Have you noticed white women will walk two-abreast on the sidewalk and not give way if you are approaching from the opposite direction? Like the expect you to just turn sideways or something and let them pass, or walk in the street maybe. I don't move and just walk straight into them. They say "EXCUSE ME?!" like I'm in the wrong. Today one said "YOU NEARLY KNOCKED ME DOWN!" and I could hear them complaining loudly to each other still when I was half a block away.
Have you noticed white women will walk two-abreast on the sidewalk and not give way if you are approaching from the...
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It's because they dont see manlets
When they say excuse me, you reply there is no excuse for you.
>Have you noticed
no, because i'm not a faggot pussy that alters walking trajectory when faced by women walking two abreast. either i walk through them or they move.
Yes OP I've noticed. Fucking Heffers.
>Straight white male.
>Most Women are born retarded
>The rest learn how to retard from the naturals.
This is just women behavior. They form little girl walls. Always irritated me in gym class in high school.
Thought this was just me but yeah, i noticed this as well. Not only white women though. It’s like every women thinks a man will just ‘move out of the way’ and then acts suprised and mad when the guy does not move and she has to move last moment or the guy just bumps in to her.
I was walking downtown and some nigger bitch playing with her phone walked into to me so hard she almost ko'd herself. She then stood there and stared at me until I was almost 50 feet away. Women are nothing but malicious, devious parasites that want a red carpet everywhere they walk and a throng of worshippers to grovel at their feet.
If a bitch don't move, I go full on
Some girls were doing this at the jogging trail in the park and going the wrong way, and I simply flattened the one, and then she looks up from the ground all surprised and offended, and I acted like I hadn't seen her.
I was riding my bike 2 years ago and I crossed the path to go sit by a bench and so I was coming to a stop when some bitch 5 meters away fell off her bike and blamed me
I called her husband a faggot retard
No. Go away.
>no, because i'm not a faggot pussy that alters walking trajectory when faced by women walking two abreast. either i walk through them or they move.
yup..see it all the time here..I just walk into them..55yo white dude, wife walks into them also
No, women always evade me in those situations.
They'll submit when you're pointing a gun at their heads.
Female entitlement is so deeply ingrained that they don't even realize they're doing anything wrong.
kek I do the same
I always tell them they're not fucking me so I don't give a shit about them
Funny you bring this up, becuase I had to sit behind two fat white cunts walking side-by-side while I looked for a chance to get around them.
The fact that a car was two feet behind them didn't even register on their radar.
I just had to*
How big are you?
all women do this
This is the worst part. It's not even conscious. They do it just because they honestly think you should get out of their way.
>Who will give me money for my sweaty fat-pants
>Wow, no one? Losers.
>Wow fucking losers, it was a joke. Incel virgins I didn't want to sell you my sweaty fat-pants anyway!
I see this frequently on hiking trails as well. It's always women, too. I've never seen guys do it.
>the retard on your pic
That piece of shit can't die soon enough
I went to a grocery store earlier and ran into something similar except instead of walking, they were blocking the entire aisle.
Just be an unapologetic dick. I say "Excuse me" and if they don't move you walk through them.
Give them time and a warning so you don't end up with some trumped up sexual assault charge that women like to throw at you
Wtf. This is pathetic.
Then get your nigger ass in the gutter when they walk by
except guys on mountain bikes. they think they own the fucking trails.
I try not to be a dick about it but if people are in my way and refuse to move I'm going to knock them the fuck over.
t. 6'4, 240lbs
Not even very big, 5'11 and sturdy but not buff. I've never experienced any other (public and direct) disrespect for that matter either.
Hard eye contact and deliberate gate move mountains, faggot.
Faggots on bikes think they own everything in the country
>Lol just gonna use the road, ima car
>I'm a bike now, this is my bike lane
>Scuuuzzz me faggot, while I cut across parking lots in muh 10 speed, better watch out!
>unironically riding a bike outside of a city
Faggots the lot of them. I live in a rich white college town, and every Saturday, a gang of boomers congregate in a parking lot so all 30 of them can wear skintight suits and ride their bikes on the roads while simultaneously blocking half the road
that’s not what he said at all. fix your reading comprehension, retard.
A real gentleman like me makes way for women, you should stop with your toxic masculinity, incel.
This needs to be a .gif.
They do this all the time, what I do is stop, turn sideways and (pretend to) look at something like a shop or a tree, whatever.
This forces them to move out of my way! lol try it OP non aggressive control that works.
They can't complain because if they do "Oh sorry love I was looking at X & didn't see you at all."
Who is that?
Because you're a Finn and they don't get within 100m of each other.
>Scuuuzzz me faggot, while I cut across parking lots in muh 10 speed, better watch out!
You're forgetting the part where they ignore every rule of the road too
>oh look a stoplight that cars are stopped at
>i'm just going to ride between all the cars and run the red light, forcing the people coming the other way to slam on their brakes so they don't get charged with manslaughter after I decided to get myself killed
Eye contact trick works very well actually.
just walk over them, manlet.
I'm really tall so they always move for me.
Based Finns. This is why only white people (no Irish amerimutts, britongs, gypsy, mestizo/mulattos) can live peacefully and civilizated if they compromise for a common white greater good.
Please don't be outbreed my brothers, have many kids (3- 6)!
This is honestly how the problem developed.
I bet you passive aggressively complain about all of your problems too
>if you stop walking you win!
Or on the weekend with 10 of the faggots horde up into a little ball on the road with 10 cars behind them driving 30 in a 45.
A 'neonazi' retard who has been giving normal people on the far right a bad name since the 80s. He considers himself a politician, but he never accomplished anything.
