Blacks need to stop acting like niggers and start thinking

>Blacks need to stop acting like niggers and start thinking
>Surge of black thinkers in the 1960s
>Rise of black parties in the US
>Black families are beginning to do well in their communities
>Black colleges start to open


>The CIA and FBI do their absolute best to frame prominent black leaders for murder
>California backpedals on first amendment rights solely because a group of Blacks are starting to learn that they need to arm themselves
>Constant attacks on live TV in an attempt to vilify and silence political speakers
>Large scale police operations on black neighborhoods
>Crack and other drugs poured into communities

Fast forward to Today:
>Why are blacks niggers lmao.

Do people just choose to ignore history? Or what? Was it the Jews who did this too?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Stop doing drugs, nigger.

>At the time, I was writing a book about the politics of drug prohibition. I started to ask Ehrlichman a series of earnest, wonky questions that he impatiently waved away. "You want to know what this was really all about?" he asked with the bluntness of a man who, after public disgrace and a stretch in federal prison, had little left to protect. "The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I'm saying? We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did."

A REAL statement said by a government official and it is ignored all the time, why?

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>Surge of black thinkers in the 1960s
Only the race mixed ones that scored in the genetic lottery

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So you're saying that you're just a race of crack-addicted quitters? Do you know what kind of shit whites had to go through to get to where they are now? You're not special. Everybody suffers.

the root of all problems for blacks is rap music

Who said anything about quitting, I'm not sure if you're aware but there's small groups popping up right now and they are instantly targeted by the FBI. Not even real terrorists are treated like this. They want us all to remain niggers forever.

no, songs like Mo Bamba were unironically good until they were ovedplayed. Drake is also a pretty good artist once you start listening to his shit.

THe probvlem with niggers is that theyre stupid and dumb LOL

James Baldwin is mixed?

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Fix yourselves, we don't care.
Clearly your kind don't care about our plight, so just go back to shooting each other.

I don't have much of a reason to care, but I would like to put forth Marcus Garvey since you asked about the Jews. Garvey was running an organization for blacks that had 6 million members at a time when there were only 11 million blacks in the country (source: look it up yourself, I'm lazy). He was going to start a movement of blacks to Africa and even started a fleet of ships called the Black Star Line. He met with the brand new (((ACLU))) to talk business when what they really wanted were his followers. He famously left angrily and declared the ACLU to be an organization run by 'whites'. He later would come to realize and state that what he thought were 'whites' were actually Jewish people. AAAND the Jews set him up for mail fraud, convicted him with their Jewdicial system -- for real, Garvey blamed the Jewish judge, Jewish prosecutor, and Jewish jurors. His organization was disbanded so they could all trickle over to the Jewish ACLU and the plans to return to Africa on ocean liners owned by the black community was abandoned. So in addition to Jews having vastly higher rates of slave ownership than whites, you might want to consider blaming the Jews for this shit too. They also own practically every rapper. We could be on the same team if you want blackbro...

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>we wuz intellecktuals an sheet

What's your point? My statement still stands. No one cares about the oppression narrative anymore. Sorry to say, but you've milked that cow dry.

>Black radicals start popping up over the past few years who openly proclaim that killing cops should be encouraged to young, impressionable black kids
>Surprised when some of them get arrested and treated like the terrorists that they are
And no, real terrorists aren't treated like this. They're treated much worse after they're hauled off to Guantanamo Bay.

Interesting, I would not be opposed to dealing with the Jews together but I'm afraid animosity among us is extremely high right now.

>niggers blame it on whites and not kikes
you missed that one

Who's talking about an oppression narrative when daily you come here to complain about how the Jews are destroying you, you don't see the hypocrisy?

BLM is a cancer.
Guess what, whites don't have to change for you.
Fix your own people!
Escape your victim mentality!

I've always felt bad that blacks I know today still pine about going back to Africa (which is not recommended in today's Africa) but most don't know that Garvey had a legit plan in motion that got seriously fucking kiked. It would have had a better chance of success in the 1920's.

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Blacks are morons and they tend to hate white people.

If they look exactly the same how is anyone to know, you know to outsiders you all just seem white. Were you aware of a Jewish conspiracy prior to browsing Jow Forums? No right?

>My statement still stands. No one cares about the oppression narrative anymore. Sorry to say, but you've milked that cow dry.

This is the truth, blacks blame people too often for their problems like they are the only group who had to overcome shit. Right now whites are going through a lot of shit, that doesnt mean whites have an excuse to commit crimes or use drugs.

I try to point this out to both stormfags and Jews here but most people can't tell the difference between whites and Jews. I know I cant.

