Most accurate interpretation of the white man
>White peoplealso known ashonkeys,crackers,pigskins, andinbred niggers, are descendants of the Neanderthals that fractured into multiple tribes of Europe. It is well-documented that white people arethe genetic version of trickle-down economics.
>White people have a unique inverted history that started as winning in murder, rape, and theft game stats. For most of history, white people tried to exterminate each other until they met other races and tried to exterminate them. Oddly, after winning inkillcounts for so long, white people have started a new gameplay mode where winning is measured invictim points,suicide counts, andgeneral faggotry.Niggersare still playing in "normal" mode and have surpassed whites in kill/rape/theft game stats. Modern white people are most similar to modernChinksin that both have too manyfaggots,are highly addicted to video games,don't get laid, and like tokill themselves.
>Notoriously loathed byotherracesfor their lack of culture, entitlement, and horrible smell, it's a well-known fact thatwhite people are the most pathetic group of individuals of all time.

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>The majority of "white history" is widely studied and universally accepted as vituperative,barbaric, and disgraceful. Many of their historical "achievements" are often embellished bullshit achieved by pillaging other countries, raping everything in sight, and stealing anything shiny. Nearly all white culture was stolen from other cultures, fermented then congealed into the doughy substance of whitey. Or it's just shit they made up and repeated long enough to be accepted by their own historians.
>Starting out as robustblackhominids and rapidly devolving to albinised maggots, the weaker tribes were driven north out ofAfricainto ice ageEuropewhere they further devolved into a white haze of dimwitted Neanderthal hybrids such asAmericunts,Britfags,Canucks, andAussie fags. White skin is in actual fact a result of inbreeding on an exponential scale andan evolutionary lapse.
>Cave beasts are under the pitifuldelusionthat they are superior. They have been indoctrinated into stupidity since their first forays into civilization, this is not surprising. One good thing about the peckerwoods is their ability to blindly follow theirleadersin perfect lockstep however fake and gay the instructions might sound, only to bitch and moan years down the line "what about the real people". Go figure, asshole.

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>White people regularly use non-white people as pawns in various displays of one-up-manship. Historically, displays were simpler bragging about which white country could kill, rape, and steal the most from non-white countries. In the modern day, displays are more public yet personal and can range frompublic self-flagellation, orpublicly acting as beta males, or makinganonymous and laughable claims of superiority. Mentioning racial stereotypes of non-whites causes most white people to reflexively exclaim"THAT'S RACIST!". White people foolishly believe anyone gives a shit about their self-aggrandizing displays of their misguided "morality." While simultaneously, they believe that their own hyperconformist, materialistic, narcissistic, decadent excuse of a society is the epitome of civilization.

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>Fatwhite women believe the saggy cellulite hanging from their rears resembles thick booties and will shop for undersized, low cut panties and thongs at Walmart to lift up their asses in a vain effort to make them look appealing. This practice only reveals how utterly disgusting they are.
>Whitey has a disproportionately large percentage of serial killers andpedophilesin comparison to non-whitey nations, proving incontrovertibly that over 98.9% of white men aresick fucks. Whiteys are, in fact, poorly disguised porcine/human hybrids. They cover their blotchy pigskin and spider-veins with fake tans and other poisonous "cosmetics" because they are not-so-secretly disgusted by themselves.

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The white man cries out in pain when you turn the tables and start to genocide him.
>B...b....but you neeeeeeed us!

