/vg/ - Venezuela General - Chavez Doll Edtition

>Pompeo gives control of Venezuela assets in US banks to Guaido
>Russian not considering military or financial support for Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro and his government -- Interfax
>"5,000 troops to Colombia," was written on @AmbJohnBolton notepad when he walked onto the podium this afternoon at the @WhiteHouse.
>BREAKING: United States government sanctions Venezuela state oil firm, while stating that all the options are on the table.
>Venezuela devalues currency to align it with black market
>Guaido calls for protests against Maduro this Wednesday and Saturday
>US Senator Graham says Trump spoke about possibility of using military force, says Trump is “really hawkish” on Venezuela
>Israel recognizes Juan Guaido as Venezuela leader
>Venezuelan security forces offered amnesty if they defect to opposition
>John Bolton says any harm to United States personnel or Juan Guaidó will be met with "significant response"
>Diplomatic tensions replace protests.
>WSJ: Mike Pence called Guaido night before 23Jan to ask him to go full coup
>General Mourão says Brazil will not participate in military intervention.
>Reuters is reporting that up to 400 Russian military contractors have been deployed in Venezuela.
>Neocon Elliot Abrams, from Ronald Reagan & George W. Bush admin, hired to manage Venezuelan crisis
>France, Spain, Germany give Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro 8 days to setup new elections or they will recognize Juan Guaidó as President.
>Bank of England, lobbied by US, wants to steer 1.2bi of Vzla assets to Guaido.


Attached: Chavez talking doll.jpg (225x300, 29K)

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/sour crude/

Press M for Maduro
Press G for Guaido
Let's see who has more support.


Press N for neutral (anti-American stance)

The YANKs are Coming!

Why did you took away the US embassy fiasco?


ok just let each superpower tend to it's humble memes inside Venezuela, dispose of Maduro, and restore the citizenry's will to live, make an honest living, and express happiness

Why would Venezuela have assets in American and British banks? That’s like a Black man in the 60’s keeping his savings stored in the KKK headquarters.

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Or a better analogy, like a goyim keeping his money in a bank

N - with huge support to teritorial integrity and sovereginity of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela during this travesty of the crisis and foreign agression.

Thread theme:

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to make space for devs

>3 venezuelans caught involved in plan to assasinate colombian president Ivan Duque
>ELN (Colombia's biggest terrorist guerrilla group) would fight for Venezuela in case of a war because they are literally greatest allies
>Venezuelans kill a farmer couple, luckily based mayor deports a bunch of them right away
>crime has skyrocketted, thousands of venezuelans were captured in 2018 for robberies, drug trafficking, false documentation
>11 venezuelans are caught committing crimes by the police every day
>massive influx of venezuelan prostitutes, competition has become harsher, conflicts between local and foreign prostitutes have become common
>Park seized by groups of venezuelan migrants has become a hub for gang fights and violence
>venezuelans assault small stores, restaurants, bakeries all around the country, Bogota particularly heavily affected

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You said that already.

Probably because there some enforced standard, or most likely because that gold was there before Bolivarian Revolution won in Venezuela.

Do you think if mutts attack Venezuela from Columbia, that these Venezuelan commie groups will intensify their attacks?

Maybe it does matter. They might be able to arrest him if he leaves the Colombian Embassy

>commie comes to power in 1999 (Chavez)
>part of a whole wave of leftism across latin america, Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador get meme'd too
>people love their stronk commander, the gibsmedats and a bunch of social projects which indeed make the country look quite prosperous
>guy literally walks down the street, accuses every entrepreneur of being a capitalist pig, expropriates factories because he thinks the government can run it better
>turns out it can't, so now he has effectively crippled the production capabilities of his own country
>can afford it because oil is high and keeps rising
>since Chavez's time the venezuelan government has had a history of opposing USA, shitting on Colombia & neighbours, heavily investing in military equipment and weapons, actively supporting and protecting FARC, ELN & co
>Chavez dies, his vicepresident Maduro (a LITERAL truck driver) takes charge
>by the time Chavez died there were already some glaring problems economically speaking, price controls and heavy dependance on importing basic goods
>shortages begin, people start questioning the whole thing and the opposition gets massive support
>Elections happen, chavists (Maduro) vs opposition (Enrique Capriles), result is like 50,1% for Maduro even after the blatant rigging
>Maduro takes charge, keeps the same working scheme (gibsmedats and importing everything) all supported by oil money
>oil prices fall
>98% of GDP depends on oil, not even the eternal commander Chavez could predict that if you don't diversify your economy when you have the chance the chicken of the golden eggs will eventually run out of its magic
>shit starts going down
>no money for gibsmedats, the intelectuals just keep printing more, inflation goes through the roof
>massive shortages of vital goods because there's no way to produce, no money to import and the bolivar is worth peanuts

