The ethics of doxxing aside (personally I'm against it), I notice pic related is true...

The ethics of doxxing aside (personally I'm against it), I notice pic related is true. Which begs the question: why are white nationalists so afraid of being "named" or "exposed"? Why not be proud of who you are? Aren't you macho tough guys?

Attached: name the incel2.png (677x624, 555K)

Aren't you a liberal? Don't you make arguments all day about how minorities are oppressed?

You should be spreading your legs for Nazis since they're higher up the progressive stack than all the Tyrones you're fucking.

>Why not be proud of who you are?
Oh gee, its almost like the entirety of social life isnt essential for living in society

Left-wing retards dont fear doxxing because most people agree through the brain-washing agenda thats been going on (Migration good, multiculture good, opposition to these = racism and racism = bad)

Also keep in mind that "far right" could be attributed so a person who simply thinks maybe we shouldnt import millions of child refugee larpers or violent terrorists, so its completly understandable why you dont want violent left-wing assholes banging on your door if you hold these ideas

>asking why right wingers are afraid of being exposed
>show picture of rabid leftist in mask concealing his identity
Off to a great start.

The doxxing of antifa results in people being swatted and dying. You will find that people will have no problem burning down the houses of confirmed antifa.

Also, of course you are using a memeflag.

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gee I dunno maybe it’s because some faggot like you will cry and lie to my boss so I get fired. I dunno maybe you don’t realize that the most dangerous thing in the world is a white man with nothing to lose

White nationalists perceive themselves as weakened by the big bad non-white people. Weakness defines the movement. You could think they show stengh when they gather at rallies, but in fact they are just cowards, too afraid to show their despicable true nature, and too dumb to argue.

Just like pedos are shameful, contrary to drug dealers for example. They know, deeply, how pathetic they are, and how revolting they are to any man made moral standard. Of course they try to gather, to be part of a group, in an attempt to feel normal. But deep inside... They know what kind of ridiculous weak people they are.

I dont want to get in troubles. You can quite littelary go to jail for your political belifes in all of EU and they call it freedom and tolerance. If i go to a march or some shit like that i always have my face uncovered but i dont want to get doxed on Jow Forums of all places

>antifa are poor and oppressed
How come none of this is on the antifa-friendly news? I see just Professor Bike Lock, Ph.D and his buddies getting away with it.

Antifa is a symbol of privilege. Even if they were to get burnt down they'd have a million dollar GoFundMe right afterwards. Fucking rich kids.

>Implying anyone wants their home address (where their family lives) to be exposed to antifa sociopaths

Wowee, such insight.

Wouldn't that mean that they are marginalized? What are you doing to amplify Nazi voices?

How are you a good liberal? You'll fuck repulsive niggers but somehow you're too good for Hitler? Comrade, that's not the right thinking.

Why don't gay people in Saudi Arabia have pride parades? Aren't they PROUD?

Leftists will kill you and the police will ignore it. It will get you fired. In Sweden a lot of my opinions are even criminal. Of course I stay anonymous.

Not a liberal, mutt. In my country we don't amplify tard nazi voices, due to a certain bad experience with them. But hey, I can understand why some obese tards from the other side of the world, who lacks culture and history, and don't have shit except a skin color, can be obsessed by some century old german jew who praised blonde people.

>In Sweden a lot of my opinions are even criminal
Are you also worried about afghan migrants posing as kids?
I questioned this casually at work (are they really kids?) and was promptly called into a meeting with two of my direct bosses, one from upper management and one from compliance. The topic of the meeting? my "strong opinions" and it was akin to a cross-examination about my beliefs, this still comes up during yearly reviews AND im sure it barred me from applying for better positions

ethics are a luxury not afforded during war.

>In my country we don't amplify tard nazi voices
Nigger, you were in Africa when WWII happened. Look at this vicariously French coon~

Leftists tend to be minorities here. They'll still get hired and be protected by EO laws and right wing bosses would hire a leftist anyway so long as they can do their job and be professional at work about it. Right wingers have no such protections, and leftist bosses and HR will fire them or refuse to hire them just for expressing non-left viewpoints.

It's not about being embarrassed by who you are. It's about having your life ruined because the left is petty and vindictive.

It's not a lefty. It's a Soros shill paid to blend in with lefties.

>Which begs the question: why are white nationalists so afraid of being "named" or "exposed"?
Accuse others of being jews...

What the fuck are you talking about, stupid fatty ? Colonies ?

Gotta love that free master morality of post-Christian society, goy.

