Take shitty uk flag

>take shitty uk flag
>rotate quarters anti-clockwise

instant improvement

Attached: fixed flag.png (1200x600, 54K)

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Very well done

Hmm... It's an overly busy try hard eyesore that has the bare minimum symbolic meaning, more out of lazyness that a desire to convey a message.
It's a vast improvement and I love it


>ruining the symbolism and history of your own flag to fit some vague aesthetic
peak anglo

You're disgusting.

is this related to the cobbywobble?

How disgusting

Attached: 1548714104362.jpg (664x610, 54K)

Fuck off with this divisive nazi shit. Britain can be a great country, we just need to unite against the commies in government.

Attached: AHMED MOI SAN.jpg (1280x720, 64K)

that caption


in all seriousness tho this is a great flag

>american face when i pronounce anti 'an-tee'

Attached: 1510411528314.png (500x500, 20K)

looks like its made by an autistic jew

lmao that photo

Get a job


Attached: 1525802589204.png (1153x592, 64K)


>working regular hours

a true slave you are

Muhammad still the most popular boy’s name in UK
Try again, Muhammad.

>Muhammad still the most popular boy’s name in UK
Not true, its falsely reported data.

Mohammed seething

Attached: iuVZF8K74O.jpg (368x475, 15K)

i live in scotland, 92% white population

you're in usa, 70% white population

try again, big boy

That is very interesting

Attached: 1480509995315.webm (1280x720, 1.17M)

Not bad, but it will be used by pro-EU folk to humiliate Brexiteers.
The normies are not ready, they all believe in 6 million jews, and Nazis bad.

Attached: 1547921093525.jpg (224x224, 4K)

Thanks for confirming our suspicions Mohammed

Attached: mohammmed.jpg (712x397, 98K)

Pretty sure your nation can arrest you for saying that.

>if i call people mohammed online, it makes me feel better about my racial insecurity

>t. amerimutt

Attached: american.jpg (224x282, 18K)

are those cheddar niggers

clockwise would take fewer rotations though

well you know better than anyone, sometimes it's just fuck normies and drink the bitter medicine to cure your ills

>country that is less than 70% white makes fun of another country for being 87% white
What did he mean by this

My state, California, has over seven times the population of your country.
It is among the most cucked in the union, but it doesn’t even come as close to being as cucked as your UK and EU reliant nation.
Good luck sucking Germany’s dick for Monopoly money.
When your nation falls in WWIII, I will not shed a tear. We warned your people that your ways were false.

>t. scared of the police
wew lad, now your just embarrassing yourself

Bump for union jack boots

Attached: tommy.jpg (389x563, 48K)

>anti clockwise
Maybe there is one in the bonnet or the boot of the car?

Nicked from R/vexillology


OP must be a nigger, or Jew hater

I can only like one of those options OP.

Attached: s5ui7s0rre721.jpg (960x845, 144K)

who the fuck browses a subreddit for flags

>70% white population
Americans have a very generous standard for what constitutes "white"

Attached: 1540757479286.jpg (1580x3391, 1011K)

>My state, California, has over seven times the population of your country.
California population: 39 million
UK population: 65 million

Attached: 1512454600971.png (403x448, 53K)

Hail hortler, bitch.

>I live in Scotland, yank
>Oi, no mate, I live in the UK
Doesn’t matter to me. Either way, Muslims will inherit your little kingdom.

Because America is a white ethnostate that has zero black people living in it, apparently

Plot twist: OP stole it from reddit

put two of those pos flags side by side and
you will have sigil of saturn/satan. fuck off.

Attached: OzBQ1ul.jpg (916x816, 96K)


Is that true?

Attached: 1548360562275.jpg (280x280, 19K)

Dis man gave me a free sarnie dont you dare call him a paki!

the scottish are not white


You have exposed the hidden message.

39 million do not live in cali, murica lies about its numbers has done for years./ Every country does it. With Britons we decrease our numbers from sey 75 million to 68 million/.

Always put a point in murican numbers, so really 3.9 million.

Attached: 18430415.jpg (500x279, 39K)

fanx m8

Looks like absolute shit.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 68K)

That post is so low quality I had to come here and check if you were a leaf.