You guys realize that once they shut us down none of the information we collect ever gets out into the real world.

That's it, game over.

Also Redpill Thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

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We also realise that normies will never see images like this and if they do, they will explain it away and memory hole it.
This is know a BlackPill Thread.

Attached: 1545037216146.png (1111x640, 89K)

Oh that hits hard.

And if we ever spread this stuff en mass we would likely go to jail at this point.

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Theres other chains. Ours was just the first english speaking one so it gathered a large following. They cant silence the truth forever.
JQ redpills
Women redpills

if your looking for truth check the crosses, crucifixion. theres always some moron who cant help but keep speaking the truth no matter what the consequences are

bump for good thread, gotta' collect em all newfrens

Attached: FB_IMG_1537142920433.jpg (1024x576, 46K)

This is the only one that matters. You think 7chan or hispachan is gonna give a fuck about shit like this? get real. this is it. the alamo. our alamo.

Everybody on pol (except you, it seems) has known for years pol is a containment zone for toxic sludge. Shutting pol down means all that containment fails and toxic sludge will lap over into the rest of the inter webs in no time producing a hazmat situation of Biblical proportions. Hence, pol will NEVER be shut down. Sorry, no exit that way. YOU ARE HERE FOREVER.

Attached: 1521674883798.jpg (960x542, 105K)

At least one of the other Chan’s is just a front for bestiality fetish.

I keep saying this
Clone Jow Forums run it decentralised like Bitchute, they'll then be forced to try "great firewalls"

Attached: 1548047974329.jpg (720x473, 25K)

I would personally love to see Jow Forums shut down.
It would be calm for the first few days, some would migrate to 7chan and the rest but most would still lurk around /b/ or Jow Forums
Then a week would pass. There would be something strange happening to reddit. White knights and sjws would start frothing at the mouths causing a stir on Youtube, clickbaiting controversies.
Two weeks. Facebook blowing up, your parents or friends would start noticing different opinions and right leaning comments.
A month. Instagram and Twitter overflowing with bile and puss that is the minds of Jow Forumss brightest.
God I hope it happens. The world needs you Jow Forums, now more than ever.

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Attached: CO2FertilizationGreeningEarthStudyFinds.png (1032x1186, 421K)

Good thread

>Mainstream media wants to sell clicks, not report truth
>War on Terror is about Oil
>Russiaphobia is about Gas
>War on Drugs is about controlling the Supply
>Forced migration is about the Pension System
>US/UK have no physical gold in their banks
>Women are children with good memories
>Race-realism has statistically significant results
>The Elite/ Establishment practice child torture
>There isn't a single government in the West that cares about its citizens

Attached: 1521456664739.png (960x828, 693K)

>US/UK have no physical gold in their banks

>Bank of England blocks Maduro's $1.2B gold withdrawal
>German representatives were finally allowed by the New York Fed to see a little bit of Germany’s gold (i.e. in only one of nine vaults where it should be held), but didn’t even allow the Germans to touch it.

Oh fuck me that is, dare I say, golden
The happening is near

Holy shit I'm dead. Fuck women, fuck Sweden and fuck da jews

Attached: 1547438316247.jpg (1024x1011, 201K)

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They staged that photo ?

Switz mountain jew bankers of all time, telling us their is no more gold. Also checked.

Attached: 1547010023080.png (574x430, 204K)

>britain refuses to let maduro take his gold
>"this means britain has no actual gold"

no it means that the uk is playing diplomacy and doesnt want venezuela getting richer all of a sudden

Also, when people bitch about a one world government coming soon, they don't realize.. it's already here and been here a while.

>You guys realize that once they shut us down none of the information we collect ever gets out into the real world.
you would think so but no, its going to pop up all over the world.

They were patsy

Aren't some of the 911 terrorists still proven alive or was that all bs?

Yes Nigga they stage loads of things.

Attached: FB_IMG_1495632367994.jpg (943x640, 85K)

>swallowing the official narrative
yeh ok mate

Is Elon /ourguy/?

No, this is like containment board. If it gets shut down all this information spreads everywhere.

You going to put this on your facebook? This is where its built.

>No one building
>Nothing too spread

Attached: 1545035917807.jpg (960x693, 59K)

First day on Jow Forums then?

Attached: Fake victim.webm (640x360, 2.74M)

based and redpilled swissbro

>Journalist name
every time

Absolutely disgusting the double standard is immense

Attached: youtube shooter.jpg (585x559, 104K)

Not my fb. Many fake profiles can be made. Make dumps and blogs and spread them everywhere. Come on, we even made a march happen out of nothing in London, you think we cannot flood the web? It's our failsafe.

Arent the jews at war with them ? Thats why they dont let them in their shithole county ?

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The best thing about a secret world government above all others is that any player in the game could kill them all and the world would not even notice, since the veil stays in place. Just some unexplained bumps in the economy here and there, and some bloodlines retreating from the public light. Invisible war.

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Here is a bigger version of that

Attached: 1547937222096.png (750x2100, 1.42M)

Love these threads, thank you user.

much appreciated user

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The same author, not even a fucking fortnight apart

Attached: Even the same author can't be consistent.jpg (1203x945, 268K)

>what is 8pol

Once they shut us down, the information we collect ONLY exists in the real world. They also stop getting to monitor us. Would be the dumbest thing they could ever do
If it happens, I'll see you bastards in meatspace

Attached: democracy.jpg (1124x1238, 349K)

Politifact fact checked a claim made by Trump "in an interview with Bill O'Reilly". The picture you posted tries to refute Politifact with a screenshot of a tweet by Trump. That's not a valid refutation.

Don't worry though, I'm sure we can rely on fact checking services like Snopes and Politifact!

Attached: Snopes Hammer Time.jpg (622x768, 76K)

Godspeed, user!

That's not real ;)

Then the real game begins.

Yeah, I don't see the point of using misleading shit like that when the real ones are just as bad.

Attached: politifact is retarded.png (788x378, 72K)

Bluepilled dumbfuck, migration is about white genocide, middle east is about israel, not oil etc

Attached: 1547400688711.png (960x960, 281K)

It reminds me of when people made fake versions of UK Police weapon confiscations when there was simply no need to since the reality was even more retarded than the fake pictures.

Attached: uk police confiscating weapons.png (616x828, 599K)

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Attached: 1447815785633.png (1189x8256, 2.21M)

Made me think of this

Ah yeah didn't see that, just trying to go through all these pics I've saved and putting them in a folder

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Faggot mods won't let me upload images. Wtf is this shit?

Attached: 1548620676263.jpg (640x960, 92K)

Just some falseflags

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Drumpf did not predict it he caused it. Does the MSM need to explain every little detail to you?
But seriously, every little fart of Trump is news here in our country. All to add to the impeachment narrative.

Attached: 1479259940912.png (957x868, 883K)

Yeah, he caused it in philly while it went down around the country.

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Attached: migration pact.png (725x926, 560K)

Attached: ''moderate rabels''.jpg (480x543, 42K)

This one needs context.

Attached: brexit no deal.png (667x895, 409K)

Is their any creature more vile than a journalist? Hypocritical by nature, lacking any sense self reflection or awareness.

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>US/UK have no physical gold in their banks
(((Whose))) banks?

Three red stars on a white background looks familiar...

Attached: 640px-Flag_of_the_District_of_Columbia.svg.png (640x320, 3K)

You're both right.