It’s over now, you can stop asking questions. It was just a random crazy person ok?

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whew. case closed

It didn't even happen wake up sheeple


can't find a fake motive for a fake shooting?

>"We've finished moping up all the evidence those retards at the CIA left behind."
>Case Closed

Why are you asking questions?

Is anyone else feeling sleepy? Yaawn

Honestly, let's say it was a false flag glownigger jew psyop hoax.

What exactly did it accomplish? Gun laws haven't changed. Most people have forgotten about it already. What was the point?

>gun laws haven’t changed

Red Flag Laws, bump stock ban.

I really don't believe there was any glow nigger shit or anything. I really believe that this was just a brazen, nihilistic outburst, of someone that hates western civilization. An aged millionaire that was ready to leave. He sought to express that, by killing hundreds of white people listening to country music.


it was a fast and furious type arms deal gone wrong

I'm sure sheldon adelson had something to do with it

I found this video to be quite interesting

No more bump stocks. It sets a precedence

Did the guy even use bump-stocks?

>What exactly did it accomplish?

this is why you're a retard, you don't know why he was there or what the plan was, you just see the end result and think that was Plan A and not Plan B, C or D or something just made up at the time

what exactly didn't it accomplish should be your question but you're just a moran

everyone know it was a failed assassination attempt

yeah except for that idiot

he probably thinks saudi arabia killed and chopped up a journalist in broad daylight

Found this to be quite interesting, espcially the date of the post. user
says tomorrow, which it didn't, but a couple weeks later almost the exact scenario he deacribed, played out

Attached: 1531298679969.png (960x776, 159K)

Khashoggi was a total glownigger

there is no such thing as "no motive", if the motive was to kill a bunch of people at random, thats the motive.
finding no motive means they have no idea.
I have no prior knowledge at all of this case.

This was a result of not enough complimentary Sashimi.

duh, it meant it's not muslim or illegal immigrant, case closed, don't talk about it ,ever, pretend it never happened

>dont talk about it
you glowing retards still dont know whats the striesend effect means do you
you just guarenteed one more set of eyes on this case. probably more.

ahh well
life is like a box of chocolates i guess

Have any of you ever fired a fucking rifle? Bump stocks are a fucking meme. They're totally useless outside of the range, and you can basically do the same thing by holding your finger in front of the trigger.

Banning bump stocks was a an empty concession to appease gun control libtards and good "compromise" optics. Now Trump can say SEE LOOK AT ME I REACHED ACROSS THE ISLE I'M BIPARTISAN.

Looks like a typical vague Jow Forums larp.

You must be new here. Aren't you feeling sleepy? Time for an after tea nap, no? Maybe you should get off the computer for a bit, mate.


Boy am i tired, i think ill warm some milk up and get ready for bed

hypnosis mkultra shit doesnt work on me, jump into a volcano you fucking peice of garbage.

They're setting up to do another. Can't have armed goyim.

Attached: 1532226419438.png (1348x1257, 500K)

alternatively stare at this image forever
just go to sleep bro lol

Attached: McCollough_effect.jpg (624x537, 68K)

It's almost like we should do more to prevent crazy people from getting guns or something...

Attached: file.png (762x485, 58K)

>further restricting the second amendment by yet another tiny slice doesn't matter, because the thing banned wasn't even that good
Talk about sour grapes. Besides the guy was shooting into a huge mass of bodies, who needs accuracy?

more like the FBI knows the motive but doesnt want to tell the public.

You should really take a nap now, user, else I worry you might be getting a ring soon for posting harassment and hate speech.

Be a good britbong and let your tired eyes rest. I'll do the same. Good to have a break now and then. Oh, that's my kettle, be back later!

when alphabet says "can't find motive" it means either ongoing investigation or it will give them bad optics. In this case it would be "crazy lefty getting revenge on trump voters. it was her turn!" or alternatively, hillary using her connections to lash out in temper tantrum.

im acquainted with a schizophrenic who was recently hospitalized. he went under the radar for years. you have no idea what you're talking about.

additionally, there's the chance the shooting was a corporate move to sell metal detectors.

was that a threat?

schizophrenia is a kike invented disorder.

fbi is useless

>further restricting the second amendment by yet another tiny slice

If you don't live in commiefornia, when was the last time your 2nd amendment right were restricted?

>sour grapes
You really don't understand how useless bump stocks are.

>fork over yet another concession in exchange for meaningless "optics"
>leftists don't give a shit about "optics" and are now pushing for the harshest gun control we've seen in decades
>but it's cool though nobody NEEDS a bump stock!

First plausible post in this thread.

Still doesn't imply false flag though.


Gun deal gone wrong, we were the sellers take a guess at who was buying

It was a saudi weapons deal. Then one of the untouchable Saudi princes went crazy due to Coke and started shooting. They then hushed the actual reasons because they don’t want to damage relations. This is also because they want to use the saudis as a pawn in the planned war to conquer Iran

holy fuck burn down the fbi

>leftists don't give a shit about "optics" and are now pushing for the harshest gun control

What the fuck are you talking about? Again, if you don't live in commiefornia, what fucking gun control laws have been recently passed? They're pushing for the same bullshit MUH ASSAULT RIFLE ban that they've been pushing for decades, and it hasn't gone anywhere.