>implying having dox leaked makes people throw aside identity politics
This doxing shit is going to be the downfall of the left. Just give it time

I called you a nigger, nigger. Now get to the back of the stack and shut up. Nazis are talking, and

you need to listen

Doxxing the right is self defeating. Liberals operate under the belief that somehow 98% of the country is Democrat and the rest "stole" elections, except they're delusional and don't realize they're the extremists. Doxxing people who are openly Nazi works now, but doxxing people like the Covington Catholic kids backfired. They received an outpouring of job offers, charity and alternatives. All they're doing is parting the sane people from their insane friends and outing themselves as extremists, which is exactly what the right needs.

>why aren't you more proud of who you are
>it's not like we're going to get you fired from your job and tie your name to internet hate forever
>1 post

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>Why are white nationalists afraid of their kids getting the shit kicked out of them at school, or losing their job/career

Jee wiz, I don't know!

>Jow Forums of all places
This is a board of peace, tolerance and love

Believe it or not, mutt, i'm not 90 year old.
Honest question, tard fellow, do you think your lord and savior Hitler would have liked you ? Because I'm pretty sure he and me would rejoice on that point, and that you fat pile of uneducated lard are not really promoting the "white race"

Majority of people dont like low IQ morons who'd like to hang their black neighbor, fire their wife for being a woman, deny their daughter education or kill the nice Jewish guy down the street.. go figure

Right wingers are crypto jews and recoil when exposed

It's actually the contrary, they are brave because they go against the system. The easy thing is doing the same the goverment, elites, media, etc. are doing. This also benefited Trump because it was obvious he was alone against literally everyone, it helped him gain sympathy from unlikely suspects because so much bashing it made him look discriminated and a victim of the (((system))). People like to root for the underdoog.
Also if they're really that weak and pathetic why do all the globalist machinery and their minions act react like they're their cryptonite instead of laughing it off? You can sense there is something more by how both sides react.

The issue is not that "white nationalists" are afraid, it's what qualifies as "white nationalist". Anyone right of Marx has been labeled (((altright))) at one point or another, so it's natural to want to avoid the spotlight, seeing as seemingly mundane views incite the leftist hordes. IIRC, Camille Paglia was labeled a Nazi not too long ago.

That said, anyone with true "white nationalist" leanings that gets themselves "doxxed" is a fucking pleb and deserves it. In [current year], there is no excuse for not hiding your irl identity, none. There are countless ways to mask your online presence.

Every single legit conservative victim of the leftist bullshit is being cared for by their church and private donors.

>fat pile of uneducated lard
Uneducated lard just called you a nigger from Africa. Hitler's feelings for me, like anyone else's, can change by the moment. I'm sure he would have liked me at some point, given how many Jews I gas on a daily basis. He gave out a lot of Aryan certificates!

Please talk to me about Europe more, Mbappé!
>leftists love oppressing nazis, check it out!

>one post by this ID

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Why ?
If you are exposed as antifa, can you lose your job, being harassed or beaten , even jailed ?
No. The left has created a mafia with bosses in politics and medias, and mobs of enforcers in the streets, with the full backup of the elites (since they are useful idiots, remember this). So being anonymous is the best line of defense for right wingers, who are mostly little people, with no help from anyone but themselves.
Our weapons are truth and reality. Theirs are bullying and lies. Our identities do not matter as long as the message is true.
It shall prevail eventually if it is.

> why do all the globalist machinery and their minions act react like they're their cryptonite

In the global capitalist world, they don't have a powerful and defined enemy to gather the people. Cold war is over, nowaday even when you point at Russia, it's "Putin and its oligarchs", not a nation.
The west has to create manageable enemies. It can't be minorities anymore, would be pointless when such a huge part of our very societies are made of them. So, it has to be sub-categories of citizens, from our countries or others.

You know. Stupid nazis (not all poor white people). Evil islamists (not all muslims). Far left terrorists (not all lefties, even if that one may not apply to the US, we got this in Europe)


dox me faggots

oh please just dox me

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>In the global capitalist world, they don't have a powerful and defined enemy to gather the people
>gilets jaunes against macron
Are you even French, Mbappé? Show real flag!

Don't worry negroid. Most of them are already gang stalked, electronically harassed, possessed or dead. Because you sent know this but they are literally going against the devil. Pol is nothing like it was 5 years ago? What happened to all those posters? I tools you in the first sentence. They all hear voices now.

So basically, most people are low IQ morons who have no idea what Nazi talking points actually are and have heads full of mush and propaganda. This is the answer to OP.

