He's right you know

He's right you know

Attached: The only truth a Bush has ever told.jpg (1343x1133, 811K)

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He is. He's just so naive that he thinks turning the entire country into New New Mexico is a good thing

Trump agrees with him as well
The impotent loser Trump is now shitting the bed and beginning to attack his most ardent supporters, for daring to tell him to keep his signature campaign promise. More and more people are turning on this POS. I think Trump now realizes that he will lose in 2020 without a wall, and he along with his entire family are going to prison when he leaves office.

I voted for Trump because I supported his policies, not because I liked him as a person. I'm not one for cults of personality. I don't support Trump the person, his brand, or his family. I only support the policy proposals which he ran on in 2016. Trump is just a tool to advance our agenda. If Trump fails on that front, he is worthless. Trump's not gonna do shit, and he will lose to Kamala Harris, Oprah or Julian Castro in 2020. His base will stay home because he's not getting a wall. The SCOTUS will block any state of emergency, and Trump is too much of a pussy to shut down the government again. Pelosi is kicking his ass.

Kushner should have been fired years ago. But who is it that keeps Kushner around? Who is it that hired Kushner in the first place? Who is it that could fire Kushner TODAY, but who CHOOSES not to?


Trump isn't a "commander" of any sort, because despite being the fucking COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF, and having the power to UNILATERALLY order the Army to build the wall TODAY, WITHOUT Congress, Trump isn't doing it. Why?

Because he's a weak, spineless, retarded piece of shit. He is a loser and a failure. He is weak, and everyone knows it. He folded like a bitch on the shutdown and got NOTHING from it. Fuck Trump and his lies.

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Everyone should fear a less white country.

why the FUCK wouldn't we feel threatened by that? More shitskins=more crime=less trust in society=i have to ask for each individual ketchup packet and fucking mcdonalds because niggers steal it all.

Sorry Jebby but not everyone wants a literal goblin for a wife.

Lol didn't read

Jeb's family explains his position.

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Me too, I have to ask for packets and they give it out barely.

Nice pasta from other thread

>Less white country

Can't wait to give my AR a try


Jeb! is the ultimate cuck in disguise.

oh my god. how can one man be so BRAVE

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They boil it down to such a simple thing as oh, white people have a problem with non white people *because* they're non white when most of us have a problem with them because of the increase in every meaningful crime that comes with them. That and the majority of them will seek and ultimately obtain gibs, which puts further stress on a free ride system that's overtaxed as it is.

Its true.
All americans, white, black, spic, gook,poo, would be worse off with a less white country.
whites = first world

the only logical reason for jeb to do this to his family's VERY SUCCESSFUL bloodline..
is if they are also in on the browning of the USA
and used their weakest branch of their family tree to psyop the consent of the white nation.

>less white countries dangerous as fuck
>lower IQ
>banana republic politics
well, yeah

And this is why this faggot will never get close to being the presidential nominee of the Republican Party.

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>Ay caramba, pendejos aren't buying my guacbowls!

Tired of this argument. It's not racist to want majority population of your country to be the native population. The most diversity we bring, more racial tension that is happening and less diverse it's actually getting. If you go to any school, work, the friend group is divided by race first. You'll see a group of Asians, browns, and whites. You won't see a a group of multi-racial group every time because people build rapport faster on people who look like them, so race has a huge factor.

Just Imagine if China had this problem, a huge influx of black population replacing the native. They'd have controls of less immigration from outside and less birthrates for people or they get fined. They already have Muslim rehabilitation camps where they force Muslims to drink alcohol and eat pork. And nobody bat's an eye

But when white western countries say
>"Hey let's not bring too many immigrants in this country, the native population is getting uneasy"
Fuck Liberals, they ruined Christmas and added Spanish in schools so the native population ingrates to the newcomers instead of the other way around.

Yes I am fucking mad.

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It's easy to promote immigration and no racial segregation when you're rich enough like Jeb Bush and don't have to live around these animals.

When you need iron bars on your windows to keep nigs out and they steal anything you have outside that isn't nailed down, story changes.

Yea because less white countries are shitholes.



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This guy's wife is the definition of a Goblino.

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Less whites = less taxes
Legal beans and nigs are more threatened more by a less white country

His daddy died of shame

>Jeb is a mess

Why would a less white country be more threatening? Are persons of color more violent then persons of light?

