"Cro-magnons were mulattoes, we wuz neanderthals"

>"Cro-magnons were mulattoes, we wuz neanderthals"
>looks nothing like a neanderthal himself
>only source is his wife's website
What happened to this guy? He seemed so intelligent in Until the Light Takes Us, but what i get from his new videos he seems dumb as fuck

Attached: Varg.jpg (600x900, 86K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>this guy seems intelligent!
>spends half his life rotting in a prison cell for pre-meditated murder, would have spent life if he didn’t live in a cuck country

Well it doesn't take much to be more intelligent than Varg, so even his old self seems like a genius from how far he has fallen

Dude is a legit autist and probably schizo as well. But Filosofem is still a brilliant piece of music.

>Jow Forums gives a fuck about premediated murder against someone wanting to do the same to you
>Jow Forums gives a fuck about commies
>Jow Forums unironically wants to gas kikes niggers and commies

Sage stop posting this stupid shit

he was always dumb as fuck

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You can tell those are just his wife's words coming out of his mouth. I have no respect for this man.

Left is neanderthal (looks like a kike t.b.h)

Right is White Aryan Cro Magnon (which unfortunately is mixed with Neanderkike)

>I can't post images anymore because the kikemods have banned me from doing it.

The dude looks more like the one on the right, a CroMag, but he's denying his heritage to feel more unique. The truth is we are mixed with other humans, including the dreaded homo sapiens. That doesn't mean we should mix more and ruin ourselves further, but we aren't some mythical race that descended from Thule or Atlantis or whatever.

And just to note that the neanderthal is very broad and dwarf-like. Many middle eastern and Mediterraneans look similar to this, as they have more neanderthal DNA. Northern Europeans are taller and less broad because they have more CroMag. In the middle of Europe you find men that are either tall or broad, for example I've seen tall blonde Germans and wider framed, more stout dark haired Germans.

Neither of which seem to be any better than the other, they evolved very similarly and are very closely related. They're a good combo t.b.h, these were the only two intelligent races of men to evolve and they both did so in relatively the same space. It would have been better though if there were no homo sapien admixture at all. Also note that this shit happened millions of years ago, the races that combined have evolved independently of their original states to the point where they've become a new race, no matter what you're likely a neander-magnon, there is no more pure neanderthal or pure CroMag. Also the domesticated man reflects almost nothing of his wild ancestor, so you really shouldn't use it as a basis to claim some sort of superiority. This is juvenile and you should focus on evolving yourself to be greater in your current state, as devolution is in full effect and will destroy these formerly great genetic codes.

anyone who seeks women valuation is a literal retard

Cro-magnons are Homo sapiens you absolute retard besides obvious morphology look up the upstream mutations of their uniparental markers, you scientifically illiterate fuck.

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How is the women thing controversial, lmao. If a tribe loses half its men, the women can still all be impregnated. The next generation will come. Losing half the women puts a huge dent in numbers, possibly leading to collapse unless a lot more women are found, which another tribe is unlikely to give all at once. Men are stronger, more aggressive, more enterprising, and more psychologically varied than women, who are more stable in intelligence, more focused on empathy and children. Women conceive one child at a time. Hence their relative value in primary time times. This us also why women were trained and socially controlled the way they were in traditional societies. How is this controversial on pol of all places?

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Value in primitive times*

he just sees no explaination towards to some things and builds up stupid nonsense trying to reason it, but he is still attacking the right enemies (alt-right, incels, christcucks)

cro magnons were mostly low skulled (if you mean the european hunter gatherers)

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>He seemed so intelligent in Until the Light Takes Us
Did he? He was always a moron.

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he is (unlike alt-right votecucks) still going to the right direction

>If a tribe loses half its men, the women can still all be impregnated
Another thing to consider is that the genes of strong men live on in women. A sister who has a strong brother, who fought and died in a war, will have an identical genetic code to her fallen brother. So when she is impregnated it's the same as if her brother bore children.

The meme that all the strong European men died off in the wars is false. The strong European man died due to domestication.

I love how triggered Jesus's slaves hate him. He just do everything that KIKES hate!

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I left out an important factor, CroMag in itself is neanderthal mixed with homosapiens. Then further mixing happened after that. Varg denies this and says there are still pure neanderthals, not the case, and northern Europeans are far from it, they're a higher evolved homo sapien (proto CroMag, we'll call it) mixed with Neanderthal. The purest neanderthal DNA is found in the middle east, (((Levant))), and Mediterranean areas.

>we aren't some mythical race that descended from Thule or Atlantis or whatever.
We are but it's far more mundane than people want to believe and the past advancements are mostly nothing in comparison to what we have today.

varg should shut up, he looks like a homosapien
and not a cro magnon man. means he's a golem
he's not even real. just another npc of saturn.

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actually oceaneans/east-asians have highest neanderthal dna (while they also have the highest denisovan-related)

His music is shit btw

...no he doesn't. He thinks that Europeans can be potentially over 90% neanderthal, but definitely not 100%. The DNA profile of neanderthals that we use is not right, he argues, due to mixed individuals' being used to map their genome. Also anti-racist jews like David Reich, who are the neanderthal experts...