Why are niggers so pathetic?

Attached: 1547880357509.gif (180x319, 3.66M)

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Niggers gonna NIg

Primitive people. It's a glimpse of what humans where like 100,000 years ago.

Blacks are living fossils.

No reason to torture dumb animals. Just shoot them all and be done with it.

are these the Russians that kidnap and torture people?

I hate niggers as much as the next Jow Forumsack but torturing people seems to be a Russian tradition

Why is Jow Forums so obsessed with black people?

Attached: Thinking.png (225x225, 51K)

its only logical since there are so many of them

They cost a lot to have. Prisons aint free.

Maybe because niggers are so obsessed with whites

wtf, why do you think they are russians
i have googled and it seems people think they are arabs

Attached: based google.png (1162x426, 78K)

That is a Brazilian prison torture technique. Pouring molten plastic.
>the Russians that kidnap and torture people
Where are you getting this from?

story time?

Simple. Because they're niggers.

Attached: Arena.webm (960x480, 820K)

crime rates

We're not obsessed. We just hate them.

Attached: Atacan a Asiatica.webm (640x640, 2.97M)

I was just behind some american nigger in the convenience store who was dumbfounded when the muslimah cashier refused to open his beer for him. Why are niggers so dumb

Why are jews and glowniggers so jealous of niggers?


I sincerely think it would be a wonderful opportunity to pause for a moment and give thanks for the great contributions of the Black community to our society. Their peaceful and generous nature make them ideal neighbors, lending testimony to their exceptional family values and parenting skills unrivaled by any other culture. Their commitment to academic excellence enriches our schools and serves as an example to all who hope to achieve prominence as a people. Real estate values are fueled by the mix of African Americans into an area due to their caring and respectful nature of these communities, an example of all they have achieved through their enthusiasm for self- improvement by hard work and a self-reliant can-do nature. Without their industrious and creative drive, we would be poorer as a nation.

isn't it fascinating the dumb things that whites do?
Having snakes as pets, feeding niggers and treating them like humans.
A strange we are. Like the Frog that brings the Scorpion across the River.

Jow Forums hates Black men because white girls are good little snowbunny bitches for Black cock.

All these "master race" fat sloppy boys who can't get out of Mommy's basement while white girls breed Black.

Go ahead and die out, white trash.


theyre NEVER gonna become even remotely civilised

>muh dick

we are already on hatelevel 1488 you can skip this reddit shit

You're ugly, OP. You wouldn't make this thread if you were handsome.

You know that's not true.

Attached: White Girls Don't Like Blacks.jpg (1992x7208, 2.02M)

Attached: White Girls Don't Like Blacks 2.jpg (1044x1920, 1.12M)

I’m pretty sure they’re Arabs user.

Attached: Comen Pasto.webm (718x404, 1.95M)

>laughed for 2 mins straight

Attached: 1541695405177.jpg (680x345, 66K)

There was one video where Ruskies lured a pedo nigger exchange student and forced him to eat watermelon and gave him a reverse mohawk. Probably referencing that.

No, the footage was filmed in Bani Walid. That’s a Sudanese migrant before a Libyan captor. In the video they’re talking about why he needs to lift his head up so his family can see his face.

>"wite boi ugli we replace yuo"
>"muh dik".
niggers are ugly pricks with the brain a size of a walnut.
the BBC meme was invented by porn, and when you look who is behind most of pornography, you would almost believe you were reading a Tel Aviv phonebook.

boss nigger hitting me with a 9 iron in the feels

I wonder if they cauterize it's anus and feed it ex-lax in the sequel...

Attached: 380.png (475x380, 194K)

exactly how hot is molten plastic?
asking for a friend

Memeflags were and still are a mistake

you'll get blisters fast but nothing serious with each drop being so small


The Asian Girl deserve it

melting point is 130 - 145 °C

>Why are black people so obsessed with white countries?

based lybians, how much do you think those cost ?

>You're ugly, OP
>"Black Pedophile"
like pottery

It's so sad when nigger ape girls viciously attack girls of much prettier races just because they know they look like baboons in comparison.
You can tell they're just dying to do it.

How can one be so stupid

Attached: 6145x1zwk0az.png (711x398, 551K)

put the phone down or use it to smash her fucking face in. Fuck sake jaqueline chan


why does she try to rip her hair out? Envy mixed with the common niggerbloodlust or what?

Its regular women "fighting" technique.

Cheap way to spend day time, since their wage is calculated by hours and not production.

t. 3rd world country culture expert

They're probably just scamming the system, pretending to work

Still a good nigger.webm though

what de fuk

need sauce

thanks Obama

Blacks say they were the first race, the first civilized race in the world and they taught whites everything we know today but I can;t see it being that way of how dumb they are. Can anyone recommend me any material of the origins of the white race?

What is happening here?

yeah but why did sheboon nr2 attacked her? Was she angry that she boon nr1 wasn't allowed to feel the asian girls hair?



Women ALWAYS go for the hair first when they fight. I remember a fight in my school where a girl had part of her scalp ripped off because her hair was being pulled so hard.

they are pretending to work, the blue cap dude look at his boss and when the boss go take a piss they just empty and start over.


White people diverged from a common ancestors of niggers 80-50,000 years ago and diverged from Asians about 37,500 years ago. Fucking Swedes are the ancestors of all white people.

>Fucking Swedes are the ancestors of all white people.
Ahh so that's why we're doomed to fail

Jow Forums is one of the few places around that people can honestly critic blacks in the west without repercussions. Especially since there is a lot wrong with blacks and their community.

Russians wont torture you they will straight up kill you my nigga

Hmmm I don't know.
Why are bigots so fucking stupid?