Why do some white people think that we (jews) arent white? my family originates from france, thats in europe right...

Why do some white people think that we (jews) arent white? my family originates from france, thats in europe right? what difference does religion make?

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jews are niggers .sagesagesagesagesagesagesaegsaeg

Only Jow Forumstards think you aren't white. Nobody in the real world who isn't an incel knows you are just like us

how is that? i have blue eyes and look like any other white person? i am not black at all

White Jews claim they are not white.
They are just Caucasian scum like the Chechens, larping as Jews.
That's why we call them KIKES!

Whites are accepting of Jews. It's Jews who take advantage of Whites empathy and subvert their society under the Jewish Supremecist Doctrines of the Talmud and Zohar.

Once whites realize that this is happening they get angry and anti-semitic. Can you blame us?

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slide thread
>1 post by this ID

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some jews are not white, mizrahim are middle eastern and the fake ethiopian jews are not white, but i am a european jew, my ancestry orignates from europe not the middle east


If your family actually originated in France you wouldn't be jewish.
Jewish ethnicity originates in Judea.
Just because your genetics have been contaminated by jewish immorality doesn't make you white.

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because you like to promote perversion
cause division to create chaos and destroy countries from within
too chickenshit to fight your own wars
I could go on and on

Because Jews think so.

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You a stolen geneseed. It does not belnog to you.

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i believe that european jews are converts not middle easterners, i have blue eyes i look white, how could i be a middle easterner.
ok and maybe they are white supremacists? so what, many jews are right wing including my family

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I'm only 1/4th jewish and I can still do the shapeshifting reptile face. I think most jews aren't jews at all, they're religious and no more.

Hello fellow white person

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Because jews all over the world keep saying that they are not white but jewish and that they want white people dead and gone
Whites are not the originators of this claim, jews are

shoo shoo leaf

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he is obviously trolling, and even if he wasnt who is to say hes a white jew?

i consider myself to be a white person, ethnicity european, religion judaism

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Going somewhere to shave coins and poison wells for a couple of hundred years doesn't count

Because you aren't. Don't worry about it.

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>maybe they are white supremacists? so what

That statement right there is your problem. You're defending them for using deception to cause chaos.

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You know, as a french, I can testify that french people can absolutely be non white, in case there was a doubt.

fuck off kike

>from europe not the middle east
Well technically not, the Jews belong to the group of people known as Afro-Asian, not Indo-European. aka the Jews are not white they are Semitic

troll or not, I still drop redpills about Jews everywhere.

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Probably the "muh homeland of Israel" meme. In reality Ashkanazi jews are genetically European.

>G-ds chosen

Pick one

>france, thats in europe right?
lol, no.

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thought this was some kind of weird 9/11 art from the thumbnail.

speaking a semetic language doesnt make someone a semite genetically, spanish and french are mostly celtic but they speak latin language right?

>"I dont think of myself as white, I think of myself as a Jew first and foremost" -Bari Weiss

Becuase most jews dont see themselves as white. Not to mention jews are trying to make the white race go extinct.

so you can filter it out

>I'm born in Congo therefore I'm black

Is this the absolute state of kikery in 2016+3?

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Ethiopian Jews can claim to be legitimately descended from david, unlike askenazim

rather call them out

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Your soul is black.

>european jews are converts
The Jews tended to proselytize, Roman authors recorded that.
They even tried to commit proselytizing with members of the Sassanid dynasty but without success

She's mentally ill, check the eyes

he was talking about genetics, not language
your constant way of dodging arguments thinking its a good discussing 'tactic' gets annoying fast
pilpul shit doesnt work to convince anyone
it just makes more and more people look at you and feel anger instead

so good job, keep doing it

>and feel anger instead

That's why they do it. Anger clouds the minds and stops rational thinking. Poison for the soul.

Anyway, your religion tells you that you belong to a people that is not of European origin ISRAEL.
If your ancestors are really converted they decided not to be considered among the peoples of Europe. Your religion tells you to adopt Semitic rituals such as circumcision and Hebrew. You are not white because of your religion makes you part of a people outside Europe

Too much 40k for today user

Because Jews only pretend to be white when convenient. As seen here.

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It's how Jews act + self identifying as not white in order to be able to publicly attack whites.
Because they behave totally adversarial to whites, and that they themselves consider us separate (not that we don't also, but most normie whites think there is no ethnic difference) are the two main reasons.

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Semitic actually refers to language. Hence Israel being the most anti semitic nation on earth.

The majority of jews are jews of color.

Jews really like to play both sides.

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A lot

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leads to violence and them getting expelled from yet another country

but with all the information being shared with the world now, next time they get outted, chances are there wont be many countries left for them to hide

so good job, keep doing it

you an asskissnazi or something.

>ethnicity European
This is proof that you aren’t white.

If you look at Ashkenazi genetics, they are 80% European (Mediterranean).

Greeks are more Jewish than Israelis

Which is typical of J*ws. Look at how Schizophrenia and psychopathy is so common amongst Ashkenazi j*ws.

And? Not uncommon for them. (Someone already posted the image I wanted to post about them having a much higher risk of mental illness.)
I've got countless quotes of Jews saying they aren't white. They aren't white. If that term has any merit, Jews are not white.


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cherry picking

>what difference does religion make
name one white person who is hindu,skih,buddhist,shia,ibadi,zoroastian,animist,mayan,aztec...

ok now name one black who is
catholic ,orthodox or protestant

Source please

What up kike

>Semites, Semitic people or Semitic cultures was a term for an ethnic, cultural or racial group who speak or spoke the Semitic languages
>term for an ethnic, cultural or racial group