Why is it gay to fuck transgender woman?
Pic related she has penis and still 10/10. I actually fucked her(I am not gay)
Why is it gay to fuck transgender woman?
Pic related she has penis and still 10/10. I actually fucked her(I am not gay)
Penises are gay
Not gay if I suck qt's penis.
prove me wrong
>I am not gay
>sucking literal dick
>not gay
>she has a penis
>I fucked her
>I am not gay
Buddy I got news for you
white people fuck white "woman" who looks like guy
I fuck qt face's boypussy. I am more straight than you.
who is that? (research purposes)
Nigger, you’re camp as a row of tents
is it gay if a cute trap sucks my cock?
>other people if your race fuck ugly women
>I fuck ugly guy made pretty due to artificial hormones that turn guy into 6/10
Asian with resting confusion face
>no homo
if it was born with a penis its a man
if you were born with a penis and have sex with some1 who was born with a penis you are homosex pidor
>not gay
maybe google the definition of OP :^)
I'm into traps, but that ain't a 10/10. Above average at best, plus it just looks like it wants to die. Far from giving me a boner it's just depressing.
OK, does faggotry make people blind? I am genuinely curious. Because that man in the photo is obviously a man. Every single tranny looks like an obvious man with tits. So, why do so many faggots use terms like "passable" and similar shit, when it is obvious that the person in question is a man.
Also, OP is a confirmed homosexual degenerate.
If she's born with a dick and tits.
you fucked a man's ass
you don't consider yourself gay
>Olympic level mental gymnastics
Gender is defined by chromosomes, not physical appearance. If the thing you're fucking is XY and not XX, you're gay. Fucking weeabo faggot.
Would a guy with a penis in his mouth really bother to take time to wonder if he was gay?