How did he win

Barely 65% of the population are whites. Most minorities vote democrat. Half of the white population is liberal (women and assorted cucks. How did he win given these numbers?

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Like all republicans win. Massive electoral fraud.

kill yourself shill rat

I know many Mexican families who supported Trump during the 2016 election. Blacks as well.

Are you legit or just fishing OP?

He barely won.
He's going to lose in 2020 for sure.
He won't have the Russians to hack the elections for him this time. His every move is going to be under intense scrutiny.

Electoral college. Because America is a Republic. It is not in the interest of, say, Tennessee, to be ALWAYS dominated by whatever California decides.
Of course, the left what to do without the Electoral College. If that were to happen, game over for America. California and New York would decide all elections. The GOP would stop existing and Dems would have to split into two parties to maintain an illusion of democracy.

Youre an idiot

>"i know 2 niggers who like trump hats for attention that's how trump won"
fucking gas yourself

Pretty much this.

We are a republic, not a democracy.

He won because he concentrated on winning key votes in the electoral college - which gives more weight to rural areas. Urban areas rely on rural areas for survival, so there is wisdom in the system

I dont associate with niggers, only Black men and women.

Nice projection

He won because Hillary was very uninspiring; particularly compared to Obama. Lots of people didn't bother to vote because they thought Hillary's victory was assured.

30% of hispanics voted for Trump


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Because most people don't vote, you retard. You can't just look at demographics of the country and assume it translates to voter demographics. A greater percentage of white people vote vs minorities.

Remove the number of illegal mexican voters and that percentage is much higher user.

>Half of the white population is liberal (women and assorted cucks

because you're a muppet who believes memes on here about all women being liberal from incels, in reality your marital status determines your politics more than your gender

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Show your flag OP. As far as we know youre a larping leaf.

>How did he win

you're the Central Intelligence Agency.

why don't you figure it out, bitch?

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Only nazfags care about "# population are whites". Look up youtube vids on "#WalkAway",not here

>won't have the Russians to hack the elections

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Because people are tired of liberals shit. As an aside, my own research and observation suggests that between 4 and 5 percent of libs have participated in at least one murder. Think of that, of all the liberals you meet or talk to in a day at least one in 20 has helped kill someone. Libs are creepy.

Because 95% of the 35% live in 10% of the 100%.

>How did he win

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Yes libs serve their master SATAN well

god damn im so glad this cunt isnt in the white house

Whites are still the majority in America until 2040. Even with a third of whites being leftists, the majority of them including some non whites voted. Trump won't save us and he can only delay the inevitable. Win or lose in 2020, whites need to be put through a gauntlet of discrimination, hatred, and pain in order for them to take up arms. It's called accelerationism.

Enough whites voted. Enough non whites didn't like Hillary.

When did Jesus say being gay was wrong?


At some point, red pilled people will need to resettle in red pilled states, and secede from the Union

Also I would like to note that crowds are crowds, people are people, politics and social engineering follows a formula. Race doesnt matter. Anyone can win over the masses.

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Most brown people are in states like Cali so to win most states you need white people.

Haven't you ever watched boxing or MMA? You can land more total strikes but can still lose if most of them are only in rounds 1&2.

If you weren't some reddit tier underage faggot I'd say I heard the same shit moving on after the the 2000 election.

>Most minorities vote democrat
Republican Chang here. I'm supposed to be a democrat but I just can't stand their brain dead economic policy.

> tax the rich to death,
Oh come on......

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Intensity. Almost unbelievable fortitude against the most powerful forces in the nation. One man would not be cowed, and an entire generation recognized it.

Go back to your country, zipperhead. You will never be american. I rather have my brains blown out than ever have to accept nonwhites as my own kin.

Spics despise America, they’ve completely colonized the Southwest. Yet boomer conservatives like you continue to defend them. Kill yourselves.

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Bernie handed it to him.

When Bernie dropped out, some percentage of his followership voted Trump. These are MINUS votes for Democrats, and Plus votes for Trump.

Consider if Hillary beat Bernie. Would there be ANYONE in the US that would suddenly go from voting for Hillary to voting for Trump?

Honestly? No. No one would switch from voting for Hillary to voting for Trump because Bernie beat Hillary.

Ask the reverse question, are there a group of people who would have voted for Bernie, but because Bernie lost they are now switching to Trump? Yes. There is DEFINITELY a demographic that fits that bill.

This demographic alone won the election for Trump.