Why are so many young fertile millennial women wasting their youth whoring around instead of getting married and...

Why are so many young fertile millennial women wasting their youth whoring around instead of getting married and raising children?

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because we can't hit them anymore

Because you let em

>hentai meme ahegao face
very ebin

All white roasties want BBC

Because they're brainless animals doing whatever they can for easy resource and capital gain. They have no use otherwise.

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>young fertile millennial women wasting their youth whoring around
Low IQs, poor parenting, being female
take your pick

Because women crave attention and the serotonin boost of thousands of beta males liking your pictures on ig and the easy money they throw them via twitch or parteon is much more powerful than a steady happy relationship and creating a family.
They are serotonin whores that crave instant gratification and can’t have long term steady goals. Like a rapper investing into gold rims instead of real estate, women are the niggers of gender.

Back in the day, their parents wouldn't allow them to do this kind of shit. Probably precisely because this kind of freedom makes them do the most retarded things imaginable.

> show tits, make money
You'd do it too if you were female OP.

Can't wait till I'm 60 and my sex drive dies.

Because women are idiots. They don't have the brains to realize a good man when they see one.

What they want is a Neanderthal to fuck them and treat them like shit.

That's the truth.

Too warm and cuddly? They'll get cold and distant and find another man.

Their gonads desire them to get raped. It's that simple.

Even my fucking girlfriend can't handle the fact that I've got attached to her. She acts cold and distant now and that essentially means that she's going to leave.

The only thing I can do is ignore her till she leaves at this point.

Don't ever get attached. They're property, not people.

This behavior will make them insane, when the hype dies, they’ll butcher their bodies with countless surgeries to try to keep the attention flowing, like madonna just got butt implants at 60 years old.
Most of them will turn depressive by 30 y/o when they get fat.

This, but unironically.

lol cuck, just fuck her into a coma the next time you fuck. Make her a bitch.

Uh huh. I’m sure that’s why she’s leaving you. Yep.

because it's easy

You sound beta as fuck but I agree with you.

I wasn't joking.

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I wasn't joking

Enlighten me faggot.

Since I'm more enlightened on my situation then you ever will be, what does your pussy fucking wisdom suggest?

because its fun to fuck,
kids suck they ruin your looks, your youth and your good time

Because its fun and there are zero consequences, and there is always a beta who will settle for them down the line


Being influenced by more intense and available tv, movies, social media, porn, streaming.
The predators who flood society with this trash are criminals.

thank you, ministry of truth


Yeah, they call it the rising star syndrome.

Now imagine an entire generation of women that believe they are treated as celebrities.


How did you get her in the first place user?
Were you pretending to be someone that you weren't?
Trying to act chad and cocky when you picked her up? If that isn't who you really are and eventually you become yourself who sounds somewhat more of a lover and romantic then of course she will leave
That is why they always say "be yourself."
You will attract women who are attracted to who you actually are, not who you think they want you to be.


my brother whipped the shit out of his kids when they acted out, they are all now straight A students with the oldest about to get married, untouched, brother threatened dude not to be piece of shit since he spent all the effort to make sure she was a good woman

Try fucking her in the ass and using a dildo on her puss. Chicks love that shit.

No I fucking kissed her when she had cancer and she ended up obsessing over me for the past two years.

She's german, her entire family is Nazi SS and I wasn't interested in her for the longest time. Virgin apart from her father beating her with a belt and raping her.

Finally started getting her hair back after chemo and now she's easily a 8-9/10. Was a brutally honest, frank, irritable give less of a fuck about feelings person. She's been living at my place for about a month and she ended up getting more cold the more attached and the more I lightened up. It's changed me for the better, but frankly I'm starting to realize that she feel in love with the aggressive, irritable person that I was. Not the good hearted person that I've started to show.

So I just have to beat her with a belt and I'm good. Worthless whores the lot of women, doesn't matter who they are. They just want a big cock and someone to wreck them and get them pregnant.

So it looks like I'm going to have to turn into that person again.

You are a little bitch that is jealous of us neanderthals. She is leaving you because your are needy and desperate.

This is of course, caused by liberalism.
Liberal values : they can do that without suffering the social repercussions of being a whore, slut shaming is bad etc etc
Liberal capitalism : they can make a profit from it, it’s free market baby, if there’s people willing to pay, it’s a job

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topic over

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The reason you aren't that person is because your testosterone has dipped along with your confidence, aggressiveness, and so on.

As floyd mayweather says, 1 is too close to none.