I actually did, you have to be some special type of retard not to realize that "Hitler hated kikes" is the stupidest most blatantly ignorant excuse one could make for genocide and people supporting it. Since history class, anybody could know, once you start researching it becomes more obvious. How do you think Jow Forums figured it out? Shit just didn't add up quite literally

Rap music is essentially a retarded version of jazz and blues.
Which is quite sad because that music is beautiful.

the issue is, after 50 years of the Welfare state, whites are no longer buying the narrative of "muh cycle of poverty."
we realize the problems in the black community are of their own doing.
The toxic ghetto culture of single mothers (aggressive and violent with their kids), drugs, crime, not speaking proper English.
Blacks suck

>Black families are beginning to do well in their communities

>frame prominent black leaders for murder

I don't buy it.

Black "culture" is like a plague too, it litterally influences people to be less than they could be.

The difference in behaviour and phenotype is blatantly obvious for the most part.

Don't buy it then. It's well documented stuff, you ever hear of Huey P Newton user? You really think he killed that Cop?

Race Hustlers like Sharpton pushing the victim narrative, because it gives him power.
Angry BLM activists blocking freeways and making people hate them. Building their movement on the justifiable shooting of thug nigger Michael Brown.

Bruh seriously? Do a little thinking of your own and answer your own questions. You can't just accept whatever answer someone else came to.

yes it was the jews.


What else happened in the 60's? Pure Democratic leadership. Weird coincidence, right?

As a black man i have to say THANK YOU OP. These whiteys dont understand that those things you listed are why i steal bikes and piss in elevator lobbies. They just don get it mane!

blacks need to be governed, policed, judged, and taught by blacks

you will never be able to escape racism in your own mind, you will never know if someone is being a dick or having a bad day or being racist. Always having racial victim cards played (real or fake) generates substantial inefficiency in ANY work environment.

I'm 100% positive you can socially engineer any race into niggers with the right amount of effort, savvy, and money. The reason why american whites aren't getting that treatment is simply because they have a different type of dynamic vis à vis the blacks, due to history. The whites have a superiority complex while the blacks have an inferiority complex. It's simply much more efficient to turn the blacks into lowly thugs and whites into white collar criminals than to get them on an equally retarded state.

The goal is still pretty much within reach: a race war whenever needed so that any type of coherent opposition against the (((root))) of evil is instantly neutralized on demand. Hence it's no surprise there's an ongoing tension between races and covert ops to maintain a low mean IQ on both sides while weeding out the (now very) few who see beyond this charade.

Speak for yourself.

So black people with strong family structure working well is desirable? I thought Jow Forums didn’t like black people

Literally is this your first day here or are you lying for some odd reason?

>and start thinking
Jews would call them nazis and put them in re-niggerisation camps.

this is why niggers are criminals lmao

they're doing the same thing as the crack with the opioid epidemic in US/Canada.

Honestly who cares dude. The idea is to excel in the face of adversity, not give up forever because you took a setback. You're acting like the Italians and Irish had it easy when they came here.

The sixties are when the niggers went full chimp out and burned down all the cities, so, no?

I wouldn’t say most blacks hate white people, watching their identity push for the past 8-10 years has made things more divided at least here in the states

KEK the fucking nonsense of the nation of Islam.
X was a joke. No wonder blacks are fucked with such useless role models.


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>>Crack and other drugs poured into communities
Yes, it just poured in and right into your black bodies without permission.
Great example of the black mentality to refuse to accept responsibility for bad behavior, refusal to own their problems.

Please refrain from this boring ass humor for once, where did I say we can call act like niggers because this happened to us? I'm just stating that things aren't this bad for no reason, I'm actively trying myself but there's too little of us to make a difference. You never heard of cause and effect anons?

Link to trying to arm themselves but court stopped

What does this have to do with what I'm saying?

Basic stuff.

They got equal rights so I guess that worked out


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NRA still silent about this to this day.

No one said this but okay.

No one forced you to take those drugs. I've been surrounded by drugs my entire life and never had the urge or curiosity to take any of it because I see the drugs are killing people. Why would I experiment with my own body when I see the results in others?

The top 25% should be speaking truth to their ghetto culture faction, on how to enter the middle class by speaking properly and behaving in a civilized manner.
Instead, BLM is whipping their race into a "hate whitey" frenzy, because I guess that feels good.
Guess what. it's counterproductive to your goals.

Probably not an alcoholic or addict or have addict parents

BLM doesn’t help tensions or understanding between groups just inflames them.

maybe all those nigger riots made people not like them. Idk just a theory but perhaps people don’t like it when tanks have to drive down Detroit and Baltimore streets because niggers can’t stop nigging idk tho sounds crazy

Like I said obviously there are exceptions to everything but Crack wasn't only used in black neighborhoods. You never heard of the crack epidemic? It affected both whites and blacks and neither of them has recovered fully as evident by the state of society today

>Instead, BLM is whipping their race into a "hate whitey" frenzy, because I guess that feels good.
>Guess what. it's counterproductive to your goals.

Maybe that is your goal. To feel good. To feel righteous.
Enjoy your feelings. Because that's the only good thing you will get out of your movement.

Mate you realize he's not praising BLM right? Reading comprehension.

