Look what you have done

You made this little girl cry you sick bastards. Explain yourselves.


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That Arab kid was whiter than most Italians tho.

gay slide bread


okay ahmed

AWWWWW, look at them how cute they are and innocent and before you know it they grow 20 and they have balcanized your city into nigger ghetos with guns and drugs and prostitution, devolve into ebonics and uga-booga language and destroy the country in 100 years, as for arabs, well we know how that ends too. gfto.

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black fragility

This is one of the most ugly creatures I've ever seen

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It’s true.

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If they don't want to hear racist comments, they could go back from they came from, niggers.

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this. kids are naturally harmless and vulnerable, but wait till they're 14 and roaming packs of "youth" stabbing people, selling drugs, stealing, etc., etc.

> we want to be just like you

Yeah but you're not, and you don't grow up to be. Sorry kid


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yah unfortunately it's been proven time and time again

>White power symbol on shirt

weak fucking pieces of shit who are so pathetic that words actually hurt them deserve to be gassed.
they are not strong enough to survive and definitely shouldnt have any reproductive rights

That’s really mean.

look at its triple chins
look at its bug eyes
look at its disgusting hooked nose

I've met worms with more spine than these cunts

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It’s still mean. It’s not the kids fault he looks the way he does or has the haircut he has.

His haircut and him being fat are his fault.

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But he’s just a kid. His parents should get him on the right track.

He's Russian. Russian people are statistically one of the least empathetic people in the world.

yeah they should

there are hordes of these on every corner. mexicans and central americans are the most subhuman looking creatures you will ever see. they're abo tier jungle goblinos

Every corner of where? Have you ever seen an abo?


they shouldn't feel welcomed

They may have Italian citizenship, but they will never be Italian.

He looks the part too imo

Did you say it there?



Attached: leme it BAS.png (514x630, 121K)

I feel bad for that little nigger.

How about a "White kids react to the disproportionate amount of crime/anti-white crimes (that don't get labeled as hate crimes) by non-whites"? Tell some white kids about the brutal crimes committed by non-whites, show them pictures and videos. Show the reaction of white kids attacked for being white (including no reaction because they've been murdered). Show terrorism victim because Western governments let anyone into our countries.

kek, this video is retarded if they go to public schools they are object of bullying 100 times worse than these faggy facebook posts. When I went to school we it was hell for romanian kids.

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How nice of YouTube to already suggest me the next propaganda video.

>You made this little girl cry you sick bastards. Explain yourselves.

Turkish kids are beating up their German class mates and they like to call them victims. Does anyone make a video with them?

But I do hate the people who push them here, not really the people themselves. We could all share this wonderfull planet without getting in each others way. I feel absolutely not hate towards children not in my continent or even out of my town. Maybe that is the solution to racism?

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tell more

This video made me look up Fanny Neguesha, the ex-girlfriend of Mario Balotelli and would you look at that? She married another nigger and pushed out another little brown person...

Attached: fanny_mario_001.jpg (811x959, 123K)

Whatever you say Barack Hussein

maybe they should get out of european nations disgusting animals they are

nothing honestly makes me more angry than seeing subhumans cry about racccism when they're in white dominated nations

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It's a fetish. Some men like fat women, some women like apes.

I thought the thumbnail had a little girl in blackface in the middle. Ha!

you're just a nigger. KYS

They both look black to me...

good, all italians, regardless of skin color, should feel bad.

>implying it’s settled what an Italian is in this context

each person has the right of self determination, and there is nothing wrong with that if a group of people together decide who gets to be in that group, and who is not. There are many reasons and many people one wants to exclude from that group, because there are many bad people, or just people that dont fit in very well. Like criminals, or just races that cannot integrate well because of their biology. If one nation decides to act upon that, then its completely within their god given rights.

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What about through integration?

looks like the minstrel ones


>using kids to push your narrative
same lefty tactics
cry more kiddies your feelings dont effect facts.

it sucks

>literally El Mutto Americano
Top kek

Why didn’t he do under his eyes?

Why do they keep pushing their agenda so blatantly? Have they learned nothing over the last 5 years?

idiot leftists don't realize diversity creates problems like this where it didn't exist before. it's so obvious that no one ever thinks to mention it. this is legitimately sad, but the left seems to think it's an irrefutable argument for open borders.

they've simplified the issue to "for immigrants and their children" or "against immigrants and their children", leaving no room for limiting immigration itself while being kind to individuals who were invited. unfortunately, they've pushed this dichotomy so far that people are just flipping to the opposite end of it without apology. leftists are fractally evil. evils within evils.

As I white person, I deal with racism from niggers all the time and just brush it off.
What is showing a bunch of niglets getting bent out of shape supposed to prove?

what is she?

Well put to that extent