Or you can unearth more of that person and evolve into a stern man of principles that at the same time can show compassion and emotion.
Leave her behind and find a woman that will love you for that man who you are carving out of your former shell. You are becoming vulnerable and going to get hurt for that...
But you are peeling away the facade and once that is taken away you can mold the soft goo that is actually yourself on the inside.
It doesn't mean you become puddy
It means you are accessing the puddy for the first time to actually create a real true self.
She can either be part of it or leave but you are about to begin a journey of self actualization user.
Many men are too much of cowards to do this.
Meditations may be a good book for you to read.

Because we gave them abortions and contraceptives, so we can have instant access to sex.
Woman always whored around, but back then, they had to pay the price for it. Not anymore.

Women are either really into you or not at all. If you already acted like a cuddly bitch and she lost respect for you, you're not getting it back. Never, ever let a woman think you need her more than she needs you. You don't have to be a cunt or beat her to a pulp, just make sure she knows how good she has it.

Maybe you could try beating another dude for her - that always makes them wet their panties or just accept you lost her and move on.

too many think like you; when you become a mother you are no longer a wife. a good wife manage both. thats why femininity is far superior to feminism.

>Virgin apart from her father beating her with a belt and raping her.
She's broken. Get out of there and never stick your dick in crazy again.

Because there's no immediate shock consequence of physical violence or pregnancy and responsibility forcing them down the right track anymore. They've done everything they can to eliminate that because their natural tendency towards hypergamy can run unchecked with birth control and no male relatives stopping them. Goodbye civilization.

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>Why are so many young fertile millennial women wasting their youth whoring around instead of getting married and raising children?

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Feminism is a viral bioweapon virus. A bio-terrorism outbreak. These "people" mutate and become Demons.

> How to spot the infection

Wanting to destroy the family and men, hatred of children, wanting(and doing) killing of babies along with abortion, sexual/gender confusion, increase rates of homosexuality, pedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia,transgender, various disturbing fetishes, cannibalism, wanting to destroy whites, social castes like social insects in large numbers, SIDS, miscarriages, fertility issues , stillborn's, wanting to attack and fuck the un-infected, obsession with things like snakes, sexual promiscuity(large numbers of partners), etc

> Categories relating to virus infection

Immune(People that cannot be infected by the virus)

Non-Infected(People that don't have the virus and can be infected)

Resistant(People that the virus has trouble infecting, but are not immune to being infected)

Hosts(People that have the virus)

Carriers(People that have the virus, but is dormant for long periods of time or even generations without showing any signs of infection. Some types of carriers can spread it)

Transmitters(People that are being used by the virus to spread it, but are not fully/completely infected)

Spreaders(People infected with the virus that spread the virus)

Infected(People infected by the virus)

HiveMind/Colony Castes(Similar to social insects. Queens, Drones, Workers, Soldiers, Majors, Super Majors, Kings, etc)

Mutation(physical changes to all body systems)

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Feminism is a viral outbreak of a deadly bio-terrorism attack virus
It's in the blood,DNA, spreads like an STD and is in bodily fluids
A viral bioweapon virus with a hivemind, The virus spreads and encourages degeneracy.

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What is this sluts name? STOP POSTING AND NOT GIVING SAUCE

Turn on the TV, or radio and you'll find out.

If women are property then you need to take care of your fucking property and keep it from becoming somebody else's property you absolute fucking beta sperg

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Making the rounds are we?

you answered your own question, with your flag.


Because they're dumb as fuck

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80/20 rule

They follow the cultural narrative. Whatever the media says. Whatever is culturally acceptable. And whatever is culturally acceptable, they'll play inside that field to it's limits.
However, the boundaries have been made infinite by Jews, who control our culture through the control of the media.
See all this shouldn't be a problem. In a culture, white people would typically be running society through media, but that's not the case. It's Jews. And so these women are doing what Jews say it's okay to do. How Jews say it's okay to behave.
And Jews have every intention of destroying white society and of course, women will play right along.

Stop with this fucking degenerate shit, we have consistently supplied an answer to these threads because there is consistently these threads appearing now days, so you have your fucking answer NOW FUCK OFF.

>T. memeflaggot

definitely a kike. Why do you think he is posting these erotic photos? To entice you anons so don't listen to him and leave.

Seeing images or art of women with writing like this on them implying they just got fucked but 10 dudes is extremely off putting

>*burp* if i show them how much of a degenerate nigger i am, maybe they will think im cool and not a 14 year old skinny faggot
low-iq dick-mutilated mutt. if you are so fucking pathetic that you need to see every thot that exist, at least use reverse image search and shut the fuck up.
You are the "male" version of these stupid whores; you should have been beaten hard by your parents, but i guess they were no better than you.

