Global warming is real

>global warming is real

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this is a slide thread. DO NOT REPLY.

>weather and climate are the same thing

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OP has the IQ of a small dog

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Careful, greatest ally. People like OP are your bread and butter.

BC has never been warmer

It feels like fucking springtime in the middle of january what the fuck

S fuck
H niggers

Movement magma under the Earth's surface due to the Sun's electromagnetic activity causes abnormal weather patterns via deep ocean heating.

Hasn't the pole been shifting away from North America though?

And niggers and mudslimes are your bread and butter, but you don't see me bringing that up do you?

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Yes, and the volcanic activity it caused under the Arctic by exciting the Gakkel Ridge submarine volcano range is what caused the above average ice melt and subsequent freakout from 2009 - 2012

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Bro I live in the North and I WISH it’d get warmer every year. Legit I WISH this weird government sponsored lie was true.

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no but climate change is

>tfw live in the -50 area
Its good for ya.

>jew posting a picture of a ship that killed opponents of the Fed
>jew promoting climate change and by extension carbon taxes

Gas etc.

fucking retard

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That's exactly the effect of global warming.
Cold places get colder, warm places get hotter.

>hurricane hits category 4, makes landfall as a 2
>winter storm comes in blanketing the entire region with record lows
>"you're fucking ignorant if you think this has anything to do with climate change"

Of course not. You’re the ones who put them there.

There are 3 most dangerous, anti-human ideas right now that are being pushed, and unfortunately its mostly women who are pushing it.

These nonsense, anti-human ideas are:
>climate change
>global warming

climate is always changing, nobody cares, global warming is fake, and overpopulation is a meme, planet Earth can easily hold over 22 billion humans on it and you wouldnt even notice a difference in lifestyle.

>That's exactly the effect of global warming.
>Cold places get colder, warm places get hotter.

the name implies otherwise.
All those "science" channels putting on "climate change maps" where all continents are painted red (because muh temperatures increased by 0,001 degree) are quite hysterical.

Global warming is a farce, but their dumb theories have all bases covered. Warming creates melting of the pole caps, so fresh water enters the gulf stream thus slowing the delivery of warm water north thus BOOM. Colder weather in the north. It's all so tiresome.

Bruh I don beleive, last year was fuckin brutally cold. If anything all the research suggests we’re due to enter a new ice age, maybe even within the next 1000 years. I will admit though this year has been kinda mild where I am, which is on the coast, but we got a few more months of winter so idk.

Pic related is the next fuckin ice age which our baby bitch carbon emissions will have zero effect on.

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My body is ready

Minus 60?! WTF?

Uh huh. Right. Ok.
Got it.

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When Winter-Chan comes, we're gonna burn you for warmth.

Weren’t we supposed to have Katrina level hurricanes 10 times a year every year since Katrina? If

the smoke would be poisonous.

Potholder 54 BTFO

That's what chimneys are for, mein freund

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Didn't the north pole move to the canadian side? With this in mind things make sense.