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

>A few thousand years down the track, not much had changed. Europe was covered in forest and populated by semi-nomadic, semi-naked tribes with no recorded literature. Additional sticks were invented. Meanwhile, in Africa; trade routes had been linked deep into Asia, domestic farming and animal husbandry was put into practice, metallurgy was brought into use, and neighboring Arabs were hard at work building the first cities. A number of the more progressive civilizations sent letters of advice to the northern neighbors about civilization for beginners. However, no one could read at the time, given the fact they were running half-naked through the forest throwing sticks at each other.
>Things were looking bad for whitey, but these folks may have been uneducated, they were not retarded (yet) and decided to hold a meeting about how to get their sloppy shit into shape. No sooner than had everyone begin to arrive, the suggestion went out that they just copy what all the other races were already doing, and with a bit of practice, maybe do a better job someday. Thus it all began: other peoples achievements were copy+pasta'd by white people into their own territory and plagiarized as their own work without due credit: a proud tradition that still prevails to the present.
>A new stick was invented with a pointy piece of newfangled metal on one end, thus enabling the Roman empire to kick everyone's ass to the curb in record time, setting the par for awesome and epic trolling. In fact, after completing all tutorial missions, they became so addicted to playingCivilization™ they were able to show most of the oldfag players how it was meant to be done. The joy was not to last, due to the fact that the German white people trashed everything the Romans built.

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The worst part....documentary was presented at sundance this year showing how the CIA and South African government spread HIV in Africa in order to destabilize legitimate governments.

>white man: but... but....blacks can't be leaders



Fuck off, Brazil monkey.

>In A.D. 410, white people began the "Dark Ages." They spent all their time killing each other and trying to outdo each other asChrist monkeysas God graced the earth with a plague that killed roughly half of whiteys and a few collateral sand niggers. After centuries of meandering through Europe, raping and pillaging their own kind, some dago faggots declared a renaissance.
>Then someone invented yet another stick, although this time it was upgraded with Chinese gun powder and was capable of firing primitive bullets. The whites then formed an audacious plan to take over the world one rape at a time. But before the plan was put into action, the whites decided to have a few practice rapes first in scaled down controlled circumstances. A few more hundred years saw them running around all over Europe as usual, raping and pillaging each others' women, children, animals, and even the disabled to show they had a caring side. After revising what they had learned about their recent rape campaigns in England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales one last time, everyone bought a gun and set sail to wherever the wind blows. Since that period, whenever land is sighted by a white person, they race to plant a flag on it and then rape the nearest thing that looks human.
>American whites arrived onpirate boatsin A.D. 1492 and stoleinjunland and raped injun wimminz like a pack of pink niggers. End of story.

Must say whites are rather accomplished rapists.
Truly a heritage to be proud of

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Come home, muttman

What's the documentary called?
You should also see into how the CIA has actively done it's best to sow destabilisation into Africa aswell as Western nations bribing governments into providing cheaper resources for exploitation.
I assume a paragraph is to much for your meagre mind to handle?

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Cold Case Hammarskjöld

I fucking hate the American Government. They played a role in creating the Brazilian Military dictatorship and fuck with our country every chance they get. Their worse crime is using Brazil as a Cocaine corridor, especially the poorest region of Brazil (the northeast) as it is the closest point to Europe from South America

Literally any foreign nation America touches they end up corrupting in their selfish attempts for power
I tell people everywhere America isn't a nice country at all and repeatedly say they're the root of all evil in these modern times.
Everything bad can be rooted back to them but everyone is to busy blaming the Jews to see it's not only them.

indeed...people never understand how toxic the USA really is.
The world's problems all can be traced back to the USA and Israel...a combo made in hell.

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white fucking devil

lol what is this? 2007? who the f still goes there? lmao dumb dumb.

this thread is an inferiority complex at its finest. Deep down you know you are an inferior ape creature who doesn't have a soul.

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>have a unique inverted history that started as winning
Hence why laws have to be made to keep whites out of jobs, and imprison whites for speaking their minds or forming exclusive groups. If you let nature take its course, whites will win.

>Proudly displaying your bloodthirsty psychopathic history.
You white people truly have no soul.
>White IQ[edit]
>Totally unbiased intelligence measurements show that different races do have differentIQs. These tests have shownAsians, Arabs, blacks, and Indians have higher IQs than the average white person. Most wealthy white people are in fact complete idiots who cannot read but hide it by listening topublic radio. This is due to the complacency learned by coasting through life on Mommy and Daddy's dollar.
>White people systematically have put intelligent white people into monasteries (or burned them as witches) so that they couldn't breed and pass on their genes for about a thousand years. During this time, theChinesewere giving intelligent people well-paid government jobs with which they could support families.White people continue to have bouts of exterminating the intellectuals among them.