>Looks like a typical vague Jow Forums larp
Yeah maybe, but you have to admit those posts are eerie in the similarities between it and what transpired on that night

Bump stocks are a meme, no one used them except a small handful of people who wanted it on one of their extra ARs. They shouldn't have banned them regardless.

great news
now the FBI can focus their efforts on the real problem: impeach the traitor russian cheeto

>First plausible post in this thread
Did you not watch the video I linked?

i'll take your word for it

false flags are really hard to pin down specifically because false flag has a definition. It's likely that whatever happened was manufactured well before the action point so that it could appear as organic as possible. I believe that to be a genuine false flag the action point must be a controlled operation.

there are two kinds of people, the kind that stick to the facts and the kind who can't get over their own bias. Schizophrenia as it's called is nothing more than a person with their head up their ass, Calling it a disease allows the diagnoses to be used for selective disenfranchisement.

Think about how many boomers and lefties are completely delusional and out of touch. By definition they're schizophrenic but how many are actually diagnosed? The answer really depends on how useful they are to the people who control the psychological and psychopharmalogical industry.

I don't see what the problem is honestly. Sometimes people just decide to kill themelves but also enjoy a moment of "fuck all of you" and fame. Rare but it happens. The motive in those cases is impossible to prove unless they willingly reveal why they did it. In this case he didn't feel like explaining himself.

>FBI tries to sting crazy guy
>crazy guy had experience dealing with FBI tactics and saw it coming
>heh your under arr-
>oh fuck he knew
>uhhhhhhh this happened for no reason ok

>The answer really depends on how useful they are to the people who control the psychological and psychopharmalogical industry.
i dont think this is the case entirely. the acquantaince of mine apparently was demonstrably dangerous to himself. i can imagine a series of odd beliefs and self referencing leading a person to a personallu destructive pattern of behavior being a real thing, whether or not a particular diagnosis is totally applicable.

It was a attack by prince Ali Tweed.
There where at least a dozen or more Sadi militia men loyal to Ali Tweed. The attacking of Trump supporters at the concert was simply a bonus distraction for them to use while trying to assassinate another Saudi prince that was in L.V. at the time.
The fall guy was the illegal arms salesmen whomever the Saudi militia men stole the guns from during the arms deal.
You'll notice afterwards Trump went to Saudi Arabia and met with the King there. Shortly after that all of Ali Tweeds loyal followers where imprisoned or hung. Ali Tweed was also imprisoned and I believe still is to this day.
The reason this can't be made public knowledge is obvious. It was an attack on the USA by a foreign power.
No only would Americans demand retribution it would completely blow the fuck out of gun free zones are good arguments, + Americans would likely have started shooting brown skins on sight.
This is exactly what happened that day.

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Glownigs investigated themselves and found nothing. Case closed.

Chicken or the egg.

The guy was a turbo Boomer with an Asian wife. He hated wypipo.
Why are you trying to cope so hard? Trying to convince yourself to keep voting Republican?

Sorry new issue Android burner phone, not used to my typing yet.

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undoubtedly. he's an intelligent enough man to be skeptical of the treatment etc... otoh if he's able to improve his life because of psychiatric care i can't see the downside for him personally.

Either you're a kike or a tard of the highest order. The bumpstock ban builds upon a precedent that "accessories" can be regulated with impunity. Who the fuck defines what an accessory is? Gungrabbers? The ATF? Fucking great. So my ACOG is fair game because it allows me to shoot innocents at ranges far beyond my normal vision? What about my Geissele trigger pack with the silky smooth action... makes it easier for rapid follow up shots... blah blah blah effectively full auto blah blah. Stop being dense and realize concessions get you nowhere.

Also Florida raised the rifle buying age to 21 so you can fuck off with "they haven't passed anything meaningful yet!" bullshit.

This is just pants on head retarded. You've clearly never met a rambling schizo.

It's about much more than just being delusional and out of touch. Not only is there psychosis, but the thoughts themselves are disconnected. It's like a gish gallop of random, vaguely associated rambling. It's a very idiosyncratic condition. You're spouting ignorant nonsense.


In all honesty, I think it was scheduled long before the election was over to give Hillary casus belli to push for a total weapons ban, but (((they))) didn’t bother cancelling it after Trump won because (((they))) hate all of us

Every second that you can't go out and buy an automatic without needing approval from the ATF

Maybe they should go to twitter with his picture and ask the niggers to tell us what was going through his head. They -- apparently -- can read a white person's mind simply by looking at a face.

The deep state very well could have been behind it, Ali Tweed was backing Hillary, she was meeting with him regularly before and during the election and Ali Tweed and Trump have never gotten along.

>Who the fuck defines what an accessory is

Wake me up when something of value actually gets banned.

>Also Florida raised the rifle buying age to 21
WOW! ONE STATE RAISED THE MINIMUM RIFLE AGE SOMETIME BETWEEN THE SHOOTING AND NOW! Better start turning in your guns now, boys! It's all over. You should have listened. I tried to warn you.

You're a hysterical cunt.