>contraband goods start being brought from Colombia and being sold for irrational prices
>people start feeling anxious because they can't even procure toilet paper to wipe their asses en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shortages_in_Venezuela
>the intelectuals again come up with the best solution: impose price controls on everything
>said price limits are way under the production cost
>now everyone is taking everything to Colombia because here they can at least sell it for a profit and not lose money
>government blames opposition, imperialist boggeyman, and also colombians who are accused of sabotage and hoarding all venezuelan resources
>shit hits the fan en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venezuela–Colombia_migrant_crisis
>colombians leave en masse, the venezuelans themselves would follow once they realized that protesting would only get them killed or jailed, opposition leaders are jailed too
>the maduroman comes up with great plans like suggesting people to raise chickens, rabbits, etc themselves to avoid hunger, further infuriating everyone involved
>new political actors appear (Trump, Ivan Duque) and they actively oppose the maduro
>it's not like Venezuela could keep buying support because their oil and money is worth shit, old guard international allies start withdrawing, more and more countries start turning against them
>it all eventually reaches boiling point
>now we are witnessing it
The day of rope is closer, perhaps that's why there have been so many earthquakes these days
>inb4 Colombia gets destroyed by a massive earthquake and Maduro happily stays in power for another 20 years)

We might have a chance to stop one of these infamous South American coups before the elite bankers fuck everything sideways.

I'm sick of watching globalists descend upon a countries sovereignty and elections just because it isn't going their way.

Previous discussions on their oil woes

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/sour crude/

because thats who Venezuela elected.

Most likely, that bomb they blew in the police school in Bogota may have been a clear warning "If we want to, we can fucking bomb you all even in the safety of your homes in Bogotá". They already actively oppose the government and constantly sabotage it, of course they'd be tempted to take the chance to fuck shit up in the case of war.

>the day of rope is closer, perhaps that's why there have been so many earthquakes these days

along with the polar shift, and the waves detected last month

Things are happening with this planet that we cannot control.

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Venezuela has been preparing for insurgency the past 20 years. Expect violent destability in Colombia and Brazil too as an effect. We’re talking hand held anti aircraft, anti tank, rifles, mines and explosives intensified exponentially.

It amazes me that Brazil and Colombia are shilling for civil war in Venezuela instead of being level headed and work on finding a diplomatic solution securing stability in the region.

low IQ retards getting what they voted for... oh no goy we gotta (((shut this down)))

I think some of you guys are over thinking this regime change, if anyone is harmed the most by it, it's definitely China who has invested a lot into Venezuela and recieves the most of their oil considering that was their deal to pay off Chinese loans. Why would anyone unironically support China who is infiltrating everywhere with these seizure tactics?

The only correct opinion right here

>Support Goydo
Dumb spic

>Expect violent destability in Colombia and Brazil too as an effect

Brazil will be mostly unscathed, Colombia might see intensified Guerrilla activity though, ovbiously supported by Maduro's regime.

>It amazes me that Brazil and Colombia are shilling for civil war in Venezuela instead of being level headed
Yup. tfw Brazil has been overrun by 70IQ evangelicuck macacos who believe everything their pastor tells them on whatsapp.

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If it's bad when China does it, why is it cool when America does it?

Wrong this threatens the PetroDollar and the U.S fiat currencies value this is why they stopping it.

Russia invested a lot more than China.

China can't refine the oil. It has to go to the USA first. CITGO is also Venezuela's National Gas company, and most of their stations are in the USA. The USA has prevented proceeds from these stations to go back to Venezuela as part of the sanctions.