Making yourself known for supporting the far-right will give you trouble in the future (on getting a job etc). This is what happens when you are ahead of the time

Likewise commies -Didn’t the commies kill 100s of millions - specifically targeting Christian and smart people?

You fucker are from a country built exclusively by immigrants, whose politics since its creation not so long ago, is to accept as many strangers as it is possible, to the point the US are soon to be a spic country with a white minority... I mean, I do know why you illiterate fucks praise Hitler, since you don't really have any interesting murican character to defend your cause, but come on it's ridiculous

>Uneducated lard just called you a nigger from Africa
... yeah, so it's kinda laughable, I don't understand your point, again ? Are you trying to tell me that you agree on your stupidity, and therefore it explains why your pathetic attempt at insulting sounds that weak ? You mutts are weird

You are a monkey you are not french and you have nothing to do with WWII

>why are you worried about losing your livelihood? are you some kind of pussy?
not everyone can live on handouts tyrone.

Why are you the ones wearing masks then faggot?

Je suis aussi français que tu es un américain doté d'une bite infime, tas de lard sans cervelle.
But why would I speak french. Like a teen mutt would know another language.

Because commies are scum

I'm just going to leave this here.

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nigga what

cops and law always layed t down hard on these guys and turn a blind eye to any fascist* opposition

not specific to antifa, but far left progressives tend to not get along with the system

center and right get along decently and are NOT the under dogs here

also, corporations will fire you without giving a fuck over anything negative cause profit > you potentially making them look bad true or not

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>trotsky was so extreme stalin had to kill him
the entire north american landmass should be submerged in the ocean.

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You've been BTFO nigger boy. You should stop posting now.

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Nah. When low iq burgers are cornered in a debate, "whiter than you muhammad" is often then only answer . And since their ego is obese, they can spam it dozens of times thinking they have a point. While all they do is making their flag really stupid.
Commies "only" killed dozens of millions of christians. But its ok, it was "for the people". And it would be bad, if one discovered that like slavery, (((someone))) was behind it.
Muslims killed even more, but hey, it would be racist.
Nah, all evil in the world are the white man fault, and the most evil of all, who made the future of white people their priority. Something that doesnt work with corporate profits and zionist/masonic agendas.

>not specific to antifa, but far left progressives tend to not get along with the system
This has to be bait. Which opinions are not illegal? In what political direction does the system wants to move itself?

This. I live in California and I see this daily. They have no principles they just want to destroy all of the people who disagree with them which is why I am stockpiling in Minecraft.

You make no sense. The easiest way to gather the people against a common enemy is going against the elites, and who does that better than everyone? The "far right". This is why they're being framed as the public enemy nº 1, because they're the ones who have the best chance at ousting the current world order.
Also the hate against Russia is against the nation and the people, not specifically Putin. And every time you hear the phrase "white straight males" they're trying to make this specific minority an internal enemy.

Already seen this thread a hundred times, ignore this shill slide thread

Hey shlomo, you KIKES can't dodge the ovens forever.

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>I do know why you illiterate fucks praise Hitler
No you don't. Praise Hitler for gassing Jews like you. You must be one of those oppressive Black Hebrew Israelites. L'chaim, Mbappé!

Not built by niggers and spics. By Whites.

The far right is of course the number one candidate to fight the elites. But remember that TV, newspapers, large internet sites, they all say the same narrative. It is not easy for the people who do not actively search for truth to reach it. Until they hit the bottom, like us in France.
Then the riots can, or not, start, and the real game begins.

>why would I speak french
To pretend like you're French! Oppressive, Mbappé-kun, you should suck 50 Nazi cocks now to cleanse your privilege.

Because liberals will do anything to fuck over your life, that is why, and when they know who you are, well you are fucked.

1 post by this ID

My family depends on my job.

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Reminder, if you fuck with our jobs or our families, that's the only thing holding us back from going on a collective genocidal massacre of historical proportions that would leave almost every non-white dead in our wake.

Be careful what you wish for.

I know plenty of people who would gladly take up arms to kill as many liberals, Jews, niggers, spics and faggots as possible if they were to lose their job or family, and especially if they lost both, which is what can happen when people get doxxed.

The left is playing with fire, and they are going to burn themselves alive if they keep it up.

uh oh retard alert

just because two groups of people have the same beliefs doesnt mean they have the same intent and purpose

what bettrr way for the state to control people than by importing trash and punishing people for saying it sticks

turns our progressives do not want part of a pyramid scheme for the wealthy, but rather to guillotine them and systematically execute bigots

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>mom I posted it again
>1 post by this ID

gas yourself

Sun tzu:
Never corner your enemy. Always leave him a way of retreat, and you will crush him.
The left:
Let's corner angry working class white men

If they didn't had the full force of the establishment behind them, it would already be WW3.

