Fuck Gillette. Barbasol makes a razor



Attached: Barbasol.jpg (665x340, 28K)

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wtf i love barbasol now.


Barbasol is my new brand. I just wish they made deodorant.

There's a coupon for $2 off your first Barbasol razor.


ok thank you very much man

Obvious shill thread but you two seem like nice anons

>muh Nazis were bad meme

Still ZOG'd.

is it owned by hooknoses ???

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Its just marketing faggot. I dont fall for marketing from no one gillete or barbasol because im not npc.

>using deodorant

It can also be used to smuggle dinosaur DNA if you're looking to make a quick buck.
Just don't be fat and stupid or the spitting one will get ya.

>I'm here fighting for your freedom

I wish that were actually the case.

>muh Americans were bad meme

Still ZOG'd.

Attached: DDaySmuggie.png (793x446, 83K)

>I'm here fighting for your freedom

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>still falling for the multi-blade meme

Get a safety razor and cheap double-edged blades already. It's way cheaper and more efficient.

>fighting for freedom

found the asian

My grandfather was in the SS though, fuck that grandfather.

Looks like the same dorco razors that Dollar shave club sells.


>found the roach

>smelling like body odour

>multi-blade cartridge meme razor
No thx, I shave like a real man

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Dollar shave club sounds promising

My favorite since Jurrasic Park.

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I liked their butt wipes but otherwise all they do is sell marked up dorco product.

They're cheaper than Gillette but.. 8 bucks for 4 cartridges?
Whatever, still a better option.

I went with a safety razor (a good one, after replacing a chinese branded one) and it works like a charm. I'm sticking with double edge/DE shavers from here on out.

**pic related**
Don't buy. It's safety bar and comb are in sharp angles and it's matte black coating adds to the friction. The head/safety-bar/comb drags across your face, scratching it and causing irritation, even with minimal pressure. I blamed the razors I was using, my own technique and the soap.
Bought a 50 year old nickle plated vintage to replace it, popped in the same brand of razor, used the same soap and it was like night and day. It was incredible, slicker than grease. Left a fantastic shave.

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go on aliexpress and search for qshave

>getting your personal identity from which piece of metal you use to cut your hair

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based and dinopilled

you guys are late. i always buy barbasol cream -- because it's cheap -- and they had ads for their blades awhile ago

this makes me the original barbasol blade man of Jow Forums

>Pic related

Every time

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