Because the people elected a government friendly with China.

I'm not going to elect a populist Trump and then just say fuck sovereignty and borders 'n shit just so some globalist investors can get a better deal.

Fuck fair-weather nationalists. Fuck Bolton and the neocons. Fuck hypocrisy.

I hope Southfront covers the developments.
They're the only ones that try to accurate picture of geopolitics.

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Two things.

I doubt Russian and Chinese oil properties are going to get confiscated from them. This was mutts are doing is mostly directed at privatizing majority of Venezuelan national oil to their own corporations.

If Russian and Chinese properties were in acual danger, I think we would see them screaming much more.

If these mutt want to go ater China, they would be better of confiscating all the real estate that is in the property of Chinese Goverment, that's is happening in their own countries.

It's really complicated.

And what of the hardcore communists and corrupt military and government, will they concede power because Maduro is gone? If anything Maduro is making bloodshed inevitable the longer he ignores how tarnished his reputation is in Venezuelan politics. Some are considering this as an Iraq invasion but I see this like a North Korean, isolate them and watch them fold like a house of cards from the inside. They are surrounded by nations against them except the Caribbean nations who are but too ineffective of power projection and no I do not think Cuba can overcome the US influence.

>The welfare state has supported the breeding of low iq population and overtaxed the smart iq

Wow who could have tought this was going to happen , next time you are going to tell me that venezuela petrooil will cause a social collapse once the gibs have to be paid with taxes due to low oil prices.

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This post triggers the commies bases onion boys.


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>China only invest 18 billion dollars
>China has a lot to lose
Maybe their prospects for Venezuelan oil. But that's about it.

Because we're us and they're them. It's not about morality, it's about the U.S. promoting its interests (or Israel's interests, same thing) regardless of others' interests.


You should mostly worry about tens of thousands of new carribeans that are going to enjoy your tax payers money, before finding smugglers to travel into USA.

Inact, listen. Invest some money. Buy all necessities NOW, stock up on them fill whole room or garage. You can probably earn a lot of money on refugees in that chaos once the price of food and neccesities jump.

For anyone who wants a summary on how we got here.

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M, fuck the globalists.

Democrats and neocons are pro-regime change. True libertarians and isolationist nationalists (original MAGA) oppose this bullshit because we wouldn't want to see it at home. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

>t amazes me that Brazil and Colombia are shilling for civil war in Venezuela instead of being level headed and work on finding a diplomatic solution securing stability in the region.
What are you talking about? No one wants a war, we've already got a million venezuelan settled migrants here. Colombia is just tired of Maduro's antics and the government has decided to take a hard stance to make him go (which is also a propagandistic move for Ivan Duque to recover popularity), but not even the extremists of Centro Democrático have ever showed intentions of going to war, as it will obviously fuck us all up because as it is we can't even keep order in our own country.

>le State Dept guide to NYT reporters
no thanks

They are only accurate when it's not related to Russia, I remember the analysis they did on the Baltics was less than dogshit.
They do OK in ME tho.


Name exactly the conflict that Trinidad and Tobago has been involved in that China has seized our pitch lake? Go on.
It's not about the oil in referral to China outside of the payment process but about Xi's silk road project.
Depends on what that investment was about, I keep hearing about potentials of a Russian military base but so far it's just talks.

N for nuke Venezuela

Well at least you're honest about it, unlike most of the posters here


M8 I ride my toboggan down the hill in the snow, I don't know what the fuck happens in your shithole country

Incase anyone missed it. This is my local news reporting on the issue.

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They have a Russia bias.
But at least they're critical of Russian forces and operations instead of sucking their dick 24/7. Their review of US marines, War on the Cheap and, Israeli videos were good.

G for Guerra do Paraguai 2: Venezuela

Are you fags pushing for US military intervention?

Decent rundown. Should be used in future OPs
China needs trade routes to the EU. All they're doing in South America is what they do in Africa; sign agreements for infrastructure in return for actually building it. When the host nation can't make the payments, the Chinese basically own the infrastructure.

