

Attached: EU4 Cucked.jpg (1057x187, 56K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The cucks are the ones who buy their games and all the DLC desu

The success of cultural marxist brainwashing in Sweden, US, and UK is horrifying. Who would ever have thought that 50% of a population could be convinced that it is their DIRE MORAL IMPERATIVE to sacrifice themselves to foreigners

Only niggers use their forums. Pirate their DLC

I've never played but doesn't genocide and conquering literally occur in the game?

You know how you hurt these shitty game companies? DON’T BUY THEIR GAMES. In this situation you hold all the power. Vote with your wallet.

I’m personally boycotting:

Anything from sweden

Paradox are fucking jews. They're EA at this point with their shameless bullshit DLC policy. Even niche game genres aren't safe from jewish money grubbing claws

I would have thought. The brainwashing in schools is INTENSE.

At least that doesn’t leak in the games. What leaks in the games though is their desire to suck kike dick: in CK2 jewish courtiers have good stats and specific percent bonuses for being jewish if you appoint them a job in your court. And of course they dindu nuffin and you can expel them just because they’re such a convenient (and somehow rich) scrapegoat

Real chads ask for a loan and kick them afterwards.

Yes this one trolled the hell out of me. For ages I assumed the random jews would be up to something bad like every other event. Finally looked it up and it's a bullshit free tech points.
>no Muslims play the game anyways
citation needed

Didn't they freak out about a phenotype mod in Stellaris as well, I love their games, but mother of fuck are they a bunch of faggots.

Yeah the only whites or only blacks etc was removed

I love their games too, but as an user said, it hasn't leaked into their games yet.

We'll just have to cross that bridge when we have to, but for now it's fine.

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Haven't bought a single game since very early gamergate. Got nearly all my friends to do the exact same.
When we want to have fun with games, we make our own stuff and have some lan parties where we quickly make something and have fun with it for a while.
It's better this way.

But having a white scientist named Ngubu and a black governor Yoshi Fujimori is beautiful!

What's that Mars colonization game with nothing but niggers when you pick Europe?

Same with the EU4 faceberg group, they banned the phrase, and it's a cancerous queue to suck off the admin Ainsley.

I'm in a EU4 discord, and it's great how you can say "I'm going to genocide this filthy kebob" and it's perfectly acceptable.

>he doesn't play Darkest Hour

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aye whats the link to that discord, I genocided half the turks off anatolia today, but got overzealous and lost two wars to the mamelukes after getting basilius

At least the jew thing is accurate somewhat. They're high IQ and great at law/finance

The game is trash. It supposed to be a historical simulator but i guess it would be racist or something to have it actually be historically accurate so they make chinks and mud people just as powerful as Europeans. The Enlightenment started in some shithole province in India. Yeah right suck my cock paradox.

I don't even know why they bother with the Europa part anymore.

How is crusader kangz 2? I downloaded during the free weekend but havent played it yet.

It’s somehow became mainstream acceptable to praise kikes for being ubermensch, but say the same about whites and you get fucked into oblivion

Victoria 2 still the best

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They have meme stereotypes for all races in that game, tbqh famalam.

Such as? Only zoroastrian sisterfuckers come to mind, there’s almost no zoroastrians left to be butthurt about it though

>paying for games
if you like it, then you can buy it to support the devs.

Chinese arbitrarily getting bonuses to stewardship because they're taoist comes to mind.

>he buys his games
>(in Razorfist voice) hur dur support the developer

Huh, that’s fun. Stopped playing it long before the chinese became a thing though

>only play as humans (xenofobic, fanatic militarist)
>oligarchy, dictatorship or imperial, never democracy
>slavery enabled, citizens only refugee policy
>never build robots, AI forbidden
and most importantly
>never ever employ black scientists and leaders, only whites, arabs or asians with appropriate names.

In all of my years of playing Stellaris I haven't played a single game with alien species or as a human democracy.

I always play as the vulcan elf people because none of them have dark skin

you can literally genocide the natives you crybaby

It is mind numbingly easy to conquor the Americas in this game, and since when did euros conquor china? And how easy was the conquest of India?

The strength of the nations seem about right to me, except the outrageous power of the turks

why in the world would you ever purchase a video game? It is so easy to pirate anything.

No they're not.

the Ottoman Empire was unironically one of the strongest countries on Earth for most of the time period in which EUIV takes place. There's a reason it took literal centuries for Europe to finally kick them out of the Balkans

>if you like it, then you can buy it to support the devs.
Don't do this. Game developers deserve to starve.

The US is not the same as those other two. In America people just don't care. If the illegals and niggers can be paid to keep quiet, white Americans are fine with that. Whites just don't care enough to do anything about problems that are already here.

