Plan to stop women's bullshit

I have a master plan to stop their bullshit
>all non chads stop working
Reminder that women are useless and their economic output is a joke, they are bitchy, cunty, gossipy, dont wanna work as many hours, and what jobs they will work are all cushy white collar jobs
The jobs that actually keep socety running are all done by men
>electrical work
>sewage treatment
>road maintenance
>growing food and harvesting animals
The list goes on and on, friendly reminder that in the great depression women did not work and if they did it was in such marginal numbers as to be virtually irrelevant, there was a 25% unemployment rate in 1933, and given that nearly 100% of the workers were men, that mean those 25% were men
The situation was enough to cause the literal great depression

>currently the workforce is 50/50 men and women
>20%~ of men are chads
>80%~ are non chads
>non chads are tired of being abandoned and rejected by women en masse, and being cucked by chad
>all non chads refuse to work a job, live off of welfare if needed
>80% of 50% is 40%
>40% unemployment
We would literally be crashing the country into the ground, I'm talking full societal collapse

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Our demands would be
>end to using men's tax money to pay for women's birth control and abortions
>end to no fault divorce
>legalization of prostitution
>end of title 9 that harasses college students
>the burden of proof lies on women in rape and sexual anything accusations
>government funding for sexbots
>reducing the drinking age to 18 (so that we can chase girls fresh out of higschool at bars and clubs)
>end to out of state tuition costs (so that you can go to a party school even if its out of your state)
Will post more as I think of more

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The problem is not work, it's that we need to stop giving women so much attention who don't deserve it. Stop being one of those dudes who follows instathots and liking every single cute pic of hers.

Solid plan dude.

The work option is like going nuclear

Guy title 9 is codified federal law.

The roast has literally toasted its way into the very core fabric of this society. There is no escape, and there is no political solution. You making "demands" of a system demonstrates how completely we've already lost. The only way out is a system where such things do not even exist as concepts.

Bottom text.

>legalization of prostitution
How about the legalization of sexdoll/bot brothels instead? Women always have the chance to be infected with STDs.

Another MGTOw post to keep white men single and never reproducing l. Oh, and join this Jew controlled cult of men Freemasons to replace the fact you have no fucking family or career

I think if the government is facing societal collapse it will cave in

>Not trying to make the world a better place for your children because it is not the act of making children.
Nigga, you just put the cart before the horse.

...The sole reason the government exists currently is to push those premises upon you, it is an imposition. If cannot "cave" because going in any way against that mandate would mean it ceases to exist regardless.

There are ideologically prisoners that will die defending their chains. The government is no exception, it has been so thoroughly subverted to represent those things you detest it for that it will probably self immolate in nuclear fire before it takes one step back on its front hole faggotry.

>training police and courts that if a woman hits a man he is allowed to hit her back, so that he will not be arrested over it
>if police are called for domestic abuse, they cannot arrest someone without probable cause (and the girl saying he did it is not probable cause)

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Well the final, final solution is once society has collapsed hard enough we start rounding up what remains of the government and going full night of the long knives on them, and set up a new one with patriarchy in full effect
My plan if successful wouldn't even lead to patriarchy, just the abolition of the current matriarchy

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What kikes don’t want is white nationalists learning about the white genocide campaign and reproducing triplefold to combat it. Each dude here could have nine kids each and reverse the white minority trend. But instead you bitch about the fact that females may do less office work

>just have moar kids user
What is being friend zoned?
>what is even if your not friend zoned girls dont want kids
>what is even if they do and you get married flip a coin and thats the odds she will divorce you, take half your shit, and your kids

Please do this.Literally the only thing non Chad's have going for them is a job, quit your jobs and just let me fuck every single woman in the neighborhood raw dog.

It'll all be fun and games until you get laid off because the company collapses because it goes bankrupt faggot

Haha it'll be way more fun when it collapses and all the neighborhood women come live at my house with me and my buddies for protection from you animals. It'll be like the best forever orgy of all times, like in Ancient Greece. A very select few men fucking everyone because all the women want to avoid the disgusting animal level incels. Haha can't wait.

Who would win?
a handful of chads
50 angry incels at the doorstep with guns and mele weapons
pro tip: not you

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thanks b0ss

%~ are non chads
>>non chads are tired of being abandoned and rejected by women en masse
80% of men are not incels
stop projecting


I've just given up on relationships. No woman has ever been attracted to me and no woman ever will be. As I see it, I'm better off forgoing relationships and sex and just saving my money.