As one who served in Operation Just Cause..only thing needed here to blow this wide open is one American to shed blood

seems like Russia invested a lot more tho

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You think this hasn't been happening for the last 3 years? I heard a report of 40k Venezuelans are supposedly living in Trinidad illegally. 40k

That is only going to increase sadly.

G ood G oy

Nigga you about to get refugee'd if civil war happens.

>Decent rundown. Should be used in future OPs
For the tenth time. No. That rundown reads like a state dept briefing to burger media. For love of god, they don't even know what the venezuelan constitution says. Stop shilling jewish tricks lad.

This shithole is Venezuelans closest ally and defacto a meaningful voice lel


>Venezuela Propaganda Debunked - People Are Against Coup. Also Trump explains his globalist agenda - support fascists and terrorists in return for oil

>"U.S. Plot In Venezuela FAILING" Says Caracas Reporter

>Ron Paul interview

>Venezuela Crisis: U.S. Has Painted Itself Into Corner`? (South Front)

>How can crisis in Venezuela be resolved?

>Venezuela: Regime Change

>U.S. Hypocrisy on Venezuela

>Meddle. Bully. Overthrow

>John Oliver's misleading episode on Venezuela is DEBUNKED

>The truth on Venezuela

Venezuela was a dead end for russian, even if they want keep Maduro, they have no navy to deal with it.

>John Oliver
For fuck sakes user.
Those are terrible news sources.
John Oliver is a fucking comedian.

And that will end badly, while the government officially is against non intervention, public opinoon is largely against Maduro, refugees and providing aid. I doubt we would take that lying down.

>burger media
USA media hardly reports on this. Back when the State Dept did daily briefings, they covered a lot of this stuff, and reporters asked questions. Instead of just saying 'muh jews' how about pointing out any parts of it you disagree with.

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Unless you shoot at boats, I don't see how will you deter them.

Check the catalogue. We've discussed that same pamphlets countless times.

Just be like Turkey or Italy and use refugees as political bargaining chips.
It'd make the US think twice before trying shit with you.

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>Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

No country deserves the Chinese satellite fate. The US and other free nations have to intervene.

The biggest mistake Maduro has made is being too soft. These so called oppositionists are CIA trained and have been fomenting violent upheaval since at least 2007. Few other governments would countenance this level of violence. The Venezual jungles should be teeming with work camps filled with these enemies of the people, yet they are allowed to continue protesting and causing havoc unhindered. If his government collapses, it will be his own fault.

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Facebook event for Juan Guaido calling for the execution of Maduro on wednesday.

It's a video DEBUNKING John Oliver you blind oaf.

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>T. butthurt fedora commie

John Oliver is a plant.

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the stupidity of /pol

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At first Juan Guaido was like...
"US hands control of Venezuela's bank accounts in the US to opposition leader Juan Guaido aje.io/suzlc "(Al Jazeera)
which means the U.S. is giving Juan Guaido control of CITGO and PDVSA accounts, and and then Guaido got BTFO like
"Al-Jazeera reporting that Guadio’s accounts have been frozen and he’s being prevented from leaving the country. Unconfirmed as of right now." (Intel doge and Al-Jazeera)
This means that as soon as the U.S. gave Juan control, Maduro blocked all of his funds. The absolute madlad.


Chavez on the jews is good.

>why are you shilling for a chance to kill commies?
Are you retarded?

>United States State Department raises Travel Advisory for Venezuela to Level 4: Do Not Travel.

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If we can survive and Islamic coup we can survive this if the regiment from day one realizes what happens to their paychecks when the influx of refugees kicks into overdrive.
We probably lost that opportunity after our leader said we aren't a refugee camps and that the refugees are economic migrants. He then advised financial firms of the ongoing issue of how much USD they lend to citizens because Venezuelans would come here to work for our dollars, exchange it for USD and send that back home for black market trading.


KEK, I like you.
He's probably on antidepressants. It's rampant here.

You are right, most venezuelans have the mind of a slave, you have to treat them that way so they can resemble a normal society otherwise they'll inevitable chimpout

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10% of the population is a lot to kill, not to mention sympathizers, revenge killers and so on. Aren't you worried they would burn the amazon forest in a violent retaliation?