INFOWARS - Univ of Cincy kids call for violence against conservatives on campus

And you have a nig nog on here also being interviewed and his twitter shown in video.

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Here is the video. It's short.

bump faggots

Ok here is your bump

Worth watching.

Amazing how fucking ANGRY they are.

So this is now the "tolerant" left? I used to be a libtard until I got into the real world after college (around 2012), but I don't remember being such a hateful bigot like the kids is that film. Is this just due to my perspective shifting, or has the left suddenly gotten violent in the last couple years?
Fucking hated taking the handful of required (((white guilt))) classes at university by the way, always felt like they were just there to stir up the weak minded into blind hate for white kids who had nothing to do with everything they bitched about us supposedly being responsible for. Fucking paying for your own brainwashing, man. Never again, got my fucking piece of paper and never looked back.

>So this is now the "tolerant" left? I used to be a libtard until I got into the real world after college (around 2012), but I don't remember being such a hateful bigot like the kids is that film

They aren't liberals they are commies. Mix that with the daycare generation, and its a different breed than what you were.

How can conservatives live with people like that? They literally want us dead. A second civil war isn't going to be a meme much longer.

Yep 2019 is going to go hot. We are already at war.

They want you dead.

They are being fed an ideology that tells them it's okay to hate the people who 'wronged' them. It's only human for them to eat it up. This is also how wars and genocides happen.

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does anyone get attacked? Physically?

if not who cares

colleges are the enemy

It's worth watching to see what is going on into the heads of these lunatics.

>This is also how wars and genocides happen.
Yep specifically the mass killings. I see many people laugh at these impotent cucks but remember, leftists are the greatest mass killers in history.

It’s literally an inevitability that millions will die at this point, the west is not sustainable.

You guys complain about jews and shitskin but look how many whites are in the video.

They want you dead

(((Whites))) or mutt whites that are 1/8th spic, 1/16th nig, “muh native american” etc. they hate purebloods here.

Best example is the Cubans in FL that hate real whites with blue eyes/blond/redhead hair.

America is fucked.

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Those whites will be the first ones killed. The left always eats its own.

Not before they let millions of shitskins in and destroy the demographics permanently. And also let paki rapists in that will destroy childrens life.

The right wing must start calling these people out as COMPLICIT in crimes being committed. If you let terrorists in, then you are complicit and enabler of the crimes that have been committed.

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Complaining about Jews is simply a convenience because their crimes are out in the open for everyone to see.

For the record, the reason why the Jew is detestable isn’t that they fuck people over, it’s that they actually feel satisfaction ruling over the brainless masses. It’s all one big farce.

I don't see how the country can continue on like this much longer. Either we will have a recession, Trump will be re-elected or something else will happen to kick it off. The left isn't going to wait years to 'right the historical wrongs of American.' They are too angry.

The moment the Russian narrative was forced it was inevitable. Regardless of how the matter is settled, one side will believe the Rule of Law does not exist (it currently doesn’t) which creates civil violence. And you can be damned sure the elite know it.

Luckily liberals dont like guns

I am going to buy an AR-15 with a drum mag just in case these people ever become violent

Doesn’t matter when they can have state and corporate sponsored thugs kill for them. They’ll cheer on the killings right up until they get lined up, like it always happens with these types.

Just buy 30 rounders. You'll have zero reliability issues.

>cinchinati babla boo

Wow a mentally retarded worthless nigger who can’t make accurate assessments about the world around him wants others to die for something they didn’t do. Are we supposed to be surprised?

Colleges are next to worthless these days, half the kids come out and go straight into minimum wage jobs because they either:
>Went and dropped it after getting base credits
>Went, made base reqs for their field and then graduated but their field is no longer available
These kids don't know what it means to work for anything, they're literally taught in college that conservatism and capitalism is the root of all evil. They can't for one second imagine their Democratic-Socialist heroes using capitalism to screw them and push wealth farther out of their reach. Socialism cannot exist in a capitalist society UNLESS it is a closed-system, meaning a completely self-sufficient country that trades with no one beyond it. Isolated. Capitalism will NEVER die as long as humanity remains alive on this planet. Honestly, we need a civil war but that's not going to happen, people are going to be forced to swallow their anger and move on. It's gonna be hell for the next 20 years but I'm glad Trump is at least sticking up for conservatives, one can only hope this is the start of our redemption arc. No more ceding ground to the left.

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The most eye opening thing I ever saw was at the beginning of this school year when there was like 100 rabid UNC students ripping down that statue and kicking it and spitting on it and everyone was yelling and screaming.

I mean I was in college in AZ like 18 years ago. First weekend of school we were all out partying and getting laid. Nobody even gave a shit about politics. I couldn't even imagine being at college back then and doing what those univ of north carolina kids were doing.

It truly is fucked up.

>"I don't care if they get shot since they would probably call me a nigger"

I'm stunned at how thrilled they are to pigeonhole random people they've never met a nigger-shouting klansmen. When did we turn the corner from being disappointed when we find out someone is racist to being excited to find out we might have a chance to call someone racist?

The nigger wasn't the worst one in the video. Yeah what he said was sick but he was like laughing and smiling and was just more or less retarded.

The worst one in the video was the girl being interviewed. The fucking hatred she was showing was unbelievable.

You got it boss, thanks for the tip.

Holy fuck based white chick. Where do I meet girls like her?


When? When meaning was removed from our lives.

They are FUCKING WHITE MEN. You don't need any more proof. This shit is unreal.

NP. Head to Jow Forums before you buy the AR. I'm pretty sure the best buy for all your commie killing needs is the Smith & Wesson MP II, but that info might be out of date. It should be around $600.

I'm not even white and I'll still call him a nigger.

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Thats why they import muslims and niggers, thinking they will be used as grunts. These liberals think they are going to be communist commisars, writing X on which right wing families will be rounded up for summery executions.

We are far too lenient on these, they might look like onions, but they are capable of evil

I used to be one of these people for many years until I realized one day that if we actually won, millions of legitimately innocent people would die. Behind closed doors and amongst other True Believers, these commie fucks don't mince words and will speak quite openly about reeducation camps and mass graves.

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>tfw living in California
I need to get out of this trainwreck of a state, it's bad enough they only let us have ten rounds, but I also couldn't at least buy a lower because I found out about that stupid ban the week before and everywhere was sold out.
I keep trying to get my parents to sell their house and move somewhere away from the horde, but they are too rooted I guess. I worry about them a lot since I live 4 hours away and they are right next to Salinas (a major Hispanic shithole).

I live in the Bible Belt. Don't lie to me. Only white ladies that go to church these days are 80 year old grandmas.

Look into an M1 Garand. 8 rounds of 30-06 that is quickly reloaded would be a good choice for Cali. I don't care what level of body armor you have on, if catch one of those in the chest, you're done fighting for that day. They are expensive, and you will need to watch a lot of videos on them about what type of ammo you can feed them. 30-06 that you pick up at Walmart is likely made for bolt guns, and will beat a garand to death. An SKS would also be a good choice, but I'd go with the garand if possible.