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Hollywood, popmusic, snapchat, and Netflix bringing an idea that it's normal

lots of Jews controlling the media in Japan too I guess

Returned no results. Give me her name, nigger.

If you'd applied half your effort you spend shitposting here to finding good White girl, you actually might've achieved some great results.

Fairly reliable contraception; financial security for seniors is no longer based on having 10 kids; being housewive4life is inefficient in the modern economy; young men and women can afford to bullshit around until 30 these days, at least if they're middle class...

Or you wanted more of a meme answer?

She has tats.

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If a man could afford them financial incentives they would be married but the jews took that away. Now the financial incentive is in being a whore. They reduced our women to nigger status and they happily accepted it.

Mariage is what betas use to have children. Beta means women dont want you. You do the math.

Because they are trash.
44 yr old male millionaire here, financially secure, educated, 154 IQ, no genetic defects, should live to be 100. No kids.

We are the last ones, our civilization has been replaced, with something else, something.... less.

Just watch it all burn.

sauce nao

So what you are saying is that women belong in the kitchen or the bedroom, should be barefoot and pregnant, that we should lower the age of consent, and engage in a little domestic discipline when required?

That we should vote for far right christian fringe groups that have no chance of winning, so that the mainstream parties (conservative / republicans) politicians will start to represent the above values and people like you? (moving the needle)

stop bitching and do something about it

>should live to be 100. No kids.
What reason is there to live up until 100 if you have no family?


>Why are so many young fertile millennial women wasting their youth whoring around instead of getting married and raising children?

Because they think they'll get married at 33 and have children when they're tired of whoring.

god bless you user, may get to fuck some overweight thots ;-)

>No kids.

Sounds like you're not so smart.

because it's easier.

It's because many of them doesent know the fun will end when they get older and after that they lose attractiveness and fertility what will lead to moment when they are forced to work or they will end up on street and give ass to hobos for few coins. Some of them are lucky and they find a desperate loser man without any self respect who will take care of that postwall roastie. But mostly they end up with shitty jobs and herd of cats in house and miserable life.

Nobody tells them that they should use their best years to find a best husband who is willing to marry her, give him alot of children and husband will take care of her if she gets old.

But now marriages got fucked up, femminism tells women to use their young years to be a "free lady"(what means whoring around) so here we go.

For the same reason why do many virile men spend their youth shitposting on anonymous image boards and playing video games instead of finding a good girl and raising a family.

Technology has given us lots of distractions and the work/bills have given us a lot of obligations. Rearing families is not only no longer a requirement but it's actively a detriment.

>For the same reason why do many virile men spend their youth shitposting on anonymous image boards and playing video games instead of finding a good girl and raising a family.

You think the average British woman would make a good wife and mother? What is our divorce rate now? 50% 60%? The only reason it is declining is that most people aren't even getting married.

Our society doesnt value motherhood or a strong family unit one jot. This is because once we started ending up with many broken homes and children born bastards it was argued that it stigmatised failed wives and bastard children to even talk about happy homes and marriages.

Just look at the torrent of abuse advertisers get for showing a "normal" family with 2.4 kids and a dog on TV commercials. The only thing that allows them to escape abuse today is if the family is mixed race and there is at least one child who is clearly not genetically related to the father.

This is what a society that doesn't control its women degrades into.
All societies, from Europe to Japan had the same attitude to women.
Societies that deviated didn't survive. Those that deviate now will start to slowly come apart.

You incels don’t view women as people. Why do you incels spend your time playing games, dressing like shit, poor hygiene, having no social life. All of that is actually still forgivable but your toxic, weak, insecure, abusive behaviours and ways of thinking are not. A quality man attracts women of all stripes. You are the same as an obese woman who hates on skinny girls.

Being more or less made to compete in the workforce for busywork jobs because fewer male opportunities exist and wages have been crashed by mass immigration/globalisation... I guess it's a matter of hanging your puss out and doing enough drink or drugs to manage your emotions, at least seemed to be for the whores I knew. It's always sad... I think the only feminist legislation I've heard of that I like bans the purchase of sex in one of those Scandinavian countries. Might even have been Sweden.

The whole economic model is broken, I wouldn't for a minute proscribe more lopsided socialism (except perhaps a very modest UBI with a negative tax rate so you start out in Capitalism with something and can go from there and some kind of public online education system so you can do something constructive with your free time). This is only realistically possible in a country with few to none illegal migrants. The socialists will lose in 2020 if people understand this.