>What is being friend zoned?
Why are you friends with women?
> girls dont want kids
Yes they do
>flip a coin and thats the odds she will divorce you
divorce is not a random act

Chad=Alpha and Beta=Beta, incels are the most unfortunate kinds of betas, but plenty of betas have had sex in the past but only get a minute fraction of what some men get
Some guys go months without sex, a year even, while chad has a new girl every month if not more

also a lot of betas only get mediocre to low quality chicks, girls with meh tits, asses, bad gag reflexes, medicore pussies, etc
Being friend zoned is when a girl tells you that shes not into you sexually and the best you can get is to be her orbiter, and any self respecting guy tells her to fuck off and cuts her off completely

also no, they usually dont
divorce is too often initiated over dumb BS the guy had no control over

>Some guys go months without sex, a year even, while chad has a new girl every month if not more
So you are not against degeneracy you are just mad you are not good at it
>dumb BS the guy had no control over
He had control over who he married and the values he taught his wife

With guns and melee weapons! Haha you're such a fucking nerd.

Show up at my door! Haha you're such a fucking nerd!

Organized Incels with 0-3 friends max, wearing glasses, with asthema, never been to a war, never been in a fight, no ability to be discreet because you're emotions rule you! Haha you're such a fucking nerd!

You don't want society to fall apart four eyes, it's literally the only thing keeping you alive.

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If things go full Bosnian collapse (google it) over incels being pushed, you are gonna be so outnumbered that there will be no way out for you other than surrender, keep telling yourself youd get to LARP as an ancient greek

incels are nowhere near a majority of the population

Women are designed to skim the top no matter what. Your master plan will change the game but not the rules. If I followed your plan I would also be broke.

1/10 would not look to you for guidance.

SeeBetas are more like on and off again incels, you can lump them all together and they do outnumber the chads

>waaaaa I can't bang a new slut every weekend I'm a victim

They can't skim the top if it's illegal or if all the men are roughly the same, and what betas lack in game and/or looks they can make up for in money, social status, and alternatives like sexbots, prostitutes, and recently made desperate women due to all the demands being met

t.Thirsty Beta

Let's see here. Female approval, which offers reproduction vs you, the competition, who happens to have nothing to offer chads.

Chads have thrown your kind under the bus to earn female approval, and they're not gonna stop.

I love the idea OP. I'm glad to see that MGTOW ideals are evolving past "Lets bitch about women" to "Lets cut out the cancer."

The power of women is straight up "manipulation". They are parasites who infect your brain to believe you need them. You ABSOLUTELY solve the issue by starving them of resources. You are correct. They don't to JACK SHIT for economic output. They spend about 80% of the money in our society and still bitch about a wage gap.

>Don't cuck to women
>Don't get a soup can down for them on a high shelf at the store
>Don't rescue one on the side of the road.
>Don't move their furniture on the weekend
>Don't give them money
>Don't marry. Don't co-habitat
>Don't white knight when in group arguments
>Don't buy whores drinks at the bar
>Don't pay e-thots online
>Stare past them when on the street. Do not even acknowledge their presence.
>And finally, "Ridicule, Ridicule Ridicule" The #1 rule of Rules for Radicals that has been used on men for the last five decades. Rip them down to shreds until they grow a soul again.

>Make molotov cocktail
>toss molotov cocktail into chad house
>watch chad and sluts burn alive

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The problem is not women it is feminists and the kike cancer behind it

>Chads have thrown your kind under the bus to earn female approval, and they're not gonna stop.

Chads are useless useless there is a "society" build and maintained by Betas to raise the next generation.

All those bastard children sired by Chads will die off without the infrastructure to raise them.

>reducing the drinking age to 18 (so that we can chase girls fresh out of higschool at bars and clubs)

So the plan for a trad world is to decrease the age at which women become thots?

>women dindu nuffin

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Men are supposed to lead women
They have failed

>So you are not against degeneracy you are just mad you are not good at it
We demand women
Thanks for the support and the brilliant post, I agree with everything you said, especially that list of dos and donts
Heres one
>dont orbit on social media
>dont like posts where they are showing off their bodies or bragging about anything
>at the most, comment "weird flex but ok", which is normalfag for "I know your just showing off and Im not impressed"

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>The problem is not women it is feminists and the kike cancer behind it

It's not that simple at all. The problem **is** women as in "female nature" which MGTOW knowledge will teach you. Yes, the Kikes are artificially pushing female nature so as to grow big government and eventually usher in the NWO.

Still, the only way to "cut out the cancer" is to punish the current generation of women. These are ruined whores. You can't fix them. They must be made example of. Shun them. Cast them out of society. Ridicule them.