Doxxing was our strategy to begin with.


>why are white nationalists so afraid of being "named" or "exposed"?
being "named" or "exposed" is a free pass for niggers to be violent, that's why they dox nigger!

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Because you’ll be ripped apart by bully Jews and their crazy dumb followers who won’t listen to logic anyways. They have such an emotional trigger word association game with white = bad

>turns our progressives do not want part of a pyramid scheme for the wealthy
And that's the only point among thousands they disagree. Also they don't disagree at all, or how many "progressives" call out the jewish wealth?

The right has failed to see the pattern the left plays out. Most right wingers can't see that the left is actually evil. Leftists are the Sodomites of old. Rapists, murderers, and given over to the mob mentality. They are so intrinsically dishonest they don't even know themselves nor can they see where they are going. 20 years ago they'd have said the prediction that homosexual acceptance would lead to literal child drag queens getting money thrown at them in gay bars was a fallacy. Now it's here and they have conveniently forgotten this.

I read about the French Revolution yesterday and I even saw shades of this pattern playing out back then. Whatever this pattern of behavior is it tends to come from the left consistently. It doesn't matter the context of the day either. The ignoble, dishonest, self-righteous, slanderous, petty, nasty, hypocritical trash always rises on the left.

I dont like being labeled a nazi cause I disagree with communist. I wouldn't expect a nigger to understand

Problem is that the "bigots" are mainly the working class the elites prey upon.
The very natives of the concerned countries (north america is a special case, since it was a conquest, but native amerindians are so few they are irrelevant). Thats why leftists are retarded. They attack the people they claim to fight for in theory, thinking it will pave the way into reaching the elites. Meanwhile, they achieve the opposite.

Doxxing is when people post your private address or contact information in public, not when people post your "real name". It's basically inciting harassment.

>gladly take up arms to kill as many liberals, Jews, niggers, spics and faggots as possible
ooo lawd

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Far right is intentionally meaningless. It has no point of reference. It's designed so the audience can fill it in with whatever they hold the far right to be. It's like that kid in DC, you just fill in the blanks with your own prejudices.

So did they find any "Far right" Asides from NA? Because Im not convinced they exist in the UK

>pathetic for existence
Disregard all the other bs but why so we win actual debates and people try to ban them?

>why are white nationalists so afraid of being "named" or "exposed"?
Because the society hates us for the crime of loving our people. We have lives to live outside our politics, and you'd ruin everything, if you only had the chance. Because you're evil, hateful and thoroughly cancerous.

Do 'white nationalists' even exist in Europe? I figured there would be actual nationalist movements in Europe since it is composed of actual nations. The US can't actually front a proper nationalist movement because its population is ethnically deracinated.

It's way easier to get labeled as a "pinko liberal commie" if you will disagree with conservative.

>muh black privilege
You are all seditionists, you can all get the rope.

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>and too dumb to argue.
How come leftists can only insult their opposition, but they never actually have any arguments? Whenever I encounter one of your kind here, you insult people and spam nonsense. Never you refute any arguments, and never can you make your own without it getting immediately wrecked.

beg for civil war and you shall receive it catposter

The reactions are asymmetrical.

It's about avoiding having a fictitious label applied to you by the mindless masses.

That's such bullshit. If that were true, Jow Forums would be a leftist board, and facebook, twitter and reddit would be rightist safe spaces. That's not the case.

Honestly we should just say “Come and Take it”. If they dox us, let them know, or at least pretend that we are armed.

>antifa takes bike lock to guys head
>no jail time
>guy gets attacked in crown by thugs with baseball bats
>accelerates into crowd out of fear
>gets prison for nearly life

Attached: baseball bat to charlottesville car.jpg (1021x580, 117K)

Do you want total krieg nyah ?

No way that story is real. Have a better sauce?

>Because the society hates us for the crime of loving our people
You're so full of shit your breath constantly reeks of farts.
How come the "love" for "your people" is always defined by hatred of the other? Who are "your people" and how come you can't love them without inventing some internal and external enemies you need to "protect" them from? Why don't you just help out your local community? Are they not "your people"?

The way internet message board populations coalesced helped me understand political correctness. It's no coincidence that the least moderated and anonymous message board on the internet is largely right wing while the left really only exists on boards where comments are heavily censored and where the left is favored. The left can't prosper unless the game is rigged in their favor. Hence they created political correctness to 'moderate' debate in the public space.