Racial purity is “scientifically meaningless," say 8,000 geneticists

Pol BTFO'd

>The largest society of geneticists decries the distortion of ideas by racists.
Science does not support the concept of race.
Race is a social construct, explain the scientists.


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Um, so? I'm pretty sure Alex Jones knows a little more about the science they've been studying their entire lives than they do.

so how many yellow badges should I prepare for them?
What's the ratio?

More bullshit propaganda along the line of “accident fo your birth”. If birth was truly an accident at least every once in a while two white people would produce a nigger.

Bullshit. Pure unadulterated bullshit.

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You are still UGLY non-Nordic subhuman. And, yes, indisviduals of pure ethnicity have far better health and aesthetics

Race is a social construct, explain the marxists.

Meanwhile, back in the real world...

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Okay cool, I guess that means Jews can race-mix with Palestinians now and bring about world peace.

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