As such, the next generation of women will go back to being mothers who are loved by their husband and kids. THOTs must be made into a "fable with a moral ending" to be told to young girls right as they reach puberty.

What needs to happen right now is mass Roastie suicides.

Any woman past age 25 is already a THOT. You can only work with ones from age 18 to 25. Focus on saving those ones and practice shunning on all the rest.

I've wondered if this is why for so much of human history we where hunter gatherers. Modern humans have existed for 200,000 years, yet it's only in the last 10,000 that we have had advanced culture.
I suspect that pinnacle moment of change occurred when some thirsty beta realized that he could grow plants, rather than rely on hunting, thus securing more stable food. Women just cling to whatever man can provide the most resources, which during hunter gatherers would be the biggest chad. But hunter chad couldn't compete with beta farmer, and women where thus tamed, and society began.

Literally see this

As in the picture attached to it

Ahahahaha Bosnia, everyone in Bosnia is a poor goblin beta. In the US the vets will just smash everyone else down and in military fashion the strong will always lead the weak because that's the only way that society works.

So you will be smashed down by all the vets and in your dying thoughts you can comfort yourself with the knowledge that all the vets who run the world now will openly allow the Chad's to rule and fuck and do as they'd like.

Fucking Bosnia, please child.

>men are supposed to lead women
Oh, you mean babysit them? Not after they've shown their true colors.

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>We demand women
Well if you are not a virgin you have already had at least one
>As such, the next generation of women will go back to being mothers who are loved by their husband and kids.
You need to fix men first
They are the reason for the state of modern women

>yfw the whole women want resources so bad thing means that he could be a short scrawny shut in but because he had all the farm stuff the girls bailed on the tall buff hunter chad

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>Oh, you mean babysit them?
Yes they are always suppose to be under the authority of a man
Fist their father then their husband

doing it as we speak. Live of my parents, aint doing shit and aint planning to. I plan on leeching as far as possible, will off myself if forced to work.

Women are either mentally primitive or evil, and I'm not sure which one it is
We want a constant and never ending supply of the type of quality girl that chads get

>We want a constant and never ending supply of the type of quality girl that chads get
Ok so you are just some degenerate whoremonger

>Mentally primitive
They're probably both.

Its easy, we kill the Chads

T. Roastie

>Women just cling to whatever man can provide the most resources

It's pretty much Female Nature 101. You can listen to some of the old talks by Coltane and Stardusk as they talk about female/male biology. It's deep red pill shit. Women have always been wired to see men as an ATM machine (simply a source of resources).

Think about any great war like when the Nazis moved into France or when the Nazis were defeated at the end of the war. In each case, the women on the loosing side simply accepted their new masters and spread their legs. This is designed into female DNA.

This is why so many men today nearly kill themselves when they finally understand that women have ZERO loyalty and ZERO honor. In the context of society, they are complete leeches. Once a better source of resources comes along, they wont think twice to discard their current source.

So right now, most women are "married to the government". Who supports the government?

>Beta Men (through endless taxation and unfair "grants" and "programs" for female causes)

Now you know what you have to do. Walk Away.

>reducing the drinking age to 18 (so that we can chase girls fresh out of higschool at bars and clubs)
No. Raising drinking age to 35 (or banning it entirely) and making alcohol highly unacessible to young people so that a 16 y.o. Chad doesnt get her drunk to fuck her at 13. Also, reducing age of consent back to 12 so that every guy gets himself a young pure virgin.

Aren't vets un US tend to be overrepresented among homeless and mentally ill, and usually get cucked by their wives with Tyrone while they protect Israel away from home?
Even kikes whom they serve despise these creatures. Chad lmao.

Woman are born thots rake boy

You think women are capable of fixing themselves?
Are you retarded

I must have read that at some point and just regurgitated it, pic is much more concise.

Yes the US military is run by about 1% Chads, 9% Betas and 90% mentally unstable or Incels, but there's a heirarchy and everyone gets something and is taken care of.

Any US Incel who thinks he's gonna survive and get something before the veteran Incels is insane, the veteran Incels will simply band back up with the Beta and Chad vets and the Beta and Chad vets will instantly have an Army.

The best thing an Incel can do for themselves is join the US military. Any commie US Incel who thinks we should "stop working to teach women a lesson" is in the first group that will be killed, most likely by their own neighbors even before the vets all start cleaning house.

