Is the entire point of multi-CULTuralism to reduce your IQ so you're less intelligent to fight against?
Why are Democrats getting dumber?
>imagine thinking IQ means anything
>imagine thinking IQ means nothing
to manny nigger dragging them down.
>5.5 point difference
>bar is more than twice as big
Stuff like this is why we lose debates even with proof
The ultimate goal is to have a single mongrel race without identity who are smart enough to work but too dumb to think
>Below-65 IQ
>Niggers never invented the wheel, domesticated animals, and the only farmers were massacred by other niggers
But IQ doesn't make a difference.
Hmmm, hmmm, hmm...
I wonder at what point that will happen in the west. Asians will be the last "white" versus the brown hordes as the original white people are in fast decline.
Thank you for proving this scientific study in real time, Democrat.
Whispers "black people"
Are you under the assumption that all graphs are drawn to scale like ?
By any chance, are you a Democrat?
Democrats are pandering more and more to the extreme left.
If you're a moderate with a brain you essentially have to defect from the democrats. They might not necessarily become republican, but losing the people whose noggins are often joggins will lower dem mean IQ. It doesn't help that the democrats have fully embraced brainlet terms like "woke."
I know what was done, just saying opponents will use that as talking point to dismiss whole thing as dishonest
Doesn’t mean I’m your enemy to point out how they will react
>Is the entire point of multi-CULTuralism to reduce your IQ so you're less intelligent to fight against?
It's called the Kalergi plan, funded by banker Max Warburg. Look it up.
Roughly speaking.
>doesnt understand scale
holy shit underage
Denial. The only real result a human can have in an IQ test is 'too low', however. So stop hating yourself in particular for it, and stop opposing eugenics so that we might solve the stupidity problem.
This is just because niggers vote Democrat. Remove the niggers and the scores will be equal.
For fuck sake you retard I’m pointing out how opposition will dismiss this image as dishonest
Go post this image on Facebook or twitter to lefties the whole debate turn into them pointing out dishonesty and dismissing it altogether
I’ve been through this kinda shit before they nitpick for any reason to dismiss your claims so it’s best to not give them any out to escape truth
I’m not the retard because I know how they behave, go try it and see you will be ridiculed as dishonest and your point will be completely dismissed
Having 100 IQ is considered being >smart, what the fuck ain t that like the average? What in the fuck happened to you America.
Whats really surprising to me is how dumb both sides are according to that chart. Jesus h Christ.
IQ test was created to see which students needed more help, not to justify your poorly made graphs. Also if IQ was a viable measure of intelligence, Republicans would be lower than their chromosome count on that graph
Explain Asians compared to white people