The Swedes and British are actively creating problems because they believe it's justified by history.

Except that isn't true. They just nepotise each other jobs lad

Like how all normal pops are white and the slave pops are black.

I'm 100% certain they give jews high stats in CK2 on purpose specifically to piss off the Jow Forums crowd, and it obviously works
>not playing as a secret jew and subverting Europe
doing completely retarded shit is half the entertainment value of CK2

>using these terms is considered racism

so... going by their logic should the term REMOVE MEATBALL be considered racism?
I don't find it offensive term, just funny and I'm pretty sure kebabs find remove kebab funny too

>doing completely retarded shit is half the entertainment value of CK2
Tfw im the only one in my circle of friends that play CK2 that doesn't do gamey shit and plays the character. Every decision I make, good, bad or one that would just fuck my realm up, is all based on what kind of character I'm playing at that moment.

>haven't bought a paradox game since 3 years ago, only play V2
>bought warhammer total war when it came out
>now CA has become monumentally more cucked and stupid since then, refusing to finish the warhammer series until after they release their new china game and hiring tons of women and trannies to promote their shitty games

I just wanted to vidya

it's hard to be serious in a game that lets you become a gay black satanic immortal reformed pagan/secretly jewish man ruling the state of Israel, and then get invaded by the aztecs

Warhammer is the worst thing to happen to the Total War series. Change my mind.

>Start Hitman
>Greeted with this message

>"Developed and published by a multicultural team"

If it werent for Trump, I would absolutely hate this timeline. It all went so wrong this decade guys, we need to exterminate all liberals when the dotr arrives. Our own ranks is filled with traitor faggots

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the Legendary Lords that nuke entire armies are fun atleast

>in EU3 people complained that only europe was fleshed out
>in EU4 paradox went the other direction and made it so that non-europeans could out-tech europe with ease


why I stick to EU3

Total war was always fantasy, you're just upset because no roman ninjas riding on ships clipping into land

I only play wh40k games anyway, and i dont feel guilty about it either since its literally a eternal race war.

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>decade begins
>was younger and things seemed okay
>decade ending
>older now and girls are fat whores

We should have listened to Ron Paul in 2008

theres yer problem

I'm mad that the historical games are sidelined for fantasy shit, yes. I'm quite fucking upset by it. It's just not my cup of tea. The last good historical TW was Shogun. Not only that but you have to admit releasing DLC for Warhammer 1 when Warhammer 2 came out was a load of jewish, shekel-grubbing bullshit.

thats become a crock of faggotry now too

>so they make chinks and mud people just as powerful as Europeans.
Mutt education topkek, both the Ming and Ottoman were global powerhouse back then, both started collapsing by the 18th century as their technology were slowly falling behind. Friendly reminder that Europe almost turned muslim at some point in history, if the polish-lithuanian commonwealth hadn't helped the Austrian to stop the ottomans from pushing further into Vienna.

>At least the jew thing is accurate somewhat. They're high IQ and great at law/finance
If being a leech and surviving off of people's naivety is being intelligent then the niggers should be too.

some people just really like red spearmanii vs. blue spearmanii

So you play with Europa Barbarorum and other autism mods then?


I preordered TWW2 so I got the DLC for free.

I switched from TW games to Paradox games because of this. I miss being able to do battles, but they haven't come out with a good TW game since Shogun. I almost quit after Napolean just because it was a buggy POS. I started with HOIV, but it gets boring after a while. I play EUIV now, but mostly just watch people like Arumba and Florryworry play it on twitch because I usually quit by the 1600s of boredom. I have bought most of the DLC, but did it at discount from various cd key sites.

>the dlc policy though

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>buy the base game on sale
>pirate all the dlc using cream.api
easiest shit ever, and steam thinks you own the DLC legit so the game updates properly and you get achievements and everything

This and just watch Yuri Bezmenov predict this

Western military technology is the most powerful. You can earn the most as European nations. You can colonise with ease as a European nation.

All historically accurate, user. Kebob is very strong at the beginning, though. But that's accurate.

If you admit that blacks have lower IQ than whites, then you have to admit that the Jews have higher IQ. Look at the proportion of chess players, nobel prize winners etc.
That doesn't mean we should let them fuck us over, of course.

>The US is not the same as those other two

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>US is not the same
>not the same

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America is more like South Africa at the end of Apartheid though. Whites just want their stuff and to be left in peace and have muh obama muh mlk everyone being racially friendly because the shitskins are already here. If they weren't here and we didn't have mass migration, we wouldn't want them and liberals would have no say in the matter.