They are not soldiers, they are merchenaries, since they dont conscript

"No sex, no work" needs to be the motto of men everywhere, society is built and maintained off of the backs of the "betas" that women are so unattracted to, economically, agriculturally, industrially, on and on
Fuck all of us working to keep the girl and chad paradise running while we get fuck all, I dont care about money, education, random objects, or travelling or whatever meme people try to push, I want girls
All of us do, so society either needs to shut up and make it happen, or we can just wait out its collapse and then remake it in our image

Violence needs to be the absolute last resort
This, now I wanna add one little caveat, men everywhere need to refuse to work jobs, but what little money they do cling to, they need to use it to go to bars and clubs etc and try to get girls

There's no harm in trying to hook up with them, as long as you dont do it in a cucked way, dont buy em drinks, etc
You can follow everything on this list while still trying to chase girls, and if the girls dont wanna put out you move on
This will teach them that if they dont put out they have 0 value to us and wont be getting shit from us
Also feel free to ask girls out on dates and try to fuck em from there

I propose a sort of hybrid of what the chads do, combined with typical MGTOW theory

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Have you ever heard of world war 1 or 2?

>I want girls
Then get married

Animals thinking their Masters rely on them hahaha! You don't want society to collapse child, it's literally the only thing keeping you around in this world. I'd bet quite a bit of money ey that you need some sort of medication or wear glasses because you're weak.

Also I've thought of this
>Plan A: Is the stuff you've talked about + my idea of still chasing them
>Plan B: Is going full unemployment great depression on steroids to try to force society into submission
Plan C: Is waiting for the collapse to come and then purging whats left of the government and chads, and then remaking society in our patriarchal image

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>The best thing an Incel can do for themselves is join the US military (Also well known as "real Israel Defense Force") and become a good little expendable golem to serve G-d's Chosen
Oy gevalt Shlomo, be more subtle or the goyim will know!

There's no good numbers on either of those things, but we can say they are both extremely common. Particularity the cucking while they are away, seen it firsthand, shits not pretty when he gets back from fighting for zog.


>The best thing an Incel can do for themselves is join the US military. Any commie US Incel who thinks we should "stop working to teach women a lesson" is in the first group that will be killed

Anybody who joins the US Military is going to be a disposable resource to fight the wars of the Clever Jew. Not an option.

The "Stop Working" angle of MGTOW does not mean "Go Incel" although our Jewish masters often use the Shame Angle to try and relate those two groups.

Once you shun women, you will find a great deal of energy in your life. You'll stop making vagina your main focus. Just think about living your life without compromise; without some nagging cunt telling you how niggers are equal; how trans people have rights or how you need more onions in your diet.

You have no idea how utterly DRAINING it can be for a man to constantly have to cuck to some bitch. Worse yet, the energy it takes to constantly beat that shit out of her. Either way, it's a lost cause because the Jews are constantly brainwashing the compromised Femon Hive.

Most guys who do MGTOW will spend 1-3 years bitching and coping and then transition into the "Hobby Phase" where they begin to focus on heath; self actualization and skills. I've started learning bushcraft; identifying edibles; knifes; guns and other prepper shit. I study all kinds of new hobbies each night. I could not imagine all the silly cucks having to endure endless SJW shit from some worn hole each night. I just can't imagine that. I am a completely free man; cured of the pussy drug and not beholden to the Jewish tax/usury scam.

Gotta go to class now, try to keep the thread alive guys, and when it 404s make your own threads in its image, this needs to be a regular topic on Jow Forums, I'm fed up with everything related to how to tackle the female question getting 404d to death immediately

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>This, now I wanna add one little caveat, men everywhere need to refuse to work jobs, but what little money they do cling to, they need to use it to go to bars and clubs etc and try to get girls

It's more subtle than this perhaps. I have to play devils advocate. If you go to bars and "Beta Orbit" these cunts, you are planting the seeds for them to be life long THOTs.

You should never encourage "wife material" to step one foot in a fucking bar. But that very definition, she is no longer wife material.

If you live in a small rural area and see a conservative women age 18-25 who hasn't been indoctrinated by Leftist College, you have a REAL SHOT at molding wife material. But you have to work fast and put in lots of effort.

If you just want to get your dick wet, then sure use the PUA strategy this user speaks about. Fuck bitches and dump them. After about the fifth cock, they are ruined women (basically whores at that point).

If we want to save the white race, we really have to work on leading these young women age 18-25 to be wonderful mothers. Otherwise, they are simply holes to fuck or idiots to ridicule. Either way, completely useless to society and more so, a complete economic drain.

>Each dude here could have nine kids each
This. It's so fucking easy you betas.
All you have to do is just man up and charm white women into having sex with you, and having your kids, and not aborting them, and not divorcing you and keeping them from you and raising them into little kike-worshipping-drones...........
Y-Yeah its easy I swear!

