Pewdiepie says roastie

>be pewdiepie
>says roastie

how can we use this to our advantage?

Attached: file.png (942x531, 533K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You can't...p.s. subscribe to tseries.

Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg is a communist sympathizer, who promotes leftist propaganda to western youth.

Pewds is a Nazbol commie promoted by the (((DailyStormer))).

>Here he is singing the Communist National Anthem:

>Here he is publicly playing with Hammer and Sickle:

Attached: pewds commie 2.jpg (1165x1040, 76K)

Lmao based. Why is he getting married to one tho
Not a very wise man


he wants a bitch who cooks lasagna


>From tumblr

Attached: Hilarious.jpg (122x125, 3K)

The eternal poo

Fuck off panjeet don't you have a street to be shitting in.

>not being sarcastic

This shit is autistic and you post the exact some pasta in every Pewds thread, he is obviously extremely right wing and aware of the difference of Women but the inferiority of Niggers.

Go fuck off back to Israel

t. Memeflaggot

Gee I wonder why this Anti Pewds has a memeflag.

Look idiot just take a loot at the memeflag, pewds is NatSoc.

>thinking he wasn't being sarcastic

>not having pic to reaction

Attached: Desgusted cats.jpg (480x480, 107K)

Don't you have a cricket match you are supposed to be losing to us ? After you lose go and get on a ship and back to your kangaroo land and spend rest of your life behind bars.

forgot to greentext the "t. memeflaggot"



Attached: 1545997922377.jpg (564x684, 36K)

he's based but not redpilled

why is he reading posts from Jow Forums on youtube

Attached: jeg bare spørr.jpg (550x535, 49K)

He's reading tumblr posts.


Attached: Pewds.jpg (1120x640, 325K)

he's reading Jow Forums posts posted on tumblr which made their way to reddit then finally on youtube

fucking checked

Attached: checkem.gif (353x448, 1.47M)

Because reading reddit posts wouldn't be funny.

Wtf is going on in the comments. Kek.

Attached: 1533215681622.png (1234x1119, 148K)

> open comments
> see this
Nuke youtube and pewdipie. I dont care how "based" he is anymore.

Attached: 1.png (88x970, 39K)

He has referred to red pills before as well as the fact that he browses Jow Forums has been proved I think 3 to 4 times because on Pewds threads people have asked him to do certain actions in vids and he has done them, there are a few info graphics of it.

He also had his dog say in a video once "then tell me felix why is your country a shit whole" directly after talking about refuges but he ironically says "hey you racist piece of shit".

Now tell me does that sound like he isn't red pilled? I agree he is not completely red pilled but hey who is.

poo in loo delivers

Attached: 1518170316530.gif (320x240, 1.99M)

is that a botnet? Looks like Youtube has become sentient or omse shit.