How does /pol make money?

Do any of you work? Hustle? Neetbux?

Attached: you.png (1920x1502, 264K)

working, you?

Neetbux. I don't know how to apply for jobs user. :v)

im applying for jobs atm trying to get out of the NEET.

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If you are on Jow Forums, you are not working. Get off Jow Forums and get back to work.

Short everything recommended by Jow Forums

I'm a therapist.

I work a full time at a faggot vegan kitchen, when I'm not at work I have an eCommerce business, and I'm an actor
I'm also poor

Being a degenerate neet

I get scoops on pol and sell them to the MSM, plus for some reason I have no idea why, a mossad friend of mine writes me a large check every month.

Im at work and Im on Jow Forums, albeit very stealthily. Am a civil engineer intern at a very white firm.

I was a hotel general manager but now I'm depressed and unemployed.

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I'm a researcher for an MP.

I made an engineering job for myself that and my customers pay me $50/hour

copywriting aka paid shill (sadly not on a basketweaving imageboard)

not doing work atm

I work for the state.

I work

>doesnt answer question
sure thing faggots

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Wagecucking like a nigger for my room and board

Unemployed. Don’t want my tax dollars to go to Israel.

Shit nigger I run my own business work a part time job and mine bitcoins from yo Momma's snatch

>not doing work automated teller machine
G-d I hate Canadians

I give management training and write right wing articles

T. Foreskin harvester

Letat, c'est moi

Full time shampoo vendor

I don't work but I'll have to soon because my parents can't support my parasitic and pathetic lifestyle.

I just wanted to put you all on notice that the Tranny Discrod is collecting info to turn you in to the irs.

Atleast you have the option

Work under the table cash or barter.

If you are typing out a post and pressing Post, and you are reading replies, YOU ARE NOT WORKING. Get back to work.

I'm self-employed, so nope, not working at this moment.

I work but I'm going back to school in the fall. Beware of the trades meme

Govt takes taxes straight from my paycheck,wtf are these trannies gonna do

Sell tainted drugs to black people

Nice try, Google.

Yah nah, I can do what I want. Look at the time too, faggot.

I sell artisanal dildos on amazon.

I work. About to get my CPA license in a few months so I’m slowly looking at different jobs until then