You aren't white. Imagine being this deluded.
>30 in a 45
that's generous
those bikes are riding at 20mph TOPS
lol are they all as stupid as you at home?
All women do this. It's NOT unconscious like someone here claimed. I've read on female forums specifically about this and how they look at their smartphone on purpose if somebody is refusing to get out of their way.
Tried that. Most of the time it works but a good percentage of the time they wait a good 2 seconds before they make way for you and say "What a gentleman....." or something of this sort.
Similar thing. Young entitled Stacey shift her direction in the last minute right in front of me, I don't make way for her, we bump and she starts cursing at me. I knew better not to curse back because I don't want to fight 30 white knights in the city centre.
exactly francais.
a woman got mad at my wife and daughter for going first through the door I was holding open for them. the entitlement these days is staggering
nothing a quick rape in a shtf scenario can't fix
Hahahahahahah mee eens. Just a meme boy.
Act like you're having an epilepertic fit and start flailing your arms around as you approach them.
>"What a gentleman....."
>I guess Chivalry is dead!
These jabs work to enrage me sometimes.
Fair point even without memeing, people generally respecting each other's space in public is a real cultural thing.
True, I think I was subconsciously bitching about the road outside my house changing its speed limit from 35 to 30 last year when they installed the new bike lanes.
That rarely get used if at all.
That is so nigger-tier. Move out of the way you passive aggressive faggot
>lol try it non aggressive control works!
The only stupid one here is the cuck who thinks stopping and avoiding confrontation is the smart move
You're not a man, you're a boy who never figured out how to not get walked all over
i knock them down then rape them and casually stroll away after I finish
It works is the thing, you don't even have to act like these ridiculous yanks here say they do.
They do this on the bike trial also, I try to pass them as close as possible ans as fast as possible.
"yeah buddy ah'll get mah guns and shoot y'all dead!"
fuck off yank.
I seriously run right into them bitches. Im a middle aged white man. I cant count how many twats i have plowed into the building or gutter. I dont even look back.
if i ever get the feeling that the person walking towards me is not going to give way i stop in my tracks and autistically scream as loud as i can while flailing my arms. they always give me my space after that, sometimes they even run.
>"Castro was a genius"-jack Nicholson
Doors are worse. Guys (well besides niggers) will stop 5 seconds and hold the door for you to an awkward autistic level. Women will stand in front of a door and wait for you to walk 20 feet to open it for her.
I've never had a woman even look behind to see if someone was there/give it an extra bump. Besides one 60+ old trucker bitch.
The menopausal ones make me rage, why would someone be chivalrous for some expired cunt that was a 4 at best decades ago? How are you that blissfully unaware of your social status?
I experienced this at the park all the time when I walk the paved paths only wide enough for 1.5 people. The trick is to focus on a ridge line or building about 500 feet away and develop a very concentrated stare past the Wall of Vagina. Then you start swinging your arms just "a bit" out of control, like a speed walker would. Not too much to be silly but enough to create motion that the vagina wall will see out of the corner of their eyes. Kind of aim your arm like a nun chuck where her tits would be if shes still on your trajectory.
With this method, most will move out of the way right at the last minute but some will collide.
I can't tell if women are just so far gone narcissistic or if they are simply ignorant enough not to have peripheral vision. It's the same thing with them falling into toilets because the seat was left up. It's like it's a "man's duty" to always close the seat. I always leave the seat up these days, even if I shit, because....equality.
>it works!
and I guarantee those women walk away laughing at you
>muh guns
Why bring guns into it? I don't need a weapon when two women come walking at me. I just continue walking, because why the fuck should I care if these two women are in my way? I'm just going to continue walking and go about my day because I don't give a shit if I bump into some stupid whore who didn't move out of the way of someone physically stronger than them.
>find obstacle in life
>instead of overcoming it I just stopped and looked to the side until the obstacle removed itself
You can also do the "shoe lace tie" to drop anchor and force a break in the vagina wall. You're in a great position to topple one without self harm that way.
you beat small women instead of shooting them, what a marvellous refined culture.
what a perfect gentleman .
>beat women
Oh so bumping elbows is beating them now?
Keep trying cuck
I have noticed when you leave an elevator women will just assume they get to leave first. They expect it.
I had an old guy walking behind me today, I opened the door for him he started to say go ahead and I waved my hand as a "Go on in" he laughed and I told him he could get the next door for me since it was a vestubal.
Men are raised to be polite, women are raised to expect things from people who owe them nothing.
Just yell at her in arabic. They won't complain even if you push them into a ditch then.
Wow, im surprised this thing exists in america. Thought its only european thing.
Its called MANNERS.
>I always tell them they're not fucking me so I don't give a shit about them
Ah the Mike Tyson method youtube.com
Poland, please. American men have manners, American southern men ALL have manners.
It's the women who can't process the concept.
if they're as attractive as OP's pic, then I'm not moving. I'd much rather start up a conversation.
>American southern white men ALL have manners.
Women haven't been taught manners since our Grandmothers were beating our Mothers. (((They))) taught women that they're equal so now women are a privileged class of children who expect everything for nothing
yes. not only woman. i only make space and act politely now if they do the same, otherwise i walk into them. I make exception for eldery people ofc, and pretty women.
Pull out our concealed carry next time. They'll move.
imagine being so insecure in your masculinity that you let walking down the sidewalk become a game of dominance and submission
It's safe to say when most people talk about American men, we're talking about whites, because if we weren't he would've mentioned shitskins
Life IS a game of dominance and submission, have you been paying attention?