Look at that cute little thing, I want to hug her so hard her head pops off

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It's always like that. Liberals are usually around only white people, so when they meet a few black guys they think it's not so bad. Because it's not, a handful of colored people one-on-one are pretty "chill". But once you start increasing that number, those black guys, or Mexicans that would normally be chill with you, start hanging out with their own kind. It happens in the military, it happens in prison, it happens at school, and it happens at work. People like being with their own kind, it's natural. You start flooding majority white countries with a bunch of people, you're not going to get a mixing pot of happy cultures. You're going to get segregated groups that fight among themselves. Everyone blames whites because they're the largest group.

I live in Central PA. Just the other day I heard on the radio that there was a big fight at a Lancaster school between black and Puerto Rican students. It was so bad they had to have an emergency counsel meeting, whatever the fuck that means. Lancaster Pennsylvania is fucking Amish country, where motherfuckers ride around on horse and buggy still.

>yfw your son bring a 2ft Goblina to Christmas dinner and gives you a gauc bowl

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this is a verifiable fact

I choked on my drink.

I'm a shitskin and even I'm threatened by a less white country.

>true colors shown

Rothschild plz give me secrets of sex magic

East PA user here, Philly burbs

It's fuckin ridiculous and their overall niggery is so tiresome

Halloween here is always interesting with kids being mugged for their candy (literally) and pizza/chinese delivery won't come out anymore because they keep getting robbed.


I will profane the remains of GHWB necocon
I will physically elder-abuse GWB necocon
I will fist-fight and savagely beat JB neocon
I will have a Barbara Bush love-doll created with authentic chin whiskers, and violate it on the South Lawn

Truly the greatest timeline

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I'm sure you do what you're supposed to do. But what is going to end up happening is tons of different conflicting cultures are going to flood the US, and white people are going to dwindle.
>fuck white people and fuck them having a stick up their ass
Well the Muslims and the blacks and the fucking Latinos are going to fight among themselves. Mexicans and Puerto Ricans don't even like each other, and they're both Latino. The only white people left are going to be the ultra liberals that try to control everything, and they'll be purged with extreme prejudiced at the end. Now you have a balkanized United States, and less forgiving countries are going to move in and enslave you all. You think the fucking Chinese give a shit about cultural identity or assigned pronouns? The people that walk by as a baby is run over by multiple cars? No, they're going to fucking exterminate you and harvest your organs with their mobile execution vans. Then they're going to eat dog meat and piss eggs and never think about it again.

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What an ugly family

Yeah, he is but unironically
Non whites are stupid scumbags and op is a faggot cuck

Can you imagine if it had been whites on spics or whites on blacks?
It would have been a national news story and the narrative would be all about what the whites did wrong.
When i was in highschool even as far back as the 90's this shit was starting to really take hold.
the niggers would pick on and clash with white students and the faculty would always want to know what the white kid did to provoke the gang of apes.
i'm about an hour south of lancaster fellow east coast bro...your area is really filling up with spics these days....its a shame because its a nice area to live.

Yes, establishment politicians are based for stating the obvious about the shit politics they shove down our throats every day.

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Of course you're fucking threatened.
You give the right to vote to a bunch of spics who are responsible for shit like the current state of Venezuela.
You don't think that has an adverse effect on USA??


Bush is also a sell out to the dark races who he believes are his voting base. Yes, some cultures and races are better than others. Anyone with sense wants a superior culture with intelligent people who can contribute more than they take from it, not some 3rd world shit hole such as mexico or central america, which America is rapidly evolving into by mass non-white immigration.

Heh, look how it worked out for him.

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This will NEVER not be funny

It looks Photoshop

Could you imagine have that muppet as the First Lady, I'd be worth it just for the lulz

>2024 JEB!/Goblina ticket

Yes Jeb, you fucking retard, we are, and you should be too. Spic countries are SHIT.

>and he along with his entire family are going to prison when he leaves office

Being this delusional even when obviously exaggerating

>Americans feel threatened by a real problem

Ok.After the make the term IQ a hate crime Americans won't even know how to say why they really have a problem with things like that.

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>less white country
u know this means becoming more corrupt and failing as a state right?
i dont think he does

No, dumbass. I don't want a dilluted labor pool driving down my wages.

Let’s do it! Where my Jeb! heads at?

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>claims to be conservative
>conserves literally nothing

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Imagine willingly destroying your country and being okay with that