I'm addressing You, OP.
Or did you forget that you changed from BLM meme flag to UK flag?

If you're addressing me you should probably reply to me, and that flag is just a meme. I don't unironically support that movement, it's too soft and ultimately pointless. Begging never gets you anything.

Indeed it was the jews. Now chimp back to your ghetto

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Thank you. That movement trigger me.

They don't know.

When you do this you're a sellout, uncle tom, etc. When blacks leave the ghetto they don't come back.

Lurk some more

I don't completely disagree Schweizbro
But whites here don't have a superiority complex, most have a guilt complex.
Way I see it blacks are easier to gaslight.
They were the beta test for impoverishment and destruction of the nuclear family. Now the test is shifting to us and unfortunately it's working.

>Crack and other drugs poured into communities
You don’t do these drugs and become niggers, you do these drugs because you’re niggers.

I think they don't go back because they know it's a lost cause.
Knowing that, it's disingenuous for the black intelligentsia to align with them politically.
The most constructive route is to chastise them, and you will gain white allies. That's what we call being redpilled.

>Was it the Jews who did this too?
Not only. The elites that jews are a part of. Masons, billionaires, etc.
The same that today try to destroy us, started the world wars, used to enslave you, and turned you from low iq men into feral niggers. And make money by making you rap and play sports like trained animals.
The guys we should hunt to the last one.

Niggers can’t be trusted with firearms

Black males have the highest homicide rate of any race in America (mostly caused by other black males)

Black males are the only race where the leading cause of death is homicide (mostly caused by other black males)

White males leading cause of death 2014
15-19 #3 homicide 7.6%
20-24 #3 homicide 7.2%
25-34 #5 homicide 5.2%

Black males leading cause of death 2014
15-19 #1 homicide 48.6%
20-24 #1 homicide 47.7%
25-34 #1 homicide 31.9%

Gun deaths, Blacks are 82% homicides (mostly caused by other black males) while White gun related deaths only 19% homicides

U.S. firearm death by type and race
White firearm deaths
77% suicide
19% homicide
Black firearm deaths
14% suicide
82% homicide

Despite only making up around 13% of the population, Blacks lead the country in murderers (mostly caused by black males)

50 most dangerous cities in the world
City, murder rate, percentage black

15. St. Louis, 59.23, 46.9%
19. Baltimore, 54.98, 63%
28. Detroit, 43.89, 82.7%
32. New Orleans, 41.44, 60.2%

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been living in a city that is half niggers and now seemingly a quarter spic my entire adult life. Just bought a 20 acre farm and am so excited to only have to see blacks on tv and not have to deal with them at all anymore. I feel bad for the 10% of blacks that are actually of functioning human intelligence. Imagine how embarrassed they have to be at how worthless the rest of their people are.

We do. Look how the left flips on any black supporter of Trump.

I’d unironicly support any legislation to disarm blacks

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In the UK, ethnic minorities disproportionate source of crime and asocial behaviour:

UK has more blacks in jail proportionately than the US:

Southern Democrats ruin all chances for black people to make it
>1960 - 2019
Black people continue to vote Democrat in the 90% range while blaming white people for their communities problems

How about you stop voting in the racist before you start throwing blame around nig

Is anyone talking about this though, everyone acknowledge this in the thread. Not sure what you're trying to prove, Crime in black communities has significantly increased since the 60s and that is a fact.

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Fucking despicable

>Not sure what you're trying to prove
That you’re too violent and can’t funtion in a white society.
>muh 60s
Don’t care
Most of the dumb violent niggers walking around weren’t even born in the 60s
The problem is your 12-35 year old niggers who can’t stop breaking the law because that shit is “acting white” and any criticism of some nigger breaking the law is seen as an attack on your race as a whole so they just good boys who dindu nuffin
Fuck you and your victim mentality bullshit

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well, it's stated in a vulgar manner.
I could restate it as...we have a vocal, angry minority that we need to placate. And if we approach it correctly we can cement their loyalty.
How's that?

It happened to white leaders too. George Lincoln Rockwell died right around the same time as Malcolm X. They were talking about working together.

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I've always deeply admired LBJ.

the democrat plantation broadsided them. they were too stupid to avoid the bait, and never recovered.

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why do you begin a sentence with 'literally' the way you do? it doesn't make any sense

Most of the civil rights era black intellectuals were “successfull” because they believed in an overarching purpose, they could justify existing for a cause that was reasonable and just in the eyes of most

You're right OP

LBJ actually applied his muscle to force through the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
I would not characterize that as “not enough to make a difference”.
Along with support for anti-poverty programs during his term, he did more than any other president to boost black Americans, other than Lincoln.

My dad is an alcoholic.

Makes complete sense in that context actually. Nice try at being not retarded but you need to put in a lot of work still.

And I'm sure you think every lynching was unjustified. lol dat yite lady was lying she wants muh BBC and lied about it after you found out


Nice straw man, no one said nothing of the sort.