
Attached: thernovitch.jpg (1536x2048, 1001K)

what happened?

The leader of the alt right, ladies and gents.

he is obviously a cia plant, i never liked this faggot

Sage all pro muslim leftust shill threads


cernoyikes. please do me a favor and put 'cernovich' in your next thread; not that this isn't quality, but i just want my cernovich filters to work as intended.

i've been fucking calling it for the longest, the far right's cucking out and falling for literal leftist strategies to bring them closer to authoritarian left wing shit is a fucking threat. they have this shit outlined, they'll either pull you towards pinko shit by conflating Jews with rich people in general and being anti-capitalist, or they'll spam shit about "Christcucks" as to pull you towards some form of White Sharia. this is their fucking tactic, don't fall for it, please.

maybe he's "hoaxing" people.

fact check: mostly true, but there's nothing wrong with conflating Jewish power with rich people in general, since there is no conflation 99% of the time. most "rich people" are just pawns, but Jewish power is on a whole tier higher than that. But you're right, Religions are the only valid world philosophies that can stand against Marxism, and Christianity is the only true religion.

Paki here, there's literally nothing wrong with whites adopting Islam. Your societies are already past the point of recovery anyway.
This way at least you get to join the winning side.

cum in each others asses shemites.

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This jackass was all for Trump and conservatism until (((they))) wrote his name in their book of bad goys. Once he saw his shekel train slow down he showed his true identity.
A faggot.

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just a simple reverse psychology, he pointing out what's wrong with the "christian" society to make them better themself, but guess, what he saying was to higher level to understand, but eh, what would i know, i'm a muslim after all.


i understand how you could say that people like bill gates are bugs, but it becomes a problem when it leads into thinking that suddenly the free market is a Jewish invention or something (somewhat popular idea even in Jow Forums and i swear to God this is gonna generate some bad consequences)

His parents were jews.

pretty sure they were yugoslavs

“Yugoslav” is not an ethnicity, retard.

checked. (((thernovitccch)

Dude was always in it for the money.

>vich/berg = always jew
amershit education

they are in the same way scandianvians are one.

With mainstream figures on the right increasingly becoming aware of the Jewish question, Thernobitch has realized that he no longer has a future profiteering in right wing politics. He's going to turn into a full blown leftist now.

cant find the tweets could you link the source?

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You spelled mossad wrong

I'm an atheist and a centrist but saying Christianity brought us 11 year olds dancing to money thrown on a stage is a radical lie. Someone has the webm with a 14 year old dancing like a homosexual in a pride parade?