Are you sure that source is reliable?

are you sure that source is reliable?

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Has you ever seen a more punchable face?

god I don't want to be bald

The face of the new castrati.

Literal dickhead.


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>33 years old

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Quick, put on your "definitely not a cannibal face."

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Sounds like a eunuch as well.

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Are you sure your high fructose corn syrup ATP blocking isn't fucking up your rationale?

I had to look this up. Jesus Christ. What happened to this guy?

>be CNN
>find Subway Jared lookalike clownman with a face so regrettable even his own mother can’t take him seriously
>I know, let’s give this guy a show and name it ‘Reliable Sources’
>everyone will love it and take it super serial!
holy shit, bunch of fucking geniuses they got over there

I heard little Brian stelter used to live in grandma's basement until he wrote an article about getting blacked and anderson Cooper read it.

Stelter is the ugliest piece of shit, and he's only 33. Looks more like 48 or something. I've even seen 55 year olds looking more youthful than this prick.

>Those teeth.

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He probably uses a dish washing brush to clean those nasty horse teeth. Would take way too long with a tooth brush meant for humans.

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Miluhtary grade foreheads waltuh

I would love to punch him.

Hm. Where have I seen a smile like that before?

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Rinse and repeat

Attached: brian_stelter_getty_h_2016.jpg (928x523, 46K)