Do any of you feel that Eastern Europe (mainly Russia...

Do any of you feel that Eastern Europe (mainly Russia, Ukraine and Poland) will be the last bastions of white civilization once blacks have taken over the western world?

Attached: D8A3DD58-4F20-4CEA-A81E-4766113293ED.png (1242x2208, 1.63M)

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How's that going to work if all the young Eastern Euros are here. If anything they're saving our demographics.

not white civilization, slav civilization

Seriously watching the Balkan states economic region. Hope to grow a family some day..
Seriously want my kids to live like Barvina.
I'm in Texas and you can already see that loss of control of the area is actually a battle between two Jewish controlled groups. Bible thumpers who think Jews are "Gaaahds" people and Hispanics who think little miss teeth and eyes from the Bronx is intelligent because she's Hispanic. It's all Steinlight plan around here. Trump's wall is Steinlight plan.

Attached: 0f3e5dce-8a7b-44b9-a42f-0b0b6623a33d.png (1600x1600, 1.95M)

They dont even call themselves white so thats retarded.

fuck being a wh*toid
we slav supremacist nao

fuck off we're full :^)

literally 98% of slavs are living in slav countries, user, the entire migration to other EU countries didnt see more than 5% of any slav country leaving it.
And yes, eastern europe, like always, will save the white civilization mainly because all of the west are historically proven incompetent losers.

Just look at the last thousand years, every time there was an outside threat to Europe, it was the western loser countries getting steamrolled in 5 minutes and then they cry to the slavs for help.
It happened a million times before already, and it appears that it will keep happening.

Attached: King Sobieski III sending letter of victory to pope.jpg (2060x1050, 938K)

yes, alot of french far-rights are moving to ukraine and hungary mostly, hopefully we can stop what happened to us from happening there