The issue with the UK and Sweden is that most people can remember when there were only a handful of foreigners sitting around the largest cities and contrast that with today when there are somalis being shipped to the tiniest villages in bumfuck, Norrland just to make life terrible for some rural Swedish people who never met a nigger before.

I really blame the father for being an extremely shitty human being. I mean the fucker gave more of a shit about tacos than his own daughter.


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See >white liberals aren't the problem


>reposting the same white liberal girl again and again

Oh you were using that as an example. You have to understand SA bro. That the US has been indoctrinated since the 60s. Its a fucking miracle we made it this long. Though I am starting to sense a change in my generation. Alot are developing a racial conscience.



Why Intel ans Nvidia ?

Question whats preventing indy gamers from making their own right wing games. Are right wingers so skillless they cant recompile and reskin a video game.
You guys could literally be releasing RWDS first person shooter game with a crypto microtransactions but cuz yall cant program for shit youll stay mad

ITT: Brainlets triggered by a company enforcing their own rules on their own site.

She's a white American. Saying liberals are the problem is admitting that white Americans are part of the problem.

White Americans push back against the wall because muh racism, muh south american oppression and even muh holocaust. White Americans gleefully promote the slaughter of white babies to facilitate their rampant promiscuity. Since 2000 tens of millions more immigrants have flooded into the states, and around half the white population supports it.

Things that happened in a 80%+ white america=
>abortion made legal
>divorce made legal and commonplace
>the repeal of racial quotas for citizenship and the Naturalisation and Immigration act of '65.
>porn as free speech
Blame white liberals all you want, that happened on the watch of a vast majority white America.

>That the US has been indoctrinated since the 60s
I understand completely, but pretending a problem doesn't exist makes it impossible to solve. Saying UK and Swedes are worse and pretending America is based while it's America that did the most to spread the poz to others is just insulting at this point.

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anyone that is enough of a prole to play vanilla EU4 deserves this fate and worse. Vanilla is for literal children and 85 IQ autists that just want to paint a map a single color.

>I started with HOIV
I'm so sorry.... The game is a broken mess. It hasn't been updated since april of last year despite the many game-breaking bugs that are present. Even when i've brought this up on the forums several months ago I was shouted out and le downvoted by paradrone cucks. I wonder if they still shill after almost a year without a patch? I have the same problem with EU4 though, I end up quitting in the 1600s as well out of boredom. I definitely recommend Victoria 2 though. 1836-1936 so it's not as long, but long enough to get that grand strat feel. It's more complex than EU4 and HOI4 but it's absolutely worth it.

>non-europeans could out-tech europe with ease
this is just not True, the only way to keep up in tech is start out in Europe. China gets an early game advantage with already having meritocracy unlocked but as long as you don't fuck with the settings all the other institutions start off in Europe

They are working on the next patch right now. I am really excited for the next DLC. Paradox is the only game developer that will still straight up give it's players exactly what they want.

My biggest grip with the game is that the AI is totally fucking retarded, and the extent to which players can min-max nations in multiplayer is so ridiculous it takes a lot of the fun out of it

>AI is totally fucking retarded
Every paradox game

That's because our ruling class makes a ton of money off slaves, but common westerners don't want to be slaves, so the rulers invested a lot into brainwashing its population into accepting waves and waves of goblin slaves.

well it makes more of a difference in HOI since you are always in a global conflict with multiple theaters and the combat system is much more complex in general.

this. mexicans and central americans are like a subhuman slave class here. really though, we're fucked because something like 85% of hispanic immigrant households are on gibs of some kind

Meritocracy is not in default eu4

vanilla is even more of a setback for non-euopeans since they all have a higher tech cost because of non-western tech groups

The mod is now called "Human Phenotypes" and you can play as any human race.

Attached: mahnigga.png (1493x704, 1.23M)

Not if you pirate the game and download the "cracked" DLC.

It's so easy to pirate their stuff, they don't even put an effort to protect them.

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>total cost with all dlcs is $200+
I wonder why people chose to torrent Paradox games.

I hope Victoria 3, despite the name, covers 1700 to 1918. Victoria shouldn't extend to 1936, as it can't represent anything after World War 1, but would with some tweaking (To represent the fact the industrial revolution will start later) would better represent the 1700s than EUIV, particularly America. EUIV is a great late medieval and renaissance simulator, but that's it. Paradox should represent the tail end of feudalism in EUIV more by giving France, England, and so on fiefs (Distinct subjects from vassals) they cannot integrate until the Age of Absolutism. England, for example, was still relying on feudal armies raised and led by local earls and dukes well into the 1600s.