You wanna fix women? You gotta fix the system first.

"No sex, no work"? Are you that shallow? That degenerate? What? Is the plan to become a dictator and take away women's basic human right of autonomy and force them into harems for your selfish pleasure? There is a lot more to life than sex.

It's not Jow Forumsacks doing that. It's the betaOrbiters/WhiteKnights. They are our main roadblock to solving this mess.

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The majority of actual combat Veterans are "Alphas". Women have shown they don't need an "alpha", they only want money and pleasure for themselves.

>Fun fact, the majority of actual homeless Veterans are a result of a divorce where the women collects the veterans pension and other benefits.

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>There is a lot more to life than sex.

Women are basically machines to produce more men.

You wouldn't give your toaster equal rights would you? Of course not! It's a fucking toaster.

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>women's basic human right of autonomy
Women's "basic human right of autonomy" is paid for by state that takes money from men by force (state will punish you if you refuse to pay taxes, and kill you if you dare to resist). Female is net drain on a system in any workplace except perhaps prostitution and some of most menial tasks like cashier.
>There is a lot more to life than sex
Perhaps he wanted to say "no eggs - no work". Childless man needs to work very little if he wants to busy himself with all that "more to live", the only motivation that'll make man to work his ass off is providing for next generation. Thing is that your precious society with basic human rights will fold into itself if most men won't have that motivation - Islamic regions of the world are a great examples of that.


It's always amusing to me reading shit like this because I've never earned a penny in my life yet my wife supports our family earning 6 figures a year.

Get therapy for your issues caused by your no doubt shithead parents and then go for a woman who's parents are still married.

Wow your life sounds fucking terrible, if a woman ever told me she was interested in Niggers I'd drag her out of my house by her hair and rip her pants off then lock the door and keep her keys.

God this thread is full of retarded shills and their stupid useful idiots
None of these plans are solevant. Pol cant even arrange for the masses of this site to migrate to a new better site without cucked (((moderation))).

I hate myself because I'm a woman and I know we're shit, but you retards let your hatred blind you, none of these ideas are anything but dysgenic. Go out and get your dick wet. waste your seed and time trying to pick up chicks in bars, stop making and hording resources. Don't prepare for the coming fight.

Encouraging people to just evade their taxes would be a better solution than most of these ideas. More importantly, men can just do what we are supposed to do and avoid this shit anyway. MGTOW is absolute kino in everything except white replacement. It punishes and cuts out women from the gene pool who are garbage (like myself), it earns you resources and builds you a masculine community to protect yourself. It denies women opportunities to destroy you.

start building companies that never hire women. >diversity quotas
are a fucking meme, you should in most states only have to hire equally if you open your application to a public vetting process. Instead always pick directly from the community of people you want. Hand select every worker no matter how hard it gets as the company gets larger. Its only discrimination if you are an applicant. no applicant, no discrimination. Make things, put money in the bank and spend it on fabrics and american buisness, sew your own clothes, sell your bros said clothes. stop just bitching and nagging like thots and DO SHIT.

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actually agree; I'm all for withdrawing from society because the game does feel rigged at times but I'm always disappointed in MGTOW anons demanding sex.

Sex is nothing more than a potentially nice aspect of life; it's nothing you can't do without and you'll never fix the problems you correctly point out until you come to accept that and actually start focussing on improving yourself and going your own way.

Also the idea of state-enforced sex disturbs me.

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>naming yourself chad
What a fucking fag you are. Let me clue you in just in case you’re not trolling: real chads aren’t on Jow Forums. They don’t use the internet beyond Instagram, Snapchat, and tinder. They don’t visit gay normie sites like reddit, much less Jow Forums. The sad truth is you’re a beta that thinks he’s a chad, which is much more pathetic than being a basic beta. You’re a Chihuahua that thinks he’s a Shepherd. Truely pathetic.

It's worse than that. Sex is a reward mechanism. their incancessant demands for it shows that they have the self restraint of children demanding the candy. Just because women are awful gatekeepers compared to their father doesn't mean following your dick is a good life choice. Theres a reason fathers btfo manthots their woman tries to sneak home. It shows more than just our inferiority and status as property of our fathers. It also shows that men had to beat the chads away in order for our species to survive. Otherwise sneaky chads would have out-competed betas eons ago.

Read Atlas Shrugged.

Who is John Galt.

Ayn Rand.

>I hate myself because I'm a woman and I know we're shit

>More importantly, men can just do what we are supposed to do

> It punishes and cuts out women from the gene pool who are garbage (like myself)

Tranny Detected.

>harvesting animals

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