How THE FUCK did ron paul-loving Jow Forums turn into a cesspool of warmongering kike loving neocons in such a short...

how THE FUCK did ron paul-loving Jow Forums turn into a cesspool of warmongering kike loving neocons in such a short time

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No one here likes the jews. We are a nazi board now.

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Product of boredom
>kike loving neocons
Not exactly the trendiest mindset on pol


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Turns out I liked Ron for calling everyone demanding more war at the 2007 debate retards so now I like Trump for calling the media and establishment of both parties retards.

>kike loving neocons
A lot of people are honestly not sure how they feel about the whole Venezuela thing

Trump killed this board. The reddit influx completely destroyed any discussion on this board. All the old blood libertarians shit post on other boards now from what I see.

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I think Bolton's right and we should deliver some freedom to the Venezuelan people.

ya i'm not sure, whenever i propose that the US just stay the fuck out the kneejerk reaction is always "ya well venezuela is a socialist hellhole they need our help"

so people are advocating that the cure for socialism/communism... is for the US to intervene in their democracy by appointing an unelected leader? it makes no sense even on a surface level.

to make it more clear: I fucking hate communism/socialism, but I hate interventionism even more. let sovereign solve their own problems.

imagine a scenario where nancy pelosi challenged the legitimacy of Trump/Pence and declared herself the President instead. Would Americans rather sort this out internally using their own democratic means? or would they want outside countries like Canada, Mexico, Europe, China, or Russia to come over and decide for them? pretty obvious i think

>one generation gets fooled
>they then get wise to the tricks and figure shit out
>they fight the system for a while
>they get get apathetic when nothing changes
>they get burned out
>they withdraw from politics
>another generation comes along
>they fall for the same old tricks because they have not seen the cycle
>they get wise to the tricks and figures shit out
>they fight the system but they get burnt out, repeat, repeat