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So great that you white fuckers will be a thing of the past...very, very soon.

How does it fell to know you are going extinct?

Based white savage!!
Please post more prove of what I speak
>White crime[edit]
>Compared to the general population, Albinos have elevated numbers of serial killers. World famoussick fuckslikeCharles Manson,Jack the Ripper, Andrei Chikatilo,Richard Trenton Chase,Josef Fritzl, Richard Speck,Armin MeiwesandJeffrey Dahmerwere all white. Hitler, Stalin, and pretty much all your great military madmen were white.
>It should also be noted that virtually every mass murderer that has ever existed has been white,sparing a few. White fags are more prone towards acting on their violent instincts using their instinctual genocidal approach involving a multitude of casualties, whereas Niggers tend to home in on a singular target that isusuallyanother nigger. Many crackers attempt to reach theHigh Scoreevery year, moar often so in'Murica. This is a finding that has steadily become more notable ever since the late 19th century, or whenever the fuck theNRAwas founded.Aaron Alexis, the guy who rekt Washington Navy Yard in2013, is the only exception, as he was a nigger whose brain was wired a bit differently. Despite what Fox News will tell you, white people are and have always been bigger threat to international stability and security than sandniggers and communist chinks; though to be fair, the degenerate and rape-happy Japanese are not to be trusted either.

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It's more like keeping them on a leash before the exploddle into ww3 and end up killing another couple million people and possibly even rendering the earth uninhabitable

>So great that you white fuckers will be a thing of the past...very, very soon
Yea except thousands of women all over the world are literally paying to be impregnated with European blue-eyed seed, in this new age of designer babies.
There will be white blood mixed in heavily everywhere, there will be no stopping it. Look at the statistics on designer babies.

>mixed white
I have no problem with long as there are no more white devils walking around.

Mixed race people are better in every single way.

Its actually so Israel can freely blow up the entire Middle East, flood everyone into Europe, and then wall off the entire Middle East as their own ethnostate. WW2 was directly related to this, the conclusion of WW2 was the creation of Israel.
Oppressing white peasants and putting them in prison for twitter posts isn't preventing the end of the world, in fact its radicalizing people and justifying the radicals views. It will lead to another Hitler if anything.

>Mixed race people are better in every single way.
They are going to be more white every generation that does this though. 50% white. 75% white. 87.5% white and so on. Everybody will be walking devils lol

A nigger doesn’t have the wits to kill and to not get caught for as long as whites do.

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What the fuck is going on with that little door?

A white hate thread? That's really rare on pol.

>Not inbred

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Blacks are overepresented as serial killers

>A nigger doesn’t have the wits to kill and to not get caught for as long as whites do.
Niggers don't have to cause they're not constantly planning to kill innocent people in cold blood

Cope harder. Only impotent faggots or closeted faggots would let their wife get impegrenated by some foreign seed.

Scared little monkey man. lol. Shit is hilarious.

Why are Indians so based?

So the problem is that white people only target young white women?
Lol not much of a good defense
But I'm just posting this all to see if anyone is willing to accept the truth.
Rise up fellow Aryan. Call out the dirty white for what he is :P
>Largest genetic variation in the world
Please tell me what you believe inbreeding to be?


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The white generation that actually oppressed everyone is long gone. Majority of current white generations haven't done anything to anyone.Why punish someone for crimes they haven't committed?

Noice. Please post more my man

Blacks are pathetic almost feel bad for them until I remember how you shriek like monkeys and act like them too

Lol sorry I get caught up in baiting and telling truth.
I just wanna see Jow Forums admit their past cause they seem to blame every other race for what their rapists and murderers do.
Ooga booga can I please fuck your white wimminz please.