Is there a chance that with zoomers being autistic shut ins manipulated to be more right-leaning...

Is there a chance that with zoomers being autistic shut ins manipulated to be more right-leaning, liberal stereotypes like art thots will be more conservative and settle for guys like me? Asking because of reasons

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shut the fuck up moor rape baby

STOP giving a single fuck about women.
Start improving yourself & your life.
women will follow.

Sorry OP, strong men shut-ins get tranny gfs
That’s why the Jews are working so hard to feminize the weak men

>manipulated to be more right-leaning
by who?

explain what you mean by this
because in canada and largely in the states and much of europe from what i have seen the education system and media are manipulating people to be left wing

Don't hang your hopes on females.

(((They))). Feeding degeneracy to a point people get sick of it, and then planting insider agents as fake extreme right wing politic parties, like VOX, Lepen, and Trump. Same thing that happened before WW2. It's a cyclic process and a big play to progressively destroy morals. But you have to enjoy this period while it lasts before the wave of traditionalism is buried 'losing' again

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yeah i figured as much myself. it also prevents people from changing the system in any meaningful way. the people behind the scenes still running things no matter if its a left or right wing government. as long as the people are blaming each other they don't look up. central governments like communism or fascism are easiest to corrupt but in time they have also corrupted all democracy as well so that didn't stop them.

being right wing is great but they will try to swing us too far right. because they are evil and want bloodshed.

anyways women dont care about your politics for the most part. as long as you keep it mainstream, ie socially acceptable, then it wont be seen as unattractive. your primary concern with attracting women is having a masculine face and projecting confidence. your primary concern with keeping a woman is that they are full of shit and manipulation and drama and they are very fickle. dont get caught up in the fantasy that some women are different, they're not.

so yeah with being right wing seen as more normal amongst zoomers and possibly cool as well, it makes sense that it might be easier. but i dont know how far along they are, there are many redpills not yet mainstream even in the younger generation. and its when you get outside the mainstream that women see it as unattractive because they are biologically hardwired to go with the norm and not pick guys that dont fit in with society.

interesting view but generations are cyclical naturally and it's not all controlled by the elite. Generations naturally rebel against generations that come before them.
If the elite had it there way there would be no rising populism happening now, there is no way that it benefits them. The elite have less sway than you think if you think that they're behind leftism and the backlash to it.

Those eyebrows and eyeliner look so fucking stupid

God what an ugly cunt.

you're not white, so i don't care about your thread except to point out that
a. you're not white
2- a thread died for this shit thread and
gamma) sage

the elite take advantage of our natural cycles and manipulate us to swing further right and then left and back then we usually would. this is in order to vastly increase the struggle to distract us from who is really pulling the strings. they are not in total control sure, but they know our patterns and manipulate us from within those.

anyways the rising populism doesnt benefit them yet, but neither does sacrificing a pawn on a chessboard. they are setting up a play possibly to push us beyond populism. this si just their foot in the door.

as far as I'm concerned the only thing keeping these people in power is usury, and that is bound to fall in this century anyway. But what is too far right in your book? All I see is most people moving further right to a rational degree.

you have to be 18 to post here, memeflag

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don't worry you pretty much answered my question.

Exactly this. And what's even better is good quality women will follow, not just art hoes who're going to cheat on you in a few months after they get bored.

>good quality women
on what planet?

Could you elaborate on why you think populism doesn't benefit them? The way I see it, this generational revolution is precisely contained by having the illusion of choice, of power in a rigged system that gives the people none, democracy. My dad and many middle class who are discontent with the social aids and privileges that refugees, gypsies and lazy bums enjoy see VOX as a boon. Meanwhile, on Spanish forums and amongst the young you get a lot of university aged kids that 'understand their perspective' but think that VOX are an evil fascist party, which is exactly what the media pushes here. At the end, those extreme right parties can have either no effect at all on the system, or accelerate extreme views being pushed as something real on the subconscious of society. It doesn't matter if the people actually accept them: all you need is to implant them as a movement that is gaining traction. That way, when the next big event culling population arrives, revisionism will allow degeneracy to spread and tight morals to decay even more, because the idea of a group (who just happens to be the losers) being genocidal, cruel and too tyranical is rooted. Meanwhile the real evils done by the high spheres get pulled under the rug, under the sewers of the system, like the Julen case or Alcàsser


god should strike her down for those fake eyebrows

How is users bound to fall? It’s bern around since forever, and in every country at some point

She is a hyper-cutie but it was ruined with this crackwhore looks... with the ugly eyebrow and thot haircut.


What the fuck? Her boyfriend looks like Marck Zuckerberg's twin brother.

>those eyebrows
hahahaha oh no girlfriend