
Won’t NY abortion be a good thing? Eveyone at the abortion clinic are poor minorities on welfare. Why do conservatives want to pay for their kids?

The cost/benefit ratio greatly favors the pros.

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Llevitt and the Freakonomics guys found that, that it lowers crime (is highly eugenic), the effect is not as large as they initially proposed due to cofounding varibles (lead, pollution etc). But it still likely remains.

The only people too retarded to use condoms and birth control are the ones who need abortions, and they are the ones should have them, otherwise dysgenics.

It's a double edge sword really, abortion does, in fact, keep the blacks from growing but yet again this falls on whites too.

I understand where you're coming from, and with the current welfare system rolling back abortion laws would be disastrous demographically. However, niggers are still more likely to push out a few kids for the convenience of monthly payments, free housing, etc. It's unfortunate, but if we don't dismantle entitlements we can't dismantle abortion.

Depends. Do you believe in an objective Good and Evil?

I hate welfare kids. 80% of minorites are welfare kids, and they still dare even try to make it out of the ghetto. They should stay and rot there along with their deadbeat parents.

Fucking sick of seeing ghetto speaking niggers and spics in civilized society.

50 years from now niggers will be demanding reparations for all the nigger baby’s we systematically killed in this holocaust

They do that anyway.

>murdering children is a good thing
>1 post by this ID

Doing it wrong. They are on welfare specifically because they have never had to face the consequences of their own actions.

It's very simple and I've even proven it to myself time and again. Most people go about life as if there will in fact be zero consequences for their actions. Even when doing something insanely stupid like robbing a bank, they still imagine it will not be them who gets caught.

So you use that. You use that to control them.

just like trannies who are now being medicated as preeteens will demand reparations, I fucking bet it, and then the proper taxpayers will have to pay the shit and not the fucking jiddish doctors

>lowers crime
The Infanticide rate skyrockets in areas with abortion.


Abortion should be legal until full term, gets rid of more waste.

Don't expect the world to cry over a few more dead New Yorkers. Expect them to jump uip and down.

It's child sacrifice, it's satanic.

Really makes me think

All we have to do is discourage only white from doing it while encouraging others do kill there babies

thats the dirty little secret about abortion. its mostly nigs who do it

abortion promotes degenerate sex and rape.

yeah, i'm all for aborting niggers.

it's evil, by far the most evil thing america has ever done. it has nothing to do with blacks or whites, you overweight ancap faggot. go choke on your extra large bottle of lube.