Also devilish Boomer parenting by the selfish generation... no life skills, postmodern attitude to morality, sympathy to daddy government etc

They still slut around after marriage


Money, dick, and attention. It's just so easy and addictive to be love and praised for your body. Besides, the vast majority of young women DON'T want kids and don't even see themselves marrying. And most white women are very open to racemixing. This is probably the last generation that will even see a married white couple. A society/race is only as strong as the purity in their women. And the sad truth is that the vast majority of white women are garbage tier gross whores. There is no reversing this until we go into a civilization tier war and that puts us in danger of losing, i.e. Islam will dominate the West.

Because it's what's deemed popular on TV and women are just like niggers when it comes to media, monkey see, monkey do. Women also have the nigger thing going on with future time orientation.

>because we can't hit them anymore
Feminism from 1960's men's POV was honestly to be fair (even though it wasn't really needed even back then)
To 1960's- todays women feminism = "will these idiots fall for it".

I'm engaged and have a great social life.
In Italy, not everyone squirms and apologises for their balls like you Leafs.

Your silly ad hominem doesn't get to the core of this issue.
Our current situation was predicted by our great-grandfathers. No normal man would have found this tolerable. And, though things are OK now, current norms will not be able to sustain a prospering culture.

If you're a millionaire, you're not looking for "the average British woman", you retard.

>still not asking for it

It feels good.

Daily reminder that this is literally the purpose of the tongue out selfie pose, to show Chad she's ready to accept his cum. Creepy betas need not apply, close the browser you creeps

What is actually happening is these men are realising they don't need women.
What you are seeing is a normal reaction to someone who behaves as modern women do.
Other men have only tolerated the women's degenerate behaviour, eternal childishness, and psychological batshittedness in the past because they want to have sex with these women.

What you are seeing now is the actual truth, and a reasonable attitude to take, towards human beings who behave in such ways.

In a way you should be pleased, the veil of false kindness has been lifted. When robot waifus arrive in about another 10 years, this cycle will complete.

Just as stronk womyn constantly say "we dont need men", men will not need women.

It is certainly not a good way to spend your teens and twenties as a slattern.
I feel sad for them in honesty, when they are old and look back at their youth they will be sorry.

>incels spend your time playing games, dressing like shit, poor hygiene, having no social life
Because they live only in your imagination, and you project everything you dislike onto them. They don't actually exist, I'm afraid.

Well there is a difference because actually the best years for man are like 40-50s because men don't get uglier over age but they become richer over age(and having money makes men more attractive), and at 40-50 y old health still good enough to.

Young 20y old man is mostly poor and no young 20y old girl want to deal with poor guy unless he is attractive af (and I mean attractiveness what is alot over average)

Young fertile women want to be bred. Go figure

because they don't want to end up like me. I didn't do that because it was important for me to marry early, have many children and a nice house with a white fence but modern men are degenerate social media addicts who don't care about marriage so I slipped alone and sexless into the cat lady age.
In the retrospective, girls who post nudes online and make money with it and enjoy themselves live the better life. And no, they won't end up alone. Some thirsty guy who thinks they are hot will wife them up and if not they made enough money to get along or they use their networks to become estate agents. Some of them make five to six figres per month just by using patreon. So: Men reward slutty behaviour.
And as you can see here, men pay more attention to naked sluts and think about how to fix them instead of just picking a boring but stable non slut in the first place. So there is no point in being a non-slut.
Don't judge them

>when women don't have families its because they're all whores and retards
>but me! *I'M* a total fucking loser who lives only for himself... b-because I was forced to be! I have no agency in the world, I am where I am because of others!
pathetic desu
No girl WANTS to fuck with a poor man unless he's a 10/10 looker, in the same vein that no man WANTS to fuck with a girl who doesn't have big titties and a flat stomach. Preference vs what people are willing to settle for is a world of difference. Walk into any WAL-MART and you'll see trailer trash women who are dating or married to poor, ugly ass men.

Age is unattractive in men as well. And the quality of your sperms decreases quite dramatically from your youth. And the biggest problem is that you get tired. When you're young, you have the energy to take care of little children. You probably still have so many childish qualities yourself that you actually enjoy playing with them. When you're old, it is just a chore, and all you can hope to be is a distant and aloof father. It's true that girls mature faster than men, and that men need resources to attract a woman, but the difference should be on the order